Manage refuse promise offer

It's a long walk so I offered to take them in the car.

I expect (= think or believe something will happen) to get the results before next week.

I meant (= planned/intended) to get the information, but I forgot (= didn't remember) to


It was hard work but we managed to finish it. (= we were able to finish it but it was


I asked her to carry the suitcases but she refused to help. (= she said 'no')

They promised to phone me as soon as they arrived. (= they said they would) I

Verb + -ing form or infinitive

Some verbs can be followed by an -ing form or infinitive and the meaning is very similar, e.g. love, like and prefer. But with some verbs there is a difference in meaning:

I remembered to buy my grandmother a birthday card. (= I didn't forget to buy one) I remember making cards for her when I was small. (= it's one of my memories from the past)

Verb + infinitive without 'to*

Two common verbs are followed by an object + infinitive without 'to': makesomeone do something, and letsomeone do something.

My parents make me do my homework every night. (= They force me to do my homework.) My parents let me go out at the weekend. (= They allow/permit me to go out.)


1. Underline the correct word(s). Be careful: in two sentences, both possibilities are correct.

1 We decided (to work/working) during our holiday.

2 She promised (to help/helping) us.

3 I don't feel like (to go/going) for a walk at the moment.

4 She hopes (to spend/spending) some time in the mountains this summer.

5 Do you actually like (to go out/going out) when it's raining?

6 I can't imagine (to eat/eating) pasta every day of the week.

7 Most of the time she prefers (to work/working) on her own.

8 I don't remember (to go/going) to the zoo when we stayed in Madrid.

9 He hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis by the end of the month. 10 I don't mind (to help/helping) you if I'm not busy.

Complete part (c) of each sentence in a suitable way, starting with a verb.

1 Most people want:

a to be rich b to get married с ........................................

2 A lot of people can't stand:

a getting wet b getting up early с ........................................

3 Most people enjoy:

a going to parties b lying on a beach с .........................................

4 On hot days most people don't feel like:

a working b eating big meals с ......................................

5 Most people expect:

a to be happy b to find a job they will like с .....................................

6 A lot of people don't mind:

a washing up b ironing с ....................................

7 Some parents make their teenage children:

a wear certain clothes b do housework с ....................................

8 Other parents let their teenage children:

a wear what they like b stay out all night с ...................................

Now think about each of the above statements. Are they true, and are they (or were they) true for you?

Read the story and answer the questions below.

When Julie was 17, her father said she could go on holiday with two school friends. He also said that he would lend her the money for the hotel, but she must pay for the flight and her entertainment. Julie was delighted and said she would bring him back a wonderful present, and pay him back in six months. First they had to decide where to go. They looked at lots of brochures and finally agreed on a two-week holiday in the south of France. They had a great time, but unfortunately Julie spent all her money and forgot to buy a present for her father.

1 What did Julie's father let her do? He let ..............................................

2 And what did he offer to do? He offered ........................................

3 But what did he refuse to do? He refused........................................

4 In return what did Julie promise? She promised ..................................

5 What did the three girls decide? They decided ..................................

6 What did Julie forget? She forgot.....................................

Unit 8

Text: Interesting Facts about British Food

Grammar: Conditional sentence 1

I'll phone you when I get home' is a sentence with two parts:

the main part: 'I'll phone you' and the when-part: 'when I get home'

The time in the sentence is future ('tomorrow'), , but we use a present tense (I get) in the when-part of the sentence.

We do not use will in the when-part of the sentence.

(not when it will stop)

When you are in London again, come and see us. {not When you will be)

(said to a child) What do you want to be when you grow up? {not will grow)

The same thing happens after while / before / after / as soon as / until or till:

I'm going to read a lot while I'm on holiday, {not while I will be)

I'll probably go back home on Sunday. Before I go, I'd like to visit the museum.

Wait here until {or till) I come back.

You can also use the present perfect (have done) after when / after / until / as soon as:

Can I borrow that book when you've finished with it?

Don't say anything while Ian is here. Wait until he has gone.

If you use the present perfect, one thing must be complete before the other (so the two things do not happen together):

When I've phoned Kate, we can have dinner.

(= First I'll phone Kate and after that we can have dinner.)

Do not use the present perfect if the two things happen together:

When I phone Kate, I'll ask her about the party, {not When I've phoned)

It is often possible to use either the present simple or the present perfect:

I'll come as soon as I finish. or I'll come as soon as I've finished. D You'll feel better after you have or You'll feel better after you've had

something to eat something to eat.

After if, we normally use the present simple (if I do / if I see etc.) for the future:

It's raining hard. We'll get wet if we go out. {not if we will go)

I'll be angry if it happens again, {not if it will happen)

Hurry up! If we don't hurry, we'll be late.

Compare when and if:

We use when for things which are sure to happen:

I'm going shopping later, (for sure) When I go shopping, I'll buy some food.

We use if {not when) for things that will possibly happen:

I might go shopping later, (it's possible) If I go shopping, I'll buy some food.

If it is raining this evening, I won't go out. {not When it is raining)

Don't worry if I'm late tonight, {not when I'm late)

If they don't come soon, I'm not going to wait, {not When they don't come)


1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about the future. Use Will/won't or the present simple (I see / he plays / it is etc.).

1 I ………….(phone) you when I................ (get) home from work.

2 I want to see Julia before she................................................(go) out.

3 We're going on holiday tomorrow. I........................... (tell) you all about it when we ..................................................... (come) back.

4 Brian looks very different now. When you ...............(see) him again, you

..............................................(not / recognise) him.

5 ...................... (you / be) lonely without me while I................. (be) away?

6 We must do something soon before it...................................(be) too late.

7 I don't want to go without you. I....................... (wait) until you.................(be) ready.

8 Sue has applied for the job, but she isn't very well-qualified for it. I...........(be) surprised if she ...........(get) it.

9 I hope to play tennis tomorrow if the weather ........................ (be) nice.

10 I'm going out now. If anybody........................ (phone) while I............................. (be) out, can you take a message?

2 Make one sentence from two:

1 It will stop raining soon. Then we'll go out.

We.............................................................when ..............................

2 I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address.


3 I'll do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home. ......... after..................

4 It's going to get dark. Let's go home before that. ..................... ….before..........

5 She must apologies to me first. I won't speak to her until then. ……until.................

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