Образование в россии и за рубежом

Методические указания по английскому языку

для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей

очной формы обучения

Комсомольск-на-Амуре 2011

Unit I

Task 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

to show a great concern придавать большое значение

for education образованию

the right to education право на образование

to be stated отмечаться, констатироваться

to be ensured by smth. обеспечиваться чем-либо

compulsory обязательный

a vocational school училище

a higher education establishment вуз

an extramural course заочное обучение

an evening course вечернее обучение

state scholarships and grants государственные стипендии

inclusive включительно

a stage этап

primary education начальное образование

secondary education среднее образование

intermediate school средние классы

senior school старшие классы

to go on in higher education продолжать образование в вузе

a core curriculum основная программа

an academic subject академический предмет

to give a profound knowledge давать углубленные знания

a programme of training in smth. программа подготовки по чему-либо

an applicant абитуриент

Centralized Testing ЕГЭ

an undergraduate студент

a graduate course аспирантура

a thesis диссертация

a candidate degree степень кандидата наук

a doctoral degree степень доктора наук

to be in charge of отвечать за что-либо

a specialized council специализированный совет

to confer a degree присваивать степень

to go through a transitional period находиться в переходном периоде

to be funded by the state финансироваться государством

a private school частная школа

a fee-paying school платная школа

Task 2. Translate the following international words into Russian:

Constitution, lyceum, gymnasium, program, finishing, technical, profession, rector, prorector, institute, university, faculty, system, period, financial, mechanism, to decentralize, student.

Task 3. Read and translate the text:

Education in the Russian Federation

Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is ensured by compulsory secondary schools, vocational schools, and higher education establishments. It is also ensured by the development of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants.

Education in Russia is compulsory up to the 9th form inclusive. The stages of compulsory schooling in Russia are: primary education for ages 6-7 to 9-10 inclusive; secondary education including intermediate school for ages 10-11 to 12-13 inclusive, and senior school for ages 13-14 to 14-15 inclusive. If a pupil of a secondary school wishes to go on in higher education, he or she must stay at school for two more years. Primary and secondary together comprise 11 years of study. Every school has a «core curriculum» of academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, a foreign language and others. Lyceums and gymnasiums offer programs giving a profound knowledge in same field of study.

After finishing the 9th form one can go on to a vocational school which offers programmes of academic subjects and a programme of training in a technical field, or a profession.

After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium one can go on in higher education. All applicants must take Centralized Testing. Higher education institutions, that is, institutes or universities, offer a 5-year programme of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a graduate course. If one finishes a graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.

Higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. Prorectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. An institute or a university has a number of faculties, each specializing in a field of study. Faculties have specialized councils which confer candidate and doctoral degrees.

The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students. All secondary schools, institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state. Now there is quite a number of private fee-paying primary and secondary schools; some universities have fee-paying departments.

Task 4. Find synonyms:







to train


to go on

to study



to comprise



to receive

to continue

at no cost


as a rule





to get



to learn

to prepare


to include


Task 5. Find antonyms:





to centralize



to go on





to decentralize




to give up






Task 6. Give English equivalents for:

Право на образование, учебные предметы, среднее образование, и другие, после окончания, готовить специалистов, программа подготовки в технической области, в различных областях, курс занимает 5 лет, платный, частные школы, получать стипендию, переходный период.

Task 7. Find the proper ending to each sentence:

1. The right to education   a) he or she must stay at school for two more years.
2. Education in Russia is compulsory up b) one can go on in higher education.
3. If a pupil of a secondary school wishes to go on in higher education, c) he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.
4. After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, d) some universities have fee-paying departments.
5. If one finishes a graduate course and writes a thesis, e) is stated in the Constitution.
6. An institute or a university has a number of faculties, f) to the 9th form inclusive.
7. Now there is quite a number of private fee-paying primary and secondary schools; g) each specializing in a field of study.

Task 8. Translate into English:

1. Право на образование, записанное в конституции, доказывает, что в России придается большое значение образованию.

2. Существует два этапа обязательного школьного образования в Рос­сии: начальное образование и среднее образование.

3. Обязательное среднее образование в России состоит из двух эта­пов: средние классы и старшие классы.

4. Во всех школах есть основная программа; лицеи и гимназии пред­лагают академические программы и программы, дающие углублен­ные знания в одной из областей.

