По дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 1

1. Напишите алфавит

2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

Abbey, beautiful, carefully, daily, easy, fishing, garden, heavy, influence, journalist, kitchen, locate, method, newspaper, ocean, plentiful, question, radio, shape, textbook, unhappy, view, wealthy, year, xerography

3. Письменно объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах:

Take, map, be, see, Pete, best, life, sit, close, stop, tube, cut, hurry, my, system.

4. Подберите английские скороговорки на следующие буквы и буквосочетания

w, i, sh

5. Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

English is the Language of Communication

"Do you speak English?" — with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.

It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.

English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.

Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.

1. Do you like to speak English?

2. Is it useful to learn foreign language?

3. Is English the official language in the U.S.A.?

4. What do English do for people?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 2

1. Напишите алфавит

2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

Accomplishment, blouse, cathedral, dangerous, examination, flower, growth, hungry, influence, journalist, knowledge, locate, method, newspaper, ocean, plentiful, question, ride, sky, textbook, unhappy, view, wealthy, year, zipper.

3. Письменно объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах:

Place, sat, see, next, five, lift, note, box, use, blue, hurry, try, type, system.

4. Подберите английские скороговорки на следующие буквы и буквосочетания

t, i, ck

5. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:


People began to travel ages ago. The very first travelers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands.

Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient. Do you want to go somewhere? Hundreds of' companies are there to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed. You don't speak the language of the country you go to? There are interpreters that will help you.

With modern services you can go around the world. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle or you can travel hiking.

Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for the great opportunity to have great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting and enjoying themselves.

1. Who were the first travelers?

2. Why did they go on trip?

3. Is it more convenient to travel now?

4. What kinds of transport can you choose from?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 3

1. Напишите алфавит

2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

Artificial, boundary, cut, dry, easy, examination, growth, influence, journalist, knowledge, locate, method, newspaper, ocean, own, plentiful, question, radio, ride, river, shape, sky, textbook, unhappy, view

3. Письменно объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах:

Name, stand, happy, apple, be, see, life, five, little, home, stop, box, tube, useful, blue

4. Подберите английские скороговорки на следующие буквы и буквосочетания

w, ea/e, th

5. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:


Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of a country. People have a desire to learn, they seek knowledge. Books satisfy this desire.

Books should not be read only for pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can find all kinds of books in the libraries: novels, biographies, fiction, short stories, books on travelling, technical books, magazines, books for children and so on. In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages.

When a reader comes to a library for the first time he fills in his library card and the librarian helps him to choose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books he needs. We should be careful with the books and not damage them in any way. We should not make notes in library books or dog's-ear the pages. Reading rooms are open to all who wish to work there. Besides books we can get periodicals, newspaper files and magazines to read there. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare material for their reports or for their scientific work.

1. What satisfies people's desire to learn?

2. Where can we find all kinds of books?

3. What does a reader do when he comes to a library for the first time?

4. What helps the reader to find the books he needs?

5. What can we do in reading rooms?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 4

1. Напишите алфавит

2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

Autumn, boundary, carefully, daily, dangerous, examination, journalist, kitchen, knowledge, locate, method, newspaper, ocean, own, plentiful, question, radio, ride, river, shape, sky, xerography, zipper, take, lift

3. Письменно объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах:

State, smell, life, pick, little, close, box, tube, useful, blue, true, June, cut, hurry, my

4. Подберите английские скороговорки на следующие буквы и буквосочетания

sh, s, l

5. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

Television in Our Life

Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages.

But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment.

But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don't have to pay for expensive seats at1 the theatre or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can see interesting films, concerts, football matches.

But some people think that it's bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programs. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

Very often the programs are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programs. There is also too much pop music and ads. Ads on the whole are convenient for grown-ups. But is it good for children to watch all those ads where they show all kinds of underwear and what not?

1. What advantages does television have?

2. What disadvantages does television have?

3. What programs do they sometimes show?

4. What can you say about abs?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 5

1. Напишите алфавит

2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:

Award, beautiful, blouse, boundary, carefully, cathedral, cut, daily, dangerous, dry, easy, examination, fishing, flower, garden, growth, heavy, hungry, influence, journalist, kitchen, knowledge, locate, newspaper, ocean

3. Письменно объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах:

Rose, home, stop, box, tube, useful, blue, true, June, cut, hurry, my, try, type, system.

4. Подберите английские скороговорки на следующие буквы и буквосочетания

p, i, e

5. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:


Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer looks for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants or needs at a price the buyer can afford to pay. Sellers often advertise their wares in newspapers, on the radio or TV, on posters etc. Sellers use a variety of tactics to induce buyers to purchase from them at a price which leaves some profit.

Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Sometimes they even don't care about the price. And there are people who go from store to store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. Those don't worry about the time they spend shopping.

But there is a very good service called Postal Market. It really helps you to save your time and gets goods of high quality. You just have to look through a catalogue, choose the things you like, order them and wait a little to get them.

1.What is shopping?

2. How do sellers advertise their wares?

3. What do the sellers do to increase their profit?

4. Is there any service which helps to save time during shopping?

5. What kind of a service is it?

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