Education. The problems associated with bad parenting.

The problems associated with poor education come to the fore in the modern history of Russia. Destroying the Soviet Union existed in the system, Russia in the restructuring engendered gang system of education. Though to create the institutions of family, education, but in fact remains a system where the government pulls back all forces from the solution of these problems. As a result, there are problems in society, for example: 1) do not permit vehicles with the included special. signals; 2) an insult to journalists; 3) violence in law enforcement and other occasions. Necessary unbiased analysis systems existed in the USSR. Instead, it made the reform of education, accepts the bills on the decriminalisation of punishment of children. Though it is well known that the education system in the USSR as one of the best, while violence leads to cases of suicide, or generates Chikatilo. We need a public discussion of all "+" and "- " results of the Soviet Union, as well as carrying out the borders of punishment in the family. Otherwise, we will get a generation of gangsters, where the purpose of existence only show-off and the receipt of funds without effort. Example also are and media, and the state: Yandex news feed is full of comments, and officials that use thieves ' jargon, and our billionaires got their money in a short period of time, while not showing any extraordinary abilities. It turns out that the example for the next generation are bandits or oligarchs. After watching the program modern Russian television, and in General, the products of cinema of Russia, one can only marvel at how oglupeli once the most reading country, and the birthplace of many great people. We are so busy playing at Empire that did not notice that our children no longer study history, literature, take advice of the older generation. All this happened due to the fact that the state began to work for wealthy segments of society. Those who are currently considered a cream, not in any way capable of making Russia strong, or at least to protect the people of the country. In my opinion, the cream should be considered as those people who are an example of Russian culture, with an excellent upbringing, education, knowledge of history.


The roots of the problems originated long ago. Because of selfishness, in the public consciousness, nurtured by the elite of our country, when all values are destroyed, or replaced by false values, there are such incidents. Society was infected in 80 years, and was sick until now, a disease called crime. We have virus "Ponte", and the division between kings and slaves. The anniversary of the revolution when 100 years ago, our ancestors blood has won the right not to be slaves, we, the descendants, pour mud all their works. It is no secret that democracy, as an ideology, arose in opposition to communism, than we can be proud of. With the death of the death of communism and democracy. Now the question arises: will Russia be Able to create a real democracy? We are repeatedly lied to. Baptized Rus, we took someone else's faith, betraying all the values of the ancestors. Opened a window to Europe by building communism, adopting democracy, we believed in the West, not to their experience and the wisdom of our ancestors. Currently, the main challenge to society is to take Russia. The necessary analysis and conclusion about the past era. I appeal to all the generation that grew up in the USSR, to assess the era. To explain all the "+" and " - " and what prevents progress, that can be applied in modern society. After you must get rid of the disease "bluff". Bring the propaganda of the criminal good. "The fish rots from the head": it is necessary to grow the elite. So we the people could be proud of our "cream". Otherwise, such incidents will be repeated. And for those who say that the doctors must walk the walk, the answer to the question: how many times they must walk to the patient? Or do You want to You came home steaming brigade, which yet was not about, except about the rest could not think. So let's pass a law that stand in traffic for a crime, after all, and can be reached on foot. What if the doctors on several calls pass us then two times a day to walk at all will be useful.

1.2 Corporal punishment + and –

Actually, I'm against corporal punishment in any form. "+" can be no. I myself am a victim of such education, and from that I was just in shock from the bill on the decriminalization of a beating. What means re? If the person is frightened, and did not help him, then he will go to ask for help again? And if not get another chance? And who will say that this is the first time? Here You have a criminal benefit. Let us then introduce the laws: once stolen, killed, stole, burned, etc. etc. As You bill on the decriminalization of theft? You can try to introduce penalties for school violence on teachers and classmates, for example, if it is proved the fact of violence, the apology of the student in the presence of classmates and parents, or, if not, then those who lives of the guilty. If someone says that it is traumatic for the child, I think, and the behaviour of pupils when they mock teachers, and classmates do not injure others? If the violence occurs with impunity in the eyes of normal children, then they will assume that it should be.