5. Поступающие в вуз должны закончить 11 классов средней школы и пройти через конкурсные вступительные экзамены.

6. После окончания курса аспирантуры и написания диссертации аспирант получает степень кандидата наук.

7. Во время переходного периода меняется финансовый механизм образования: появляются частные школы и платные отделения в институтах.

Task 9. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the right to education in Russia ensured by?

2. What are the stages of compulsory schooling in Russia?

3. What programmes of study do different types of school in Russia offer?

4. What is a vocational school?

5. What is necessary for entering a higher education establishment?

6. What degrees can one get at a higher education establishment?

7. What is the structure of an institute or a university?

8. How can you prove that education in Russia is going through a transitional period?

Unit II

Task 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

prescribed curriculum обязательная программа

voluntary необязательный

to take a school-leaving examination in сдавать выпускные экзамены по

Ordinary level обычный уровень

to be conducted by an independent проводиться независимой

examining board экзаменационной комиссией

further education establishment учебное заведение дальнейшего


General Certificate of Education аттестат об общем образовании

Advanced level продвинутый уровень

General Certificate of Secondary общий аттестат о среднем

Education образовании

professional training профессиональная подготовка

to take one’s «A» level examinations in сдавать экзамены продвинутого


on the basis of «A» level results на основе результатов экзаменов

продвинутого уровня

former polytechnic бывший политехнический институт

undergraduate course курс для студентов

to take ... years занимать… лет

full-time study дневное обучение

a Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science степень бакалавра гуманитарных

или естественных наук

a postgraduate degree ученая степень

Master of Philosophy магистр гуманитарных наук

to be awarded for smth. присуждаться за что-либо

the Council for National Academic Awards национальный совет по

присуждению ученых степеней

a vocational area область профессионального


to receive a grant получать стипендию

a local authority местный орган власти

to cover the cost of smth. покрывать расходы на что-либо

living expenses стоимость проживания

to be famous for academic excellence быть известным великолепным

качеством обучения

Task 2. Look through the text. Find international words and translate them.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps using the given words: «A» level examinations, degree, take, level, a grant, compulsory, «Oxbridge», school-leaving.

1. Secondary education is … up to the age of sixteen.

2. Pupils of comprehensive school … the examination called the Certificate of Secondary Education.

3. Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take … in two or three subjects.

4. Undergraduate courses normally take three years of full-time study and lead in most cases to a Bachelor’s … in Arts or Science.

5. Students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive … from their local authority.

6. At the age of sixteen pupils take … examinations in several subjects at the Ordinary level.

7. The most famous universities in the UK are Oxford and Cambridge, called …

8. Students can be accepted mainly on the basis of their «A» … results, although they may interview them as well.

Task 4. Find in the text below sentences in the Passive Voice and translate subject and predicate.

Task 5. Read and translate the text:

education in the United Kingdom

The organization of state schooling is not as centralized as in most European countries. Firstly, there is no prescribed curriculum. Secondly, the types of school available and the age ranges for which they cater vary in different parts of the country.

Secondary education is compulsory up to the age of sixteen, and pupils can stay at school voluntarily for up to three years longer.

At the age of sixteen pupils take school-leaving examinations in several subjects at the Ordinary level. The exam used to be conducted by eight independent examining boards, most of them connected with an university. This examination could also be taken by candidates at a further education establishment. This exam was called the General Certificate of Education. Pupils of comprehensive school had taken the examination called the Certificate of Secondary Education either with or instead of the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary level.

A General Certificate of Education of Advanced («A») level was taken two years after the Ordinary level exam. It was the standard for entrance to University and to many forms of professional training. In 1988 both examinations were replaced by the more or less uniform General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take «A» level examinations in two or three subjects. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their«A» level results, although they may interview them as well.

There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty former polytechnics (now also universities), plus 350 colleges and institutes of higher education (some of which train teachers).

Undergraduate courses normally take three years of full-time study, although a number of subjects take longer, including medicine, architecture and foreign languages (where courses include a year abroad). They lead in most cases to a Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science. There are various postgraduate degrees, including Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The last two are awarded for research in arts or sciences.

Degrees are awarded either by the institution itself, or by the Council for National Academic Awards, particularly in vocational areas.

At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost of the course, and may cover living expenses.

