Выберите правильную форму причастия и переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The government considered a new project (regulated, regulating) so-cial relations.

2. (Following, followed) the customary law of agrarian and hunter-gath-erer communities, the new type of law, (amended, amending) and (writing, written) down, came into being.

3. State structure (imposed, imposing) by former colonial empires to Af-rican and Asian countries was very much like those of European states.

4. (Written, writing, unwritten) law is a part of customary legal system.

8.Выразите согласие/несогласие с утверждениями, используя следу-

Ющие формулы речевого общения.

– I really think that …

– I’m sure that …

– In my opinion …

– I disagree that …

– I consider it to be absolutely wrong …

– I can prove that it is …

– It can’t be true/false because …

1. Most countries of the world have customary law system.

2. Sometimes customary law is called “a folk law”.

3. Customary law is easy to codify because it has single history of development.

4. Customary law first appeared in the countries of Africa and Asia.

5. Customary law is based upon previous decisions of courts.

6. It regulates social relations in a number of African and Asian countries.

7. Customary law is the most punitive among other systems of law.

8. Customary law became a part of modern national legislation in post-colonial period.

Повторение грамматики. Причастие совершенного вида активного залога

(Participle I Perfect)

Having + V 3f

Причастия совершенного вида активного залога переводятся на русский язык деепричастиями прошедшего времени, отвечающими на вопрос «что сделав?», или придаточными предложениями. В пред-ложении выполняют функцию обстоятельства.

Example: Henry II,having establishedthe king’s court anddesignatedthatlaws were “common” to the entire England … — король Генри II, устано-вивкоролевские суды иобъявив, что они становятся «общими»…

Замените слова в скобках правильными формами причастий.

1. (To have) long contacts with the English Public law and systems of court procedure, countries of “mixed” system inherited much of the Common law.

2. He presented an interesting report on Customary law (to study) a great amount of articles on the subject.

3. (To do) everything they could, the lawyers were unable to prevent him from being imprisoned.

4. King Henry II (to establish) the King’s court, designated that laws were “common” to the entire England.

5. (To learn) about the new facts, they insisted on investigating the case.

6. (To colonize) African and Asian countries, western states introduced their legal systems there.

7. The members of parliament improved the situation greatly, (to include) these laws into their legislation.

8. (To consider) this decision as a precedent, the courts should follow it in future.

9. (To abolish) capital punishment, the country has got an opportunity to join the EU.

10. (To become) systematized inside one country, rules and laws make national legal systems and these systems, in their turn, can be classified into families according to their main features.

Переведите на английский язык словосочетания.

Завоевав многие страны, навязав свою правовую систему завое-ванным странам, испытывая влияние Библии, внеся поправки, поя-вившись в странах Азии и Африки, создав систему наказаний, став частью современного законодательства, включив эти законы в систе-му права, использовав структуру государственной власти.




Mixed Systems


1. to be influenced by — находиться под влиянием чего-то

2. the Roman-Dutch law — романо-голландское право

3. to stem from — происходить, иметь корни

4. to owe much to the common law — иметь много общего с систе-мой общего права

5. to endure in common-law environment — выжить в системе обще-го права

6. transparency of common-law judgments — ясность (прозрачность) решений общего права

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