Give the Russian equivalents to the following.

steep in historical traditions, crucial parts, respond to the environmental challenges,

management of natural resources, be outside the discipline of ecology, describe the dynamics of interacting species, influence the development of ecology, bring ecology and economics together, view biological systems as wholes, optimal design of nature reserves, broadly understood, unify science and the social sciences

Task 6

Match up the words with a close meaning.

1. evolution 2. save 3. contemporary 4. rigorous 5. apply 6. decision 7. occur 8. expand 9. sustain 10. capture a) make use of, put into practice b) happen c) grow, increase d) development, evolvement, growth, progress e) keep up, maintain, preserve, support f) conclusion, determination, resolution g) keep, conserve h) synchronous i) synchronous

Task 7

Match up the words with the opposite meaning.

1. argue 2. synergy 3. crucial 4. practitioner 5. integration 6. essential 7. advancement 8. marvel 9. rapidly 10. contribution     a) amateur b) minor, secondary, trivial c) regression, worsening, decline d) agree, keep silent e) normality, expectation f) slowly, leisurely g) decrease, loss, subtraction h) inessential, insignificant, minor, optional i) disunion, division, divorce, separation j) discord, divorce, separation

Task 8

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. interaction 2. influential 3. vegetation 4. fluctuations 5. sophisticated 6. interconnectedness 7. emerge 8. holistic 9. heterodox 10. virtually a) having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the world and about culture, art, literature, etc. b) to rise or appear from a hidden or unknown place or condition : to come out into view c) relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts d) not agreeing with established beliefs or standards e) plants in general : plants that cover a particular area f) mutual or reciprocal action or influence g) very nearly h) to change level, strength, or value frequently i) mutually joined or related; having internal connections between the parts or elements j) having the power to cause changes

Task 9

Use suffixes to form different parts of speech.

tial; -ical; -tific; -al; -less; -able; -tion-ment; -ness

argue; aware; influence; geology; science; policy; nature; depart; help; contribute; understand; expand; describe; computation.

Task 10

Match a line in A with a line in B

1. contemporary works 2. to spring from 3. interacting of species 4. application of methods 5. to deal with 6. to blur the distinctions 7. process in nature   a) применениеметодов b) иметь дело с c) размывать различия d) современные работы e) природные процессы f) взаимодействие видов g) брать начало

Task 11

The table below contains words that have been chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together and write them down.

dis cli vations culture
rigor is canic his
eco agri mate logist
vol bio ment eries
fish logy tation ral
natu hetero land scie
physio vege dox popu
environ ous cipline tory
lation obser system ence

Task 12

Guess the words.

i a c o n e r o n s v t __________________

r y e s n g __________________

a u e n t r __________________

b u l tt s i s a a y n ii __________________

a c o l u s f t u i t n __________________

n c d a a e e t v n m __________________

Task 13

Write out 7-8 words or word combinations to characterize the discipline «Ecology

Task 14

Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Charles Darwin contributed a lot to ecology.

2. Ecology is of great help in political decisions about nature.

3. Ecology is connected only with botany.

4. Ecological economics is not a new discipline.

5. Mathematical methods help understand the dynamics of natural systems

Task 15

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is the discipline of ecology dynamic?

2. What is the contribution of Charles Darwin to ecology?

3. What scientists contributed to the development of ecology?

4. Why is synergy among the disciplines important?

5. Why is ecology important for politics and economics?

6. How does/did mathematics/biology influence ecology?

7. What is evolution and who launched this field?

8. What does “preserve the earth mean”?

9. Why does ecology view biological systems as wholes but not as independent parts?

10. What do you do to help our planet?

Task 16

Tell the story of the picture. These words will help you:

once; spend; day-off; in the open; go to the river; have a rest; dog; some food; bag; under the tree; began playing with…; throw; stick; teach; bring back; smile; soon; feel hungry; have a snack; eat; sandwiches; bread and butter; boiled eggs; fish; meat; drink; coffee; after the meal; throw; bones; empty tins; dog; run into…; return with…; be angry and upset; selfish; make … dirty; teach … a lesson

Give the Russian equivalents to the following. -

Task 17

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