The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called «Oxbridge». They are famous for their academic excellence.

Task 6. Form Past Simple Tense and Participle II from following verbs:

Accept - … - …

Award - … - …

Be - … - …

Call - … - …

Cater - … - …

Cover - … - …

Go - … - …

Interview - … - …

Lead - … - …

Stay - … - …

Take - .. - …

Task 7. Agree or disagree to the following statements using such phrases as: maybe, to my mind, you are mistaken, of course, I’m afraid you are wrong, you are right.

1. Secondary education is compulsory up to the age of fourteen.

2. Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take «O» level examinations.

3. There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty former polytechnics.

4. Undergraduate courses normally take five years of full-time study.

5. Students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from the Queen.

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of school-leaving exams do children take at schools of different types?

2. What is necessary to go on to higher education?

3. What types of higher educational establishments are there in the UK?

4. What courses of study are offered by higher education establishments?

5. What is the procedure of awarding degrees?

6. What are the conditions of receiving grants?

7. What are the Oxbridge universities famous for?

Task 9. Translate into English:

1. Государственное школьное обучение в Великобритании не так централизовано, как в других европейских странах.

2. Выпускные экзамены сдаются по нескольким предметам в уров­нях «О» (обычный) или «A» (продвинутый).

3. B университеты принимают студентов в соответствии с результата­ми сдачи ими экзаменов продвинутого уровня.

4. Вузы Великобритании подразделяются на следующие типы: уни­верситеты (в том числе бывшие политехнические институты), кол­леджи и институты.

5. Обучение на дневном отделении обычно длится три года и более.

6. Обучение студентов обычно приводит к получению степени бака­лавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.

7. Степень магистра присуждается за исследования в области гуманитарных или естественных наук.

8. Экзамены на присуждение степеней сдаются в вузе, националь­ном совете по присуждению ученых степеней или в профессиональ­ных органах.

9. Студенты получают стипендии от местных органов власти, кото­рые обязательно покрывают стоимость обучения и иногда – сто­имость проживания.

Task 10. Read the text «Education In the United Kingdom», divide it into logical parts, titled them, write down key-words to each of the part.

Task 11. Retell the text «Education In the United Kingdom».

Unit III

Task 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

to require for admission требовать при поступлении

to be carried on осуществляться

graduation from a standard окончание средней школы

secondary school

a curriculum программа

to lead to smth. приводить к чему-либо

the bachelor’s degree in arts степень бакалавра гуманитарных и

and sciences технических наук

to be the central unit быть центральным звеном

a separate corporate entity отдельная составная единица

an educational institution образовательное учреждение

to comprise smth. / to include smth. включать что-либо (в состав)

a college of liberal arts and sciences колледж свободных искусств и наук

a professional school профессиональный колледж

a professional degree профессиональная степень

a graduate college (school) аспирантура

to provide a programme for study предоставлять программу обучения и

and research исследований

beyond the level of smth. выше уровня чего-либо

to offer instruction давать образование

to be incorporated in a university быть включенным в университет

to be separate from a university быть независимым от университета

to provide preparation давать подготовку в профессиональ-

in a professional field ной области

a junior college первая ступень колледжа

a degree-granting institution учебное заведение, присваивающее


a technical institution технический колледж

to fall into the category of попадать в определенную категорию

Task 2. Do you know the meaning of the following derivatives? Show it with the help of your own sentences.









Task 3. Fill in the gaps using the given words: offer, leading, admission, fields, confusion, schooling.

1. Higher education in the United States requires for admission 12 years of elementary and secondary...

2. The university in the United States is an educational institution comprising a college of liberal arts and sciences, a professional school … to a professional degree and a graduate college.

3. The Universities provide preparation in one or more professional…, such as law, music or theology.

4. Technical institutions … programmes of technological study only at the junior college level.

5. Colleges require for … graduation from a standard secondary school.

6. There is some … in the use of the terms «college» and «university» in the USA.

Task 3. Read and translate the text:

American universities and colleges

Higher education in the United States includes educational programmes which usually require for admission 12 years of elementary and secondary schooling. It is carried on under a number of forms.

The most common type of higher education is the college. It requires for admission graduation from a standard secondary school; its four-year curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences.

The American college is known by various titles such as the college of liberal arts, the college of arts and sciences, the college of literature, science and arts. The college may be the central unit around which the university is organized, or it may be a separate corporate entity, independent from the University.

