Text C. Ruslan Tatjanin - Maestro of long hair

Text C. Ruslan Tatjanin - Maestro of long hair - student2.ru 1. Read and translate the text.

Ruslan Tatyanin is one more leaver of our college we can be proud of. He finished the hairdressing department of the Moscow Industrial and pedagogical College (the former name of the Moscow Art and pedagogical College of Technologies and Design) in 1997.

Nowadays Ruslan is a recognized maestro of long hair, master of the international class, the stylist cooperating with fashionable magazines, TV and theatrical projects. Ruslan Tatyanin is a creative partner of ALFAPARF Milano.

He has been working with magazines and TV - projects, such as: BAZAR, VOGUE, HELLO, Dolores, Hair's how, MTV-program Stylissimo, RTR-program City of women, Morning on ТNТ, MusТВ-program “Terribly beautiful”, the First channel program - “Fashionable verdict”. He has his training programs and shows, works with film, theatre and variety stars, such as: Oleg Menshikov, Svetlana Svetlichnaja, Victoria Tolstoganova, Eva Polna, Irina Ponarovskaja, the group " SEREBRO ", Elena Ksenofotnova, Tatyana Vasiljeva and others.

Ruslan Tatyanin is the author of such hairstyles collections as “ Fashion of XX century”, “Metamorphosises”, “Kokoshniks”, “Hollywood of Ruslan Tatyanin”, “The Woman in red”, “Real beauty”, “Stylist in the big city”and others.

He is also the author of the book “The Best hairstyles for all occasions”. The album presents 50 various images divided on three basic units: hairstyles for a school leavers party, evening and wedding hairstyles. The book is addressed not only and not so much to professionals, but mostly to ordinary women who can reproduce these hairstyles at home without the help of the stylist due to detailed step-by-step instructions and photos.

The book “The Best hairstyles for all occasions” will help readers to emphasize there own unique style and to look magnificent in any situation at rather small expenses.

- I have devoted the book to my mum who has been the ideal of beauty since the childhood for me. There were not so many holidays in her life - life of a simple Soviet engineer. I want to correct it with my work - writes Ruslan in the foreword to his book.

- I was born and have grown in the USSR - in the country which doesn’t exist any more. Almost all women had sad faces that time. Looking at them every day I decided that sometime I’d give them a real holiday. So I have chosen a trade that is maybe not absolutely traditional for men.

I know very well what a woman wants. If I wasn’t sure in it, this book would never appear. What is the most important - styles and images which I offer suit all women without exception and women understand that. Romantic, womanly, effective, magnificent, elegant - their palette is incredibly various. But there is one common thing for all of them - I never admit vulgarity. My aim is simple - I want each woman to be beautiful and attractive. This book will help all women to look so.

2. Answer the questions:

1. What department did Ruslan Tatyanin finish?

2. What kind of hairstyles are his favorites?

3. What kind of projects has he got?

4. What does his book “The Best hairstyles for all occasions” present?

5. Who did Ruslan Tatyanin devote his book to? Why?

6. Why did Ruslan decide to become a hairdresser?

7. What is the aim of his work?


Topical vocabulary


appearance внешность

Can you describe her appearance? Вы можете описать её внешность?

beauty красота, красавица

She is a real beauty.

blonde блондинка

brunette брюнетка

build телосложение

He is of heavy build. Он крепкого телосложения.

complexion цвет лица

She has a good complextion. У неё хороший цвет лица.
figure фигура

He has a very handsome figure. У него очень красивая фигура.

gait (= walk) походка

He has an awkward gait. У него неуклюжая походка.

height рост

She is a woman of middle height. Она женщина среднего роста.

look взгляд

He has an unpleasant look in his eyes. У него неприятный взгляд.

sight 1) взгляд, 2) вид

Have you good sight? У тебя хорошее зрение?

You are a sight! Ну и вид у тебя!

I know him by sight but I've never spoken to him.

Я его знаю в лицо, но никогда с ним не разговаривал.

far-sighted (= long-sighted) дальнозоркий

near-sighted (=short-sighted) близорукий

smile улыбка

She has a very pleasant smile. У неё очень приятная улыбка.


beard борода

He is growing a beard. Он отращивает бороду.

He has a pointed beard. У него борода клинышком.

cheek щека

hollow cheeks впалые щёки

plump cheeks пухлые щёки

chin подбородок

double| chin двойной подбородок

dimple ямочка (на щеке, подбородке)

She has dimples in her cheeks when she smiles.

