Семантическая функция ударения

Изменение места ударения в слове (сдвиг ударения) может изменить значение слова, связанное с переходом из одной части речи в другую:

Существительное Глагол

'conduct to con'duct

'contract to con'tract

'insult to in'sult

'object to ob'ject

'perfect to per'fect

'progress to pro'gress

В русском языке также в зависимости от места ударения слова отличаются по значению. Например:

мУка - мукА зАмок - замОк

Атлас – атлАс; плАчу - плачУ

В английском языке сдвиг ударения также изменяет значение слова. Например:

content ['kɔntənt] - содержание, оглавление

content [kən'tent] - довольство, удовлетворение (expression: to your heart’s content – всласть, сколько душе угодно.)

minute ['mɪnɪt] - минута

minute [maɪ'nju:t] - незначительный, мелкий

Ex. 3

Прочитайте предложения, соблюдая правильное ударение. Ударный слог выделен заглавными буквами. Переведите на русский язык:


It was a CONflict between his wishes and his duties.

These dates conFLICT with my arrangements.


He has signed a new CONtract with the firm.

Metals conTRACT as the temperature falls.


The TRANSport of heavy goods is expensive.

We can’t transPORT the whole of the furniture.


You have made good PROgress in English.

The work will proGRESS gradually.


We expect an INcrease of work next week.

Their numbers continue to inCREASE.


We are all PREsent today to give him a PREsent.

We shall preSENT him with a watch.


A sports REcord.

These instruments reCORD weather conditions.


Farm PROduce can be bought at the market.

They proDUCE all kinds of glassware.


He’s taking English as his main SUBject.

They’ll subJECT the book to careful criticism.


He speaks with a PERfect accent.

He’s in England to perFECT his accent.


They made a PROtest against the decision.

He will proTEST against it.


An ear-ring is not a useful OBject.

I obJECT to your last remark.


I like the PERfume you are using tonight.

The carnations perFUME the evening air.


This act is an INsult to our people.

He didn’t mean to inSULT you.


It is part of a large business COMbine.

Hydrogen and oxygen comBINE to form water.


A naval EScort was in attendance.

May I esCORT you to your room?


You’ll need a PERmit to fish here.

Will you perMIT me to say a few words?


He is, I fear, a drug ADdict.

He is adDICTED to taking drugs.


Let us make a SURvey of the situation.

Let us surVEY the situation.


Here’s a list of the CONtents.

You must conTENT yourself with that.

Семантическая функция ударения проявляется также в словосочетаниях:

Если в словосочетании «прилагательное плюс существительное» ударны ОБА компонента, тогда каждый из них имеет свое значение, и оба компонента пишутся раздельно.

Но если такое словосочетание несет ударение ТОЛЬКО на ПЕРВОМ слове, и оба компонента пишутся слитно, тогда словосочетание меняет свое значение.


'ground 'nuts (nuts chopped fine) 'groundnuts (peanuts)

а 'green 'fly (fly of a green colour) a 'greenfly (тля на растении)

a 'leather 'jacket (made of leather) a 'leatherjacket (личинка долгоножки)

a 'black 'bird (a bird of a black colour) a 'blackbird (черный дрозд)

a 'copper 'plate (made of copper) a 'copperplate (гравировальная доска)

'bread and 'butter (sandwich) 'bread-and-butter (daily routine)

а'blue 'bell (of blue colour) а 'bluebell (flower)

'blue ‘grass( of blue colour) ’bluegrass (style of folk music)

а 'red 'breast (of red colour) а 'redbreast (малиновка)

a 'black 'shirt (of black colour) а 'blackshirt (чернорубашечник)

a 'black 'face а ‘black-face (актер, играющий негра)

а 'bird’s 'eye a 'bird’s -eye (view)

'heavy 'weight а 'heavyweight (a boxer)

‘white ‘hall (painted white) ’Whitehall (the British government)


Explain the difference in meaning caused by the change in the position of primary stress in the sequences below. Remove the space in spelling and a hyphen where necessary.

1. hot dog 'hot-dog is a kind of dish; hot 'dog is a heated animal

2. blue bird ……………………………………………………….

3. white house ……………………………………………………

4. heavy weight ………………………………………………….

5. black board ……………………………………………………

6. rocking chair …………………………………………………..

7. French teacher …………………………………………………

8. toy shop ………………………………………………………...


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