The university in the United States is an educational institution comprising a college of liberal arts and sciences, a professional school leading to a professional degree and a graduate college (school). A graduate college provides programmes for study and research beyond the levels of the bachelor’s and first professional degree.

The word «university», however, is also used in a broader sense, for almost any type of educational institution offering instruction beyond the level of the secondary school.

Thus in the United States there is some confusion in the use of the terms «college» and «university». Some institutions that are in fact colleges of liberal arts have been incorporated in the universities. Some institutions incorporated in colleges are in fact universities with graduate and professional schools.

In addition to colleges and universities there is a large number of professional schools, separate from universities. They provide preparation in one or more professional fields, such as law, music or theology. Junior colleges or professional schools do not offer the full four-year curriculum leading to a degree.

In institute of technology is a degree-granting institution that specializes in science and technology; some of them have graduate study. All institution offering programmes of technological study only at the junior college level is known as a technical institution.

The colleges in the United States differ greatly in size – they may once tide from 100 to 5000 students and more. Most of the larger institution fall into the category of universities, the largest being University of California, State University of New York, New York University, Columbia university and others.

Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the expressions given below:

образовательные программы обычно требуют, самый распространенный тип высшего образования, колледж может быть центральным звеном, колледж свободных искусств и наук, в США есть некоторая путаница, большое количество профессиональных колледжей, они предоставляют подготовку, которое специализируется в науке и технологии, отличаются сильно по размеру, будучи самым крупным университетом в Калифорнии.

Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. What do higher education institutions in the USA require for admission?

2. What degree does a college lead to?

3. What sense is the word «college» used in?

4. What kind of educational institution is the University?

5. What sense is the word «university» used in?

6. What kind of preparation do professional schools provide?

7. What is an institute of technology?

8. What is the size of colleges and universities in America?

Task 6. Translate into English:

1. Для поступления в университет или колледж в Америке необходи­мо закончить среднюю школу.

2. В США существует несколько типов вузов: колледж, университет, профессиональный колледж и др.

3. Университет обычно состоит из колледжа гуманитарных и естественных наук, профессионального отделения и аспирантуры.

4. После 4 лет в университете студент получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.

5. Аспирантура предлагает программы выше уровня степени бакалавра и первой профессиональной степени.

6. Университет может иметь колледж в своем составе; колледж может входить в университет или быть самостоятельной единицей.

7. Профессиональный колледж – это учебное заведение, существующее отдельно от университета.

8. Колледжи и университеты предлагают программы, после прохождения которых присваивается степень бакалавра.

9. Технические институты также присваивают степени и часто предлагают курс аспирантуры.

Task 7. Read the text (5 min.) and give a short summary of the contents in Russian. Look through the notes to the text.

Schooling in the United States

There are two major types of schools in the USA – public and private, or fee-paying. Four out of five private schools are run by churches, synagogues and other religious groups.

A general school is also open, but it offers a more limited program. Extensive program of prevocational or vocational courses and advanced courses in academic studies are usually excluded.

A vocational school is for students of the community who are interested in its specialized area of training and a program of general education.

A specialized school is for pupils with special capabilities who are qualified to concentrate in a particular area of study. It is for the academically, musically, artistically gifted.

High school students who wish to attend a college or university go through one of the two standard tests — SAT and ACT. They are given by non-profit, non-governmental organizations.


public (American) государственный

prevocational and vocational education предпрофессиональное

и профессиональное образование

an advanced course in smth. усложненный курс по чему-либо

academic studies общеобразовательный курс

to be qualified to concentrate получить квалификацию в

in a particular area of study определенной области знаний

to go through a test пройти тест

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) тест академических способностей

ACT (American College Testing) тест американского колледжа

to be given by non-profit, проводиться некоммерческими,

non‑governmental organizations неправительственными организациями

unit 4

Task 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

to establish (to found) основывать

department отделение, кафедра

full-time department дневное отделение

part-time department вечернее отделение

correspondence department заочное отделение

science наука

scientific научный

scientist ученый

to train specialists готовить специалистов

enterprise предприятие

to graduate from окончить (вуз)

a graduate выпускник

post graduate аспирант

teaching staff преподавательский состав

assistant-professor доцент

Task 2. Say it in English and form ordinal numerals:

1955, 4, 200, 1964, 1990-s, 3, 5, 5000, 300, 50, 20000, 1994, 3500, 30, 150.

