The Kinds of Tornadoes and Their Effects


Tornadoes are violent twisting wind storms that may accompany thunderstorms. The word "tornado" comes from two Spanish words, tronada, meaning "thunderstorm," and tornar, meaning "to turn" (Henson, p. 26). More than 1,000 tornadoes strike the U.S. annually, killing or injuring hundreds and causing millions of dollars in property damage. Tornadoes are classified according to the severity of the tornadic storm (or its rank) as defined on the Fujita Wind-Damage Scale: weak, strong, and violent.


In conclusion, regardless of strength, all tornadoes can kill, injure, and cause property damage. Such storms are not to be taken lightly. Although fascinating to watch, even the weakest tornado can be an enemy to anything in its path. As one eyewitness said after a tornado hit his Kansas town, "We don't take anything for granted anymore, and we watch the weather like the back of our hand. We watch it day and night."

(Weatherwise, February/March, 1992, p. 29, from Kansas Storms: Destruction. Tragedy and Recovery. 1991. Diane Silver, 1991) [74 words].

Answer the following questions:

Does the conclusion: _ __

- contain a signal (in conclusion, indeed, to conclude)?

- recall the limited topic and opinion in the thesis (paraphrase)?

- summarize the MAP points (paraphrase if possible)?

- recognize all MAP points in the summary?

- bring up new MAP points?

- contain a final comment (opinion)?

- follow the essay logically?

Ex. 5. Making the Most of the Feedback on Your Writing.

- Imagine the following essay was written by one of your classmates. Read it carefully.

- Using the skills you have learned so far about writing an essay to evaluate it.

- Compare your answers in groups.

Assignment: Studying at university is challenging. Some students excel, some do an adequate job, but other fail. Why do some students do well? Discuss two or three major characteristics (qualities) of good students. Provide specific details, examples, and your own personal experience or that of someone you know.

Catch the Three Tigers

Every year many freshmen start college life with their ambition and challenge. Some students enjoy their school life, but others do not. What are the important qualities to have an enjoyable campus life? How can freshmen adapt to the new environment and be a good student? It is very simple. The three main qualities for this delightful school and being a good student are a positive attitude, obligation of the school's rules, and a clear, firm goal after graduation.

First of all, being a good student requires a positive attitude toward his life. The open-minded and activity provide not only lots of opportunities to make many different types of friends but also various experience to be useful for after the school life. Keeping the challenge is important to the college life.

This is a good example to shows how useful having the challenge is. One of my international friends, Mr. Lee, did not speak English very well when he came to the U.S.A. He was also very shy. He was afraid of being spoken by his teacher and classmates. Soon he became to realize that his passive attitude of school and life and his shyness could not be helpful to improve his English. But later on, he changed his attitude. He tried to speak in his classes with his dictionary. He started to say "Hello" to his classmates in order to have some conversation. Also, every time he met the new vocabularies, he asked his American friends to explain the meaning of the words. Now his English has been improved incredibly. Many other international students that he has known envy his excellent English. To have a challenge and positive attitude makes a difference.

Second, obligation of the school's rules is important. Do not miss the classes that you are taking as much as you can. In order to make the classes enjoyable, it is needed to have the good relationship, with your teacher and classmates. If you show the effort and passion in the classes, they would not only like you but also respect you. Showing your love and energy to learn something in the classes you will make your school life more productive.

Many freshman students tend to think it is too early to plan their futures after graduation. But I like to stress that it is not early. Right now, I am a second bachelor student. According to my college life in my country, South Korea, it is never early to have a clear, firm goal after graduation. Time never waits for anyone. The sooner you have an organized goal, the better achievement you will have in the future. Believe me. It is based on my previous college life in my country.

These three qualities, positive attitude, obligation of the school's rules and having a clear, firm goal, are essential to have the enjoyable college life and being a good student. I am sure these qualities will guarantee you the productive and memorable college life. With three qualities, just go ahead. World will wait you with a big smile (512 words).

(Adapted with permission, Jung Hee Kang, Korean)

The Kinds of Tornadoes and Their Effects - Listening

Script 23

Ex. 6. Listen to the tape, in which Kate North speaks about organization of an essay and answer the question: What seems to be the speaker’s purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to discuss or what?

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