IV. Закончите предложения одной из предложенных форм. 16. All of the differences very much a part of what is so special about Canada today

16. All of the differences … very much a part of what is so special about Canada today.

a) have become b) are becoming c) became

17. Nowadays, more and more Anglophones … to Ontario where mostly English is spoken.

a) move b) are moving c) had moved

18. Canada … to treat her own non-white citizens as generously as they deserve.

a) had just begun b) has just begun c) is just beginning

19. After the US … a lot of money in Canada, there were many jobs.

a) had invested b) has invested c) invest

V.Какое из русских предложений соответствует предъявленному английскому.

20. The Indian and Eskimo populations have grown in the last few years.

a) Число индейцев и эскимосов растет в последние годы.

b) Число индейцев и эскимосов выросло в последние годы.

21. Immigration has changed the face of Quebec.

a) Иммиграция меняет облик Квебека.

b) Иммиграция изменила облик Квебека.

22. According to the statistics Quebec’s birthrate is dropping.

a) Согласно статистике рождаемость в Квебеке падает.

b) Согласно статистике рождаемость в Квебеке упала.

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1. Canada is a good example of the way people of different ways of life and different languages can live side by side under one government. The population of Canada has risen from 11.5 million in 1941 to 25 million in 1980. Most of the newcomers are from Europe, Asia and the USA, so that today less than 44% of Canada’s population is of British origin. Quebec Province is still 90% French. There are some groups of French Canadians in Ontario and Manitoba, but the numbers are quite small.
2. All Canadian children have to learn both French and English at school, but Francophones and Anglophones do not enjoy learning each other’s language. Still, most Quebecois middle class families living in Montreal are bilingual – they speak English and French equally well. Montreal is Fran-
  cophone and the second biggest city in Canada. But there are a lot of Anglophone businessmen there, and they usually employ Anglophone workers.
3. Until the Second World War, every Canadian province except Quebec was overwhelmingly British, both by blood and in feeling. Some Canadians were more patriotic than the British themselves. Now Canadians think of themselves as a people in their own right, not tied to either Britain or the USA. The USA has not been a threat to Canada for almost two hundred years.
4. The Canadian government is more British in style than American, except that it is a federal government. The head of government is the Prime Minister, often called the “PM”, as in Britain. The Federal Government has a Senate and House of Commons and each province also has a House of Commons.
5. Canada now belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations (nations which once belonged to the British Empire). Her ties with the mother country are not as strong as they were. It has a new flag which has two red bands at either end with a red maple leaf in the middle. The maple tree is the national tree of Canada. Queen Elizabeth II is still Queen of Canada. She is head of the government, as in Britain, but has a Governor-General to represent her. She is still quite popular among Anglophone Canadians, but she is more popular still in the USA!

Пояснения к тексту.

Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba – Квебек, Онтарио, Манитоба (провинции Канады)

Anglophone – англоязычный

Francophone – франкоязычный

Montreal – Монреаль (город в провинции Квебек)

House of Commons – палата общин

Commonwealth (of Nations) – Британское Содружество (наций)

I. Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста?

a) Канада – это преимущественно англоязычная страна, входящая в Британское Содружество Наций.

b) Традиции, охраняемые потомками французских и британских колонистов, придают Канаде своеобразие.

c) Канада является частью Британского Содружества и до начала 80х годов ее конституция была под контролем Британского парламента.

II.Соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста? Выпишите номера соответствующих утверждений.

1. Население Канады увеличилось почти вдвое за счет иммигрантов.

2. Большинство населения – это потомки иммигрантов из Британии.

3. Образ жизни англоговорящих канадцев во многом похож на американский.

4. Правительство Канады состоит из Сената и Палаты Общин.

5. Канада вышла из Британского Содружества после Второй Мировой Войны.

III. Есть ли в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы? Если да, то укажите номер абзаца, в котором находится ответ.

6. How many French Canadians live in Ontario and Manitoba?

7. What province is much more French than Canadian?

8. What languages do most Quebecers speak?

9. What country does Canada border on?

10. Why does Quebec province want to be independent?

11. What is Canadian flag like?

IV. Составьте план текста в виде утверждений на английском языке.

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