Task 3. Translate into Russian:

to establish the University, research and scientific establishments, department of foreign languages, natural sciences, exact sciences, scientific discovery, to get an education, a well-educated man, to graduate from the University, after graduating from the University, to comprise many establishments, an academic year, to equip a laboratory, a well-equipped stadium, the University library, to enter the University, to attend classes, to get grants, during the examination period, to study well, to have tests at the end of the term, common subjects, basic subjects.

Task 4. Write down the sentences using the following words:

at the end of the term, after the examination period, a tutorial on physics, the curriculum includes, to miss classes, to be in the third year, to take exams.

Task 5. Read and translate the text:

Our University

The State Technical University was founded in 1955 as Komsomolsk-on-Amur Polytechnical Institute.

At first the Polytechnical Institute had only part-time department, there were only 4 lecturers and 200 students. Full-time department was established in 1964, the next year correspondence department was founded. By the 1990-s the Institute had 3 departments and 5 faculties: Electrical Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Faculty, Shipbuilding Faculty, Aircraft Construction Faculty and Civil Engineering Facility. There were about 5000 students and mire than 300 lecturers.

Over the period of 50 years the Polytechnical Institute became a big scientific and education establishment. Some 20000 specialists in engineering aid technology were trained for different enterprises and organizations of Khabarovsk Territory and Primorsky Кrai, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Magadan, Amurskaya and other regions of the Far East and the Eastern Siberia of Russia. The graduates of the Institute became managers and leading specialists at various enterprises, heads of administrative bodies and well-known scientists.

In 1994 the Institute got the status of the University and became Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University.

At present there are 11 faculties of full-time education end a correspon­dence department at our University. They train about 3500 students and post­graduates. Annually some 600 young specialists graduate from the University. The teaching staff includes more than 300 teachers; among them 9 members of sectoral Academies, 30 Doctors of science and full professors and more than 150 assistant-professors and Candidates of science.

Task 6. Finish the sentences:

1. The State Technical University was founded in…..

2. Our University ….. engineers in different branches of industry.

3. The University consists of ….. faculties of full-time education.

4. Also the University includes 3 …..

5. There is an ….. library at the University.

6. The ….. year is divided into two terms.

7. Students can have ….. training at the industrial enterprises of our city.

Task 7. Translate into English:

1. В вашем городе есть высшие учебные заведения?

2. Сколько книг в библиотеке?

3. Завтра будет лекция по физике?

4. Сколько факультетов в вашем университете?

5. Учебный план включает много специальных предметов.

6. Завтра мы сдаем экзамен по математике.

7. В педагогическом университете есть 3 учебных корпуса.

8. Во время сессии студенты сдали 4 экзамена.

9. Консультация будет после лекции.

10. В этом семестре у нас будет много основных предметов.

Task 8. Put the questions to the italicized words:

1. I entered the University last year.

2. Last month I missed many lectures on history.

3. I am in the first year.

4. He passed all the exams well.

5. The curriculum includes many subjects.

6. We shall be graduates after the examination period.

Task 9. Answer the questions:

1. Where do you study?

2. When did you enter the University?

3. What faculty are you in?

4. What department do you study at?

5. What year are you in?

6. What subjects do you study?

7. How many exams do you have during the examination period?

8. Where do you have practical training?

9. When will you graduate from the University?

10. Why did you choose your speciality?

Task 10. Translate one of the text variants from Russian into English:

Variant A

В 1755 году Московский университет начинался с 3-характер факультетов: философского, юридического и медицинского. Студенты начинали обучение на философском факультете, где получали базовую подготовку, и затем могли продолжить образование, специализируясь на юридическом, медицинском или на том же философском факультете.

В наши дни Московский государственный университет имени Ломоносова является крупнейшим вузом России. МГУ включает 41 факультет, из которых более 10 были основаны в последние несколько лет, и около 400 кафедр. В Московском университете обучается более 40 тысяч студентов и около 4,5 тысяч аспирантов и докторантов.

Variant B

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет – старейший вуз России, основанный в 1724 году. Университет закрепил за собой право называться одним из лучших вузов России: богатое историческое прошлое, современная широкая исследовательская деятельность, активное развитие и новаторство, позволяют СПбГУ находиться на передовых рубежах российской науки.

