Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets

1 You've lost weight. (seem)

2 Tom is worried about something, (appear)

3 You know a lot of people. (seem)

4 My English is getting better. (seem)

5 That car has broken down. (appear)

6 David forgets things. (tend)

7 They have solved the problem. (claim)

9. Complete each sentence using what/how/whether + the following verbs: do get go ride say use

1 Do you know John's house?

2 Can you show me ......................................this washing machine?

3 Would you know .............................if there was a fire in the building?

4 You'll never forget ...................................a bicycle once you've learnt.

5 I was really astonished. I didn't know ................................................

6 I've been invited to the party, but I haven't decided .................................

Unit 6

Text: Food transportation and food marketing

Grammar: Verb (+ object) + to …

Food transportation

Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets - Commercial shipping companies transport most of the food from producers to processors and from processors to market. Nearly all fresh foods are perishable and must be shipped quickly. Many vegetable farmers haul their produce to nearby markets soon after it is harvested. Over longer distances, however, refrigerated trucks, railroad cars, and ship help keep perishable produce fresh. Refrigerated vehicles also haul dairy products and frozen foods. In some cases, airplanes transport highly perishable foods, such as fish or expensive foods, such as live lobsters.

Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets - Some farmers sell eggs or fresh fruits and vegetables directly to consumers at roadside stands or through home deliveries. Many farmers take produce to a farmers’ market in a nearby city. There food dealers and homemakers can purchase it.

Numerous grain, dairy, and other farmers sell their products directly to a food processor. Many other farmers belong to marketing cooperative. A marketing cooperative collects the products of member farmers. It then sells the products to processors. Farmers sell their livestock to meat packers at large centres called terminal markets or at smaller auction markets.

Most food processors and a number of farmers sell their products to a wholesaler. Wholesalers buy large quantities of a product and then sell smaller amounts to retailers. Food retailers include supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, delicatessens, butcher shops, restaurants, and other businesses that sell food to consumers.

Supermarkets and groceries sell a variety of foods. Other stores sell only one line of food, such as baked goods, fish, or meat. Consumers can buy prepared meals at restaurants and cafeterias. In many office and public buildings, vending machines dispense foods.


Verb (+ object) + to ...

(I want you to ... etc.)

Want ask help would like

expect beg mean (= intend) would prefer

These verbs are followed by to ... {infinitive). The structure can be:

verb + to ... or verb + object + to ...

We expected to be late. We expected Dan to be late.

Would you like to go now? Would you like me to go now?

He doesn't want to know. He doesn't want anybody to know.

Do not say 'want that':

Do you want me to come with you? {not Do you want that I come)

After help you can use the infinitive with or without to. So you can say:

Can you help me to move this table? or Can you help me move this table?

remind force encourage teach enable

warn invite persuade get (= persuade, arrange for)

These verbs have the structure verb + object + to ...

Can you remind me to phone Sam tomorrow?

Who taught you to drive? I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.

Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned me not to touch it.

In the next example, the verb is passive (I was warned / we were told etc.):

I was warned not to touch the switch.

You cannot use suggest with the structure verb + object + to ... :

Jane suggested that I should ask your advice, {not Jane suggested me to ask)

After advise, recommend and allow, two structures are possible. Compare: verb + -ing (without an object)

verb + -ing (without an object)

I wouldn't advise/recommend staying in that hotel.

They don't allow parking in front of the building.

Study these examples with (be) allowed {passive):

Parking isn't allowed in front of the building.

verb + object + to

Make and let

These verbs have the structure verb + object + infinitive (without to):

I made him promise that he wouldn't tell anybody what happened, {not to promise)

Hot weather makes me feel tired. (= causes me to feel tired)

Her parents wouldn't let her go out alone. (= wouldn't allow her to go out)

Let me carry your bag for you.

We say 'make somebody do' {not to do), but the passive is '(be) made to do' (with to):

We were made to wait for two hours. (= They made us wait ...)


1 Complete the questions. Use do you want me to ... ? or would you like me to ... ? with these verbs (+ any other necessary words):

come lend repeat show shut wait

1 Do you want to go alone, or .................................................................. ?

2 Do you have enough money, or do you want ....................................... ?

3 Shall I leave the window open, or would you ....................................... ?

4 Do you know how to use the machine, or wou........................................ ?

5 Did you hear what I said, or do .............................................................. ?

6 Can I go now, or do ...............................................................................?

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