The connection of Lexicology in the sphere of synonyms is with

A. Syntax

B. Grammar

C. Phonetics

D. Morphology

E. Stylistics

41. Choose the correct word: travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides

A. Voyage

B. Cruise

C. Tour

D. Hitch hiking

E. Excursion

42. Choose the correct opposite in meaning: darkness

A. Sunny

B. Spare

C. Oppressive

D. Strange

E. Light

43. Choose the word close in meaning: path

A. Theatre

B. Music-hall

C. Scene

D. Avenue

E. Way

44. Choose English equivalent to the word: балкон

A. Cast

B. Pit

C. Balcony

D. Act

E. Moor

45. Choose English equivalent to the word: бағдарлама

A. Programme

B. Cast

C. Matinee

D. Act

E. Pit

46. Choose the correct opposite in meaning: to do homework in writing

A. To speak loud

B. To read distinct

C. To make a mistake

D. To do active

E. To do homework orally

47. Fill in the correct preposition: Fleur was … love with Jon

A. To

B. About

C. At

D. Near

E. In

48. Choose the suitable word: About …. Million people live in London

A. 3

B. 9

C. 7

D. 1

E. 2

49. Choose the correct variant: … meals a day are served traditionally in Britain

A. 5

B. 3

C. 1

D. 2

E. 4

50. Choose the correct opposite in meaning: to shake one’s head

A. To mean

B. To wave

C. To nod

D. To whisper

E. To bring

51. Express in one word: fond of society

A. Essential

B. Marvellous

C. Prepared

D. Excellent

E. Sociable

52. Choose the suitable word: The symbol of the new, young capital is the 97 metre tall … “Astana – Baiterek”

A. School

B. Circus

C. Library

D. Building

E. Monument

53. Choose the correct question to the underlined words: They come to the Institute at two o’clock in the afternoon

A. Where do they come at two o’clock

B. When are they coming to the Institute

C. When have they come

D. What do they do at two o’clock in the afternoon

E. When do they come to the Institute

54. Choose the word or the word – combination closest in meaning: уақытты жақсы өткізу

A. To spend a day well

B. To have a good time

C. To have a rest

D. To enjoy oneself

E. To spent well

55. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: He … to the south a week ago

A. Will go

B. Had gone

C. Went

D. Goes

E. Has gone

56. Choose the proper preposition or adverbs: What is your … occupation


B. To

C. Of

D. In

E. Out of

57. Choose the best translation of each English sentence (mind the text “A Day’s Wait”) … as through it ached to move

A. Оған қозғалуға қиын болған сияқты

B. Қозғалыстары ауыртпалықты келтірген сияқты

C. Барлығы ауырып тұрған сияқты

D. Барлығы жанып тұрған сияқты

E. Қозғалыс оған ауру келтірді

58. Choose the proper word corresponding to the in bracket: I can’t say I feel any sharp (ауыру) in some definite place. I just ache all over

A. Pain

B. Sore

C. Hurt

D. Ache

E. Sore throat

59. He was alone in camp when the native boy brought him Barton’s book. The main character of the text is … (mind the text “art for heart’s sake” R.R. Goldberg)

A. Oslow

B. Barton

C. Jack

D. Frank

E. Anderson

60. England achieved industrial monopoly in the world … century

A. In the 15 th

B. In the 19 th

C. In the 14 th

D. In the 13 th

E. In the 16 th

61. The population of Great Britain is over…. People

A. 37. 000. 000

B. 27. 000. 000

C. 17. 000. 000

D. 57. 000. 000

E. 42. 000. 000

62. It has a great effect on England’s climate

A. Valleys

B. Lakes

C. Hills

D. Mountains

E. sea

This is the oldest museum in London

A. Big Ben

B. Westminster abbey

C. The white tower

D. British museum

E. Art gallery

64. The “whig” is another name of this party

A. The democratic party

B. The liberal party

C. The party of liberal democrats

D. The labour party

E. The communist party

65. Complete the following tense: I must go to Oakland to see … (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W. Saroyan)

A. My father

B. My sister

C. My aunt

D. My uncle

E. My brother

66. Complete the following tense: If anybody was drunk and in trouble ashore … (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W. Saroyan)

A. It was my friend

B. It was mike

C. It was alexander bar

D. It was frank

E. It was zabinski

67. Finish he following tense: Pursell owned a pet shop and … (mind the text “Caged” L.R. Reeve)

A. He sold flowers

B. He sold dogs

C. He sold cats and dogs and monkeys

D. He sold food

E. He sold books

68. Complete the following tense: She got married … , just about the time you were watching the world series. (mind the text “The TV Blackout” Art Buchwald)

A. Three month ago

B. Two years ago

C. A year ago

D. A month ago

E. A week ago

69. Complete the following tense : He remained attentive to all her wishes, he took her do dine at restaurants … , he was charming. (mind the text “The Escape” W.S. Maugham)

A. He sent her flowers

B. He sent her clothes

C. He sent her boxes

D. He sent her letters

E. He sent her shoes

70. Complete the following tense: Suddenly I saw a letter pushed … (mind the text “Mr.Know-all”)

A. Through the window

B. Over the door

C. Under the window

D. On the floor

E. Under the door

71. Complete the sentence: One day trip … and leaned on my table. He was about … and looked … . (mind the text “No Story” by O. Henry)

A. Have gone, twenty-five

B. Go in, twenty-five

C. Went into the room

D. Gone in, twenty five, fifty

E. Came in/ twenty-five/ forty

72. Complete the sentence: “I’d love a game – but I’ll have to go home and change … ” (mind the text “The Boy Next Door” by L. Baker )

A. My raincoats

B. My clocks

C. My hats

D. My shoe

E. My clothes

73. Complete the following sentence: For Richards and me it was mostly an easy … … . (mind the text “Success story” by J.G. Cozzens)

A. Work with children

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