На сегодняшний день в Санкт-Петербургском университете учатся более 32 тысяч студентов, обучающихся по 323 специальностям и на 20 факультетах. В университете есть все для учебы, увлечений и науки: богатейшая библиотека, научно-исследовательские институты, музеи, большое издательство университета, университетский хор и многое другое.

Task 11. Make the dialogues using the following themes:

· университет, в котором я учусь.

· обсудите вашу учебную программу.

Task 5. Compose the topic about your studying at the university using the material, words and word combinations from all the above-mentioned texts.


Student exchange program

A student exchange program is a program in which a student, typically in secondary or higher education, chooses to live in a foreign country to learn, among other things, language and culture. These programs are available from a number of service-oriented organizations, such as CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange [http://www.ciee.org] ) World Education Program (WEP), Study Abroad UK [http://www.study-abroad-uk.com], ASSE [http://www.asse.com], etc. We are going to tell you about ASSE.

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE) was founded by the Swedish Ministry of Education. It cooperates closely with the provincial Ministries of Education in Canada. In the United States, ASSE has been designated by the U.S. Department of State as an «exchange-visitor» program and adheres strictly to all Department of State regulations. ASSE has also been approved for listing by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET).

The history of ASSE goes back to the 1930's when the Swedish Parliament instituted an exchange program for Swedish and German students. In the post World War II era, this was expanded to include England, France, Spain and Switzerland. The U.S.A. entity was added in the 1960s, when the Swedish government’s National Department of Education organized in the U.S.A. In 1976 the program was incorporated in North America as American Scandinavian Student Exchange (ASSE) to provide student exchange opportunities between the Scandinavian countries and the U.S.A. ASSE has evolved and expanded in size and scope to provide academic year home-stay programs in Canada (English and French-speaking), New Zealand, Australia, the U.S.A., Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland), France, Germany, German-speaking Switzerland, Great Britain, Poland Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Africa, Turkey, Yugoslavia, and Brazil.

ASSE also provides short term homestay language study and campus programs in Europe, as well as 3-month reciprocal exchanges with France, Germany and Spain. ASSE is proud to participate in the prestigious Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program between the U.S.A. and Germany, as well as the FLEX program (Future Leaders Exchange Program), a U.S.A. government-sponsored program that brings hundreds of students to the U.S.A. from the Independent Republics of the former Soviet Union.

Most recently, ASSE became a designated sponsor for the Summer Work Travel Program and the Trainee Program. As a result, ASPIRE Worldwide was founded to promote these programs. The Summer Work Travel Program provides summer employment opportunities to university students in the USA, and the Trainee Program facilitates recently graduated professionals and specialists to spend up to 18 months training in their field in an American corporation or professional/vocational group. While the above programs are separate and completely different entities, they share a common mission and philosophy: To improve understanding among people of different countries through cultural exchange.

ASSE maintains its headquarters in Laguna Beach, California, U.S.A., an international coordinating office in Germany, four regional American offices, one Canadian, and one New Zealand office. In addition, ASSE maintains a network of affiliated organizations throughout the rest of the world with 1500 ASSE Area Representatives throughout the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia.

In several countries, ASSE has a very active alumni group, which is composed of students that have participated in past programs. The members act as Counselors, helpers, interviewers and resource people for students embarking on ASSE programs, or taking part in them. They provide a singularly effective support group when a student, far from home, or about to begin a big adventure, needs preparation help and assurance.

ASSE's primary goal is to provide exchange programs, which enable students to learn about other languages and cultures while participating in community life and helping achieve international understanding.

Programs for Candidates

ASSE ASPIRE Worldwide has been established in partnership with multiple cultural exchange organizations located in over 20 countries. We offer candidates from these countries three different programs in the USA:

– The Work and Travel Program is for students 18 to 28 years old who are currently enrolled in any university degree. It offers these students the opportunity to gain international work experience in the USA during their summer break. Students can work for up to 4months and then travel around the USA for an additional month.

– The Intern Program is for current university students and recent graduates to complete internships in their professional field for up to 12 months.

– The Trainee Program is for professionals with either a degree and 1 year work experience or 5 years work experience in their professional field. They can training with a suitable USA host company for up to 18 months.