Next generation

How then can you expect from our descendants? Okay the previous generation are unable to adjust to the capitalist system, but we have to think sensibly. Who want to leave behind? Let us produce Chikatilo, suicidal tendencies, educating a generation that believes in the 2nd world war was won by the Americans, or which can not be read fairy tales (


We gave that stupid idea that we need someone that we are complete idiots who do not know how, and I don't know. I do wonder, how to hate their ancestors, so easy to give everything? Yes, we wanted change, but why we decided that this path is correct. We just spawned in that time a whole generation of bandits, killed so many young people to get rid school of pioneers, Komsomol, the developed system of children's education. We have lost the ideology, and instead created nothing. What a generation we will raise, if the TV show only fighters, and all sorts of debauchery. Now idols for children, the pupils of the Comedy club. All that is happening today, originated in the restructuring, and is still ongoing. Hence, the younger generation, which believes that you can away from someone, earn money, and girls think that sleeping with several men for money, that's fine. The saddest thing is that society is formed to have forgotten all the education in the Soviet Union, and so stares at his children, what is it? Yes, this is what we raised that destroyed the Soviet system. And what about the previous generations who have devoted their lives to the country, and in return received betrayal. What they see on the TV propaganda of the Imperial power, gang principles, statements that they did everything wrong? And, where were You politicians? Everything that is done in the country, make the policy-makers. But to blame the people who honest work, believe the promises, supports, I think it is a crime. We need an amendment to the Constitution: a Politician who said about the fault of the people at some period, be deprived of immunity and means received from the beginning of his political career. Otherwise it turns out that people are to blame. Tell me, when and what the government asked its people? It is deceived: when baptized Russia, when Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Gorbachev, Yeltsin came to power, and who was responsible for it? And who is to blame? People? Under Yeltsin or Putin was not? And Putin, of course did not see what was happening in the country? You need to respect the history, and the previous generation, and not to offend the feelings of the elders. Or do you actually believe that white officers were angels?

Soviet Union

First, let's outline the cons that are attributed to the Soviet era, in the form of question and answer. The revolution was made by the Germans Rather, the revolution was beneficial to the allies than Germany. And I can't figure out is how much of Russia consider the people obedient herd, trying to make believe such nonsense: Lenin said, and the people ran. Or all that was good in the Empire? Yes, slavery didn't exist, the workers generally lived in silks, the peasants, even ungrateful, for them it was. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, appeared the Red Army? Yeah, so there's probably some Germans were. Or rather, with Lenin at the head of it's 1000000 Germans, and they made stupid peasants to overthrow the king, who sought for the people. The reasons are many, and why no one wants to find out what really was the impetus. It can be: a fictitious abolition of slavery ( worth reading the works of writers of the time), poor management ( lack of food), late, and ill-considered reforms, when decided on a multi-party system, and the decision of problems of the population not engaged. One thing is clear: there is no smoke without fire. In General, to blame the Soviet power in everything, in my opinion, is still that stupid to laugh at a fool. Let's see what you can do, and others do, when:

1-the government and the country are isolated ( for instance, North Korea-have not occurred without our intervention). If You block all the oxygen and say that You all disappeared? Even 100 years later, we cannot get together to protest. Hence, a lot of repression during the Soviet era. The government was afraid that, surrounded by so many enemies it to throw. Or white not shot people? About Stalin. You in truth believe that there would be fewer losses if there was tsarist Russia? Remember Napoleon, the Crimean war (1853-1856), the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905). Stalin is no angel but without him, there probably would have been Russia. Now its not a secret that the US being allies in the second world war, intended to seize the Soviet Union. ( All his efforts after the war focused on the failure of these plans. And I wonder why we in Russia did not honor the memory of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? And how much money and labors spent on the country's recovery after world war II, to establish a scientific basis? What kind of economy will sustain such expenditure? And what influence in the world had the Soviet Union? Why do we hate the works of our great grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers? Isn't that why we are now so weak? In the Soviet Union was not only internal and external. Many specialists from other countries we was raised. The necessary analysis of the Soviet period, identification of errors and their correction, not a denial of all that was. Fooled us, saying that we are weak. We are obliged boasts a past era, and not ashamed of it. Without this it is impossible to move on. Let's imagine that the United States is in isolation, destroyed half of its territory, and see how their economy will survive these troubles.

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