Match adjectives of column A and the nouns of column B to make terminological phrases or word combinations

1. technological a) robot
2. managerial b) generation
3. repetitive c) job
4. high-tech d) equipment
5. alder e) efficiency
6. administrative f) revolution
7. enjoyable g) task
8. challenging h) function
9. various i) decision
10. great j) programs
11. intelligent k) opportunity

4. . Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words:

Відбуватись, відхилення від норми, обробка даних, цікава робота, більшою чи меньшою мірою, дружелюбний щодо користувача, розумні роботи, вміння, отже, технік з обслуговування комп´терів, пристрій збереження даних, стежити за, комп´ютери проникли в наше життя, виконувати обчислення різних типів, набагато простіше у використанні,прийняття рішення з питань управління ,високотехонлогічне обладнання, без кінця повторюване завдання, модем, запобігти злочину, пов´язана з комп´ютеризацією,

Віпдовідно вправлятися з чим-то, машинні, працюючі за допомогою комп´ютера, познайомитись з деякими термінами, стали майже звичайним явищем, переключатися.

5. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:

That’s right, exactly, absolutely, I fully agree, With you , that’s wrong , quite the contrary , I don’t think so .

1.New changing technology tends to enforce computing systems not only on young people but on the elder generation as well.

2. Computers today have not become user friendly .

3. Focus in schools is shifting only to programming computers.

4. The microcomputer is now widely accepted as a very efficient device.

5. There is no opportunity for someone to start his own service business.

6. Intelligent robots have not been used yet.

7. Computer security specialists try to prevent computer crime .

8. There are no such robots which could detect irregularities welded scams and could correct any mistakes.

9.Almost everyone needs to become familiar with data processing and computing to a greater or less extent.

6. Write the definitions of the following terms:

Modem, computer service technicians, system analysts, Fortran, microcomputer, intelligent robot , computer security specialist , data storage device, computer engineers.

7. Give full wording of the following abbreviations, which of these languages are most widely used and which are obsolete?


8. Transform the following sentences from Passive voice into Active and translate them:

1. Existence of electromagnetic waves in space was predicted by Maxwell.

2. This simple experiment will be shown at the lecture.

3. First the systems analysts study how the job is now being performed.

4. The results can be checked at once and corrections made easily at no extra cost.

5. The microcomputer has widely been accepted as a very efficient device for performing many types of operation.

6. Systems analysts have been told how the job is now being performed.

7. A great progress of science and technology will have been made by the end of this year.

8.The origin of musical sounds has been studied by ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras as early as the 6th century BC.

9. Although acoustics was long neglected by professional historians, this unhappy situation today has been rectified.

9. Translate the following sentences:

1.A wide introduction of robots cause unemployment.

2. The Sun is known to represent a mass of condensed gases and vapours.

3. Certain properties of matter are considered to be always the same under definite conditions.

4. He is certain to become a great expert in computer technologies.

5. English is sure to be a language of international communications.

6.A light object on the top of radio-set can be seen to tremble when the volume control is turned too far.

7. The computers to be installed in our shop are likely to be put into operation next week.

8. Newton is known to have formulated the laws of motions.

9. The melting point of ice proved to be lowered by the application of pressure.

10. This meter was reported to be tested under very severe conditions.

11.The present microprocessors appear to vary in their detailed architecture depending on their manufacture and in some cases on the particular semiconductor technology adopted.

12.The strength of this beam proves to be great .

13. The most recent mainframe computers are assumed to become available in the mid-1980’s.

14. The tiny and versatile computing devices turned out to control complex operations from the control and monitoring operations to playing chess.

15. This important information was thought to have been published recently in this journal.

Translate the following.

1.Відомо що транзистори використовуються для створення компактних малогабаритних електроних приладів,котрі споживають мало енергії.

2. Здається, що введння нових технологій буде руйнівним.

3. Ми знаємо, що наукові та технічні відкриття корисні, якщо вони покращують благополуччя людей.

4. Він змусив мене виступити на цій конференції.

5.Ми чули,що він гарний спеціаліст в своїй галузі.

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