Student’s Work and Travel Program

The purpose of the Work Travel Program is to offer international students like you the opportunity to immerse themselves in U.S.A. daily life through temporary employment opportunities during their summer holidays. This is accomplished by your ongoing interaction with Americans at the host company, as well as other cross-cultural and social activities organized by your Aspire Area Representative.

You will also learn about U.S.A. culture and specifically the values in American business practices. On the other hand, the Americans will increase their cross-cultural knowledge of another part of the world. The friendships formed will not only last a lifetime but also assist you in your career development upon returning home.

The jobs that will be available are almost always unskilled, unqualified and include the following possibilities: amusement park attendant; banquet server; clerical; cook; dishwasher; fast food server; front desk clerk; game/ride attendant; host/hostess; housekeeper; laundry; lifeguard; park services; parking attendant; porter; recreation instructor; sales; security guard; tour guide; waiter/waitress.

Trainee Program

Nowadays, gaining experience in a foreign country is a major asset to a successful career.

Many students or young professionals wish to participate in a Training Program to gain practical experience in the United States but most have difficulties finding sponsorship for their visa, and an American host company from their home country.

ASSE Aspire Worldwide is a cultural exchange program organization that specializes in assisting highly educated, qualified, and multilingual students and young professionals from all around the world in achieving their goals.

In addition, Trainees will improve their English skills while training in the U.S. By acquiring the much-needed practical experience as well as improving English skills, these individuals have a great start for their careers, which they can develop further upon return to their home countries.

ASSE Aspire Worldwide handles the search for a position and takes care of the documentation required to obtain a J-1 visa.

Our organization offers placements in the following fields such as: hospitality, tourism, marketing & sales, management, accounting, finance, food & beverage, and restaurant management.

Intern Program

Gaining experience in a foreign country is a major asset to a successful career and often an essential part of many degree courses. Many students or recent graduates wish to participate in an Intern Program to gain practical experience to compliment their theoretical knowledge. Gaining exposure to USA work practices and culture aid a students personal and professional development and is a valued addition to any professionals resume.

Many students have difficulties finding sponsorship for their visa, and an American host company from their home country.
ASSE Aspire Worldwide is a cultural exchange program organization that specializes in assisting highly educated, qualified, and multilingual students and recent graduates from all around the world in achieving their goals.

In addition Interns will improve their English skills while training in the U.S. By acquiring the much-needed practical experience as well as improving English skills, these individuals have a great start for their careers, which they can develop further upon return to their home countries.

ASSE Aspire Worldwide handles the search for a position and takes care of the documentation required to obtain a J-1 visa.

Our organization offers sponsorship in the following fields: hospitality, tourism, marketing & sales, management, accounting, finance, food & beverage, restaurant management, Business, Information Sciences , Engineering and Law.

Programs for Employers

Aspire Worldwide has been established in partnership with multiple cultural exchange organizations located in over 20 countries, which enable us to have a wide range of students for our employers. It is free for the employers to participate in both programs. To find out more about each program please choose from Summer work & Travel, Trainee or Intern.

Work and Travel Program

The ASPIRE Work & Travel Program is a free program to employers. This program provides an exciting opportunity for American companies to have access to a pool of available, seasonal workers to fill entry-level positions. ASPIRE Worldwide offers you an experienced network of 25 international offices, consistent response to seasonal staffing needs, motivated international students in search of a great American experience, and reliable staff committed to the employers needs.

The right student can be the solution to your needs and ASPIRE Worldwide has the resources to provide seasonal help during your busy season.

Trainee Program

The ASPIRE Worldwide has established partnership with multiple cultural exchange organizations located in over 20 countries. Our Trainee Program is a free program to the employers, known as Host Companies. This is an exciting opportunity for American companies to have access to a pool of qualified foreign candidates to train full-time in the USA.

Host Companies benefit from the expertise of our team of professional recruiters who will strive to locate and select the right candidate for you.

Interns Program

The ASPIRE Worldwide has established partnership with multiple cultural exchange organizations located in over 20 countries. Our Intern Program is a free program to the employers, known as Host Companies. This is an exciting opportunity for American companies to have access to a pool of qualified foreign candidates to train full-time in the USA.

Host Companies benefit from the expertise of our team of professional recruiters who will strive to locate and select the right candidate for you.

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