Working in pairs match the words and phrases in column A with those in B
A. a. internuncio b. military attaché c. charge d’affaires d. nuncio e. charges d’affaires ad interim f. counselor of embassy g. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary h. consul, honorary i. attaché j. ambassador–designate k.doyen l. vice – consul m. minister, minister - counselor n. minister plenipotentiary o. ambassador at large p. resident representative r. permanent representative s. special ambassador t. undersecretaries a. | B. 1. вице-консул 2.военный атташе 3.дуайен, старшина диплома-тического корпуса 4.посланник Ватикана 5.Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол 6.посол Ватикана 7. посланник, советник посольства 8. почетный консул 9. посол, назначенный президен-том, но еще не утвержденный сенатом (США) 10. полномочный министр 11. дипломатический советник 12. поверенный в делах 13. временный поверенный в делах 14. aтташе 15. посол по особым поручениям 16. специальный (особый, чрезвы-чайный) уполномоченный или представитель 17. постоянный представитель, аккредитованный международной организацией 18. заместители министров (Великобритания) 19. постоянный представитель международной организации, аккредитованный правительством |
4. Match the people from ex.3 to the definitions given below:
Example: attaché is the lowest ranking official of the diplomatic service.
1. host – country national appointed by a foreign state to perform limited consular functions in a locality where the appointing state has no other consular representatives
2. the second - ranking officer of a large embassy; senior deputy chief of a mission
3. the lowest ranking official in an embassy (third secretary); a senior diplomatic official attached to a mission for specialized services, e.g.: such as commercial, cultural etc.
4. a senior diplomatic official attached to a mission whose duty is to provide liaison work with local military authorities
5. the chief of a diplomatic mission; the ranking official diplomatic representative of his country to the country to which he is accredited, and the personal representative of his own state to the head of state of the host country
6. a diplomatic representative inferior in rank to an ambassador or minister who is sent to another country and accredited to the minister of foreign affairs; head of the mission (3d class)
7. the dean of diplomatic corps who had been at his post
8. a senior diplomatic title ranking just behind an ambassador and a minister; in small embassies where’s no minister this person serves as the deputy chief of mission; in large embassies this person is a head of administrative, political or economic section
9. an official who has been named to be an ambassador, but who has not yet taken his oath of office
10. diplomatic representative ranking below an ambassador but having full governmental power and authority
11. a papal representative ranking below a nuncio
12. a papal permanent representative in another country a junior ranking consular officer
13. the counselor or secretary of an embassy who automatically assumes charge of a diplomatic mission in a temporary absence of an ambassador or minister
5. Find the words or phrases in the text which in context mean the same as the following:
a.the act of laying down arms, especially the reduction or abolition of a nation’s military forces and armaments
b.level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society longer valid; expired
d.people, competent in several different fields or activities.
f.extremely thorough, careful and demanding
g.people (usually politicians) who participated successfully in election campaigns
h.assigned the responsibility for doing something to someone
i.a person appointed to administer or manage the financial assets and liabilities of a society, company, local authority, or other body
j.brings together for a meeting or activity; assemble
k.give official authorization for someone (typically a diplomat or journalist) to be in a particular place or to hold a particular post instruct or inform someone
m.priority in importance, order , or rank
n.makes an action or process easy
6. Fill in the blanks using the following words. Translate the sentences into Russian language:
Briefed, treasurer, facilitate, echelon’s, a lapse, disarmament, contributors, rigorous, convene, entrust
a. The political _____________ decision to enable the army to hit Hamas’s military wing -installations and military activists – is a default choice that can be effective if they persist with it.
b. The former ______________of Indonesia’s Democrat Party has been arrested in Colombo after weeks on the run following corruption allegations.
c.The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy said Italy’s anti-crises measures were timely and________________.
d. In the UK, the exams watchdog claims that _______________in due process was “an issue in more than one of the errors” in this year’s public examinations.
e. It is quite obvious that the government should immediately ________________special session of parliament and hold a thorough debate on corruption.
f. Defense Secretary Liam Fox will be ______________on the wars in Afghanistan and Libya while on holiday by military assistant.
g. Although the UK was one of the largest financial_______________to the EU, it received a relatively small proportion of farm subsidies through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
h. It is unclear how far companies would be prepared to_______________their security to Afghanistan’s government forces, with their poor record of reliability.
i. Canada is withdrawing from a UN nuclear___________________conference in protest of North Korea’s presidency of the body.
j.The British Foreign Office said it was very grateful to the government of Qatar “for helping____________________the return of the refuges”.
7. With a partner ask and answer these questions:
a. What does the term “diplomatic corps’ mean?
b. Who are titled “extraordinary and plenipotentiary”?
c. What are the duties of charge d’ affaires?
d. What is the difference between counselors and consuls?
e. How is the papal envoy titled?
f. What are the functions of doyen?
g. Which classes of heads of missions does the Vienna convention specify?
h. Which diplomatic positions are specific for multilateral diplomacy?
i. How are foreign ministries organized?
j. How different is American foreign ministry?