У неё ямочки на щеках, когда она улыбается.

ear 1) yxo; 2) слух;

She has an ear for music. У неё музыкальный слух.

eye глаз

What colour are her eyes? Какого цвета у неё глаза?

bulging eyes глаза навыкате

expressive eyes выразительные глаза

hazel eyes карие глаза

close-set eyes близко поставленные глаза

dark-eyed темноглазый

eyebrow бровь

bushy eyebrows густые брови

eyelashes ресницы

thick eyelashes густые ресницы

face лицо

What kind of face (shape of face) has she? Какое у неё лицо (форма лица)?

round-faced круглолицый

features черты лица

He is a man of handsome features. Он красивый мужчина.

delicate features тонкие черты лица

large features крупные черты лица

regular ['regjulq] features правильные черты лица

forehead лоб

His forehead is high (low). У него высокий (низкий) лоб.

freckle веснушка

freckled (freckled-faced) веснушчатый

Her face was freckled all over. Всё её лицо было в веснушках.

hair волосы

blond hair белокурые волосы

brown hair каштановые волосы

curly hair кудрявые волосы

fair hair русые волосы

grey hair седые волосы

red hair рыжие волосы

wavy hair волнистые волосы

haircut стрижка, причёска (мужская)

hair-do причёска (женская)

I like your hair-do. Мне нравится ваша причёска.

head голова

bald (=bald-headed) лысый
lip губа

She has full (thin) lips. У неё полные (тонкие) губы.

mole родинка

There is a mole on her cheek. У неё на щеке родинка.

mouth рот

a large mouth большой рот

moustache усы

When did he begin to grow a moustache? Когда он начал отращивать усы?

neck шея

thick neck толстая шея

nose нос

hooked nose крючковатый нос

snub nose курносый нос

straight nose прямой нос

turned-up nose вздёрнутый нос

plait коса

She wears her hair in plaits (plaited). - Она носит косы.

skin кожа

pure skin чистая кожа

rough skin грубая кожа

tooth (pl teeth ) зуб(ы)

even teeth ровные зубы

wrinkle морщина

Are there any wrinkles on his face? На его лице есть морщины?


arm рука

back спина

belly живот

body тело, туловище

breast грудь

chest грудь, грудная клетка

elbow локоть

foot (pl. feet) нога, ступня

finger - палец (a little finger, a ring finger, a big finger, an index finger (=pointer), a thumb)

hand рука, кисть

hairy hands волосатые руки

hip бедро

knee колено

leg нога

shapely legs красивые ноги

slender legs стройные ноги

long-legged длинноногий

side бок

shoulder плечо

broad-shouldered широкоплечий

stomach желудок, живот

toe палец ноги

waist талия


attractive привлекательный

She is an attractive girl.

beautiful красивый

good-looking красивый, миловидный

graceful грациозный, изящный

handsome красивый, статный (о мужчинах)

He is a handsome man.

pale бледный

Why are you so pale?

plain некрасивый, простоватый

plump полный, толстый, пухлый

pretty хорошенький

Who is that pretty girl?

short низкого роста

slender (= slim) стройный

stout полный, тучный

He has become stouter. Он располнел.

tall высокий, высокого роста

ugly уродливый, безобразный


to look выглядеть

What does she look like? Как она выглядит?

How does she look after her illness? Как она выглядит после болезни?

You look pretty well. Вы прекрасно выглядите.

She does not look her age. Ей нельзя дать её годы.

He looks old for his age. Он выглядит старше своих лет.

to lose weight худеть (=to get thin)

to put on weight поправляться, полнеть

You are too thin. You should put on weight.

Ты очень худой. Тебе нужно поправиться.

to resemble = to take after походить

He takes after his father.

to wear носить .

She wears her hair long (short, bobbed).

Она носит длинные волосы (короткую стрижку).

Does she wear lipstick? Она красит губы (помадой)?

Translate into Russian.

1. He is growing a beard. He has a pointed beard. 2. She has long curls (=locks) over her shoulders. 3. He has hollow cheeks. 4. She has plump cheeks. 5. He has a double-chin. 6. She has dimples in her cheeks when she smiles. 7. She has an ear for music. 8. What colour are his eyes? 9. He has bulging eyes. 10. He has close-set eyes. 11. He looks strange with his bushy eyebrows and thick eyelashes. 12. What kind (shape) of face has she? 13. 1 like her freckled round face. 14. He is a man of handsome features. 15. She has delicate features. 16. He has large though regular features. 17. His forehead is high (low). 18. 1 like her hairdo. 19. His haircut is good. 20. Have you seen that bold-headed man? 2I. She has full lips. 22. There is a mole on her cheek. 23. When did you begin to grow a moustache? 24. She has a turned-up nose and he has a snub nose. I like straight noses. 25. You have pure skin. 26. She has rough skin. 27. She wears her hair in plaits (plaited). 28. 1 like her white even teeth. 29. Are there any wrinkles on his face? 30. She is a beautiful long-legged girl.

2. Replace the underlined words with those given in brackets.

What does he look like (your sister, Mr. Johns, your new teacher, her brother, his girlfriend)?

He (she) is a tall handsome boy. (a dark broad-shouldered fellow, a stout round-faced woman, a small freckled-faced boy, a pretty dark-eyed girl, an old gray-haired man).

He (she) has straight yellow hair (thick dark, long fair, brown wavy)

She wears her hair long (short, plaited, bobbed).

He (she) has small deep-jet eyes. (large blue, black wide-set, big bulging, green near-sighted).

His (her) nose is hooked (flat, turned-up, snub, too long).

She looks like her father (her mother, her grandmother, her uncle, her aunt).

She has a good complexion (dark, light, fresh, pale, yellowish, reddish).

I think he is about 190 centimeters tall (of middle height, short, not very tall).

Her face is round, her lips are thin (oval… full, heart-shaped… bright).

He has become stouter (got a bit thinner, put on weight, lost weight, remained as he was, not changed at all).

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