Higher Education in Russia
At present the Russia people are confronted with a number of important and inter-related problems. To solve them it is necessary to create a high material and technical basis and to educate creatively and humanistically minded people. This aim depends to a great extent on the proper organization of higher education in all its forms: full-time, part-time end extra-mural.
The system of higher education in Russia comprises universities, polytechnical institutes and specialized institutes.
The state offers young people a free choice of more than 400 professions requiring high qualifications.
A total of 5 million students now study at the country's 892 institutes and universities and over 200 of them train engineers for different branches of industry.
The largest educational institutions are universities and polytechnical institutes.
Institutions of higher education or their branches are found in 500 cities and major population centers of Russia. Apart from day-time faculties most institutes offer evening and correspondence courses for students combining work with study in fields where pert-time study is possible.
Higher education is free of charge and accessible to all but entrance to the university or to the institute is by competitive examinations. In July and August applicants take examinations to different institutes and universities of the country. Those who pass them become first-year students.
The curricula and training programs provide time for seminars and laboratory classes, in addition to lectures. Special attention is given to senior students practical training at industrial enterprises and research institutions.
Nearly all higher educational institutions have student research societies and design offices which unite over one million students. Students have their own self-administration bodies such as councils of student research societies commissions on maintenance grants, dormitory councils end headquarters of student work teams.
Studies, research work, social activity of various kinds and sport - they are all part and parcel of student life.
PT classes are compulsory for first and second-year students. Many of them are also active members of sports clubs and continue to attend them until their graduation. The most popular sports among students are
track-and-field, skiing, volleyball, basket- bill, gymnastics and swimming. The complete course at the institutes and universities usually lasts five years, in some it may be a little longer or shorter. A graduate has to work for three years, thereby repaying the state for his free education.
Students who have an aptitude and desire for research work may begin postgraduate studiesimmediately after graduation. A postgraduate course usually lasts three years. To receive the degree of Candidate of Sciences the student must pass examinations in his field, write end present a thesis offering his own solution to an important research problem.
But no matter what graduate's future may have to store for him, he will always have a fond memory of his student years, some of the best years of his life.
(Higher Education Оpen to all.
Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1983)
Notes and words
1. to be confronted with... - сталкиваться с
2. to a great extent - в значительной степени
3. to offer (a choice) - предлагать (выбор)
4. to comprise - включать
5. to train (specialists) - готовить;
6. branch - здание :филиал
7. to be free of charge - бесплатный 8. accessible - доступный
9. to enter the institute (university) - поступать в институт
10. competitive examinations - экзамены на основе конкурса
11. entrance examinations - вступительные экзамены
12. applicant - абитуриент
13. topass examinations - сдать экзамены
14. curriculum (sing)/a (plural) - курс обучения в колледже (школе)
15. senior student - студент старших курсов
16. research institution - научно-исследовательский институт
17. design office - конструкторское бюро
18. self-administration body - орган самоуправления
19. council of student research societies - совет студенческих
научных обществ
20. commission on maintenance grants - стипендиальная комиссия
21. dormitory council - студенческий совет (в общежитии)
22. headquarter of student work teem - штаб студенческого отряда
23. part and parcel - неотъемлемая часть
24. PT classes (physical training classes) - занятия по физической культуре
25. compulsory - обязательный
26. graduate - выпускник; to graduate from the institute (university)
27. thereby - тем самым
28. to have an aptitude - иметь склонность
29. no matter what a graduate's future may have to store for him - какое бы будущее на ожидало выпускника