Практикум по переводу информативного текста


Учебное пособие

Издательско-полиграфический центр

Воронежского государственного университета

Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета РГФ 17 марта 2016 г., протокол № 7

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры теории перевода и меж­куль­тур­ной коммуникации Л.А.Борисова

Учебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре ТПиМК факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.

Рекомендуется для студентов 4 и 5 курса д/о и 5 курса в/о факультета романо-германской фи­ло­ло­гии Воронежского государственного университета.

Для направления 45.03.02 – Лингвистика и специальности 45.05.01 – Перевод и переводоведение

Задание 1. Выполните предпереводческий анализ следующего текста. Определите потенциального получателя ИТ и ПТ и возможные стратегии перевода. Переведите текст.

What Is a Computer Virus?

It is an executable code able to reproduce itself. Viruses are an area of pure programming, and, unlike other computer programs, carry intellectual functions on protection from being found and destroyed. They have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems. That’s why they evolve as if they were alive.

Yes, viruses seem to be the only alive organisms in the computer environment, and yet another their main goal is survival. That is why they may have complex crypting/decrypting engines, which is indeed assort of a standard for computer viruses nowadays, in order to carry out processes of duplicating, adaptation and disguise.

It is necessary to differentiate between reproducing programs and Trojan horses. Reproducing programs will not necessarily harm your system because they are aimed at producing as many copies (or somewhat-copies of their own) as possible by means of so-called agent programs or without their help. In the latter case they are referred to as “worms”.

Meanwhile Trojan horses are programs aimed at causing harm or damage to PC’s. Certainly it’s a usual practice, when they are part of “tech-organism”, but they have completely different functions.

That is an important point. Destructive actions are not an integral part of the virus by default. However virus-writers allow presence of destructive mechanisms as an active protection from finding and destroying their creatures, as well as a response to the attitude of society to viruses and their authors.

As you see, there are different types of viruses, and they have already been separated into classes and categories. For instance: dangerous, harmless, and very dangerous.

But viruses are famous not only for their destructive actions, but also for their special effects, which are almost impossible to classify. Some virus-writers suggest the following: funny, very funny and sad or melancholy. But one should remember that special effects must occur only after a certain number of contaminations. Users should also be given a chance to restrict execution of destructive actions, such as deleting files, formatting hard disks. Thereby virus can be considered to be a useful program, keeping a check on system changes and preventing any surprises such as of deletion of files or wiping out hard disks.

It sounds quite heretical to say such words about viruses, which are usually considered to be a disaster. The less person understands in programming and virology, the greater influence will have on him possibility of being infected with a virus.

Задание 2. Определите предметную область, к которой относятся следующие термины и подберите их русские соответствия с учетом данных контекстов.


1.1. At its most basic level, an aircraft carrier is simply a ship outfitted with a flight deck – a runway area for launching and landing airplanes.

1.2. Any couple questioning whether a gestational carrier is right for them needs to spend some time with a trained professional who understands the physiology of human reproduction and is capable of answering questions.

1.3. X-linked recessive diseases affect only males, with women being symptom-free carriers of a genetic defect, passed onto their male children.

1.4. MRV Communications Inc., today announced the Fiber Driver EM316T1E1-XY, the second in a family of next-generation optical media converters with multiple operating modes to meet the needs of evolving carrier networks.


2.1. You can find some answers to questions on surgeons, operations and types of surgery on Royal College of Surgeons website section.

2.2. A joint U.S.-Afghan military operation has begun in the troubled Helmand province against Taliban fighters who have vowed to disrupt the August 20 presidential election.

2.3. Instances over the years have shown that though sting operations do expose corruption in some cases, sometimes they seriously violate the rules of journalism in the pursuit of profit and short-term sensationalism.

2.4. Events that occur by operation of law do so because courts have determined over time that the rights thus created or transferred represent what the intent of the party would have been, had they thought about the situation in advance.


3.1. The Ministry has therefore decided that it is, on balance, best to retain the current framework of income tax treatment for individuals who sell their properties.

3.2. It is safe to assume that outpatient treatment for the individual who is addicted is not a preferred choice of treatment and has a high probability of continued use, relapse and failure.

3.3. Views toward crime, criminals, punishment, and treatment areshaped by social forces, which differ across nations.

3.4. Lenntech provides water treatment solutions for all type of applications, from domestic equipment to industrial turnkey plants up to 5000 m3/day.


4.1. An immediate value is stored as part of the instruction which employs it, usually to load into, add to, or subtract from, a register.

4.2. Each colour in the Munsellcolour model differs in value from top to bottom in equal perception steps.

4.3. The setting forth in express terms of what is “value” in the context of commercial transactions was a bold step forward by the drafters of the UCC, since the jurisdictional distinctions as to value made certain transaction valid in one state and invalid in another.

4.4. These authors believe that advertising and marketing can be standardised across cultures, and the same values can be used to persuade customers to buy or consume the product.

Задание 3. Проанализируйте следующие переводческие решения, обращая внимание на использование контекстуальных и/или словарных соответствий при переводе общенаучной лексики.


The instantaneous input of a large quantity of energy in an infinitesimally small volume of a gaseous medium produces a strong shock wave front with a flowfield as described by the classical blast wave analysis.

Мгновенное выделение большого количества энергии в бесконечно малом объеме газообразной среды приводит к образованию сильной ударной волны, поле течения за которой описывается классической теорией сильного взрыва.

These profiles also agree with experimentally determined wave motions presented in the previous analysis.

Эти профили также хорошо согласуются с картиной волнового движения, определенной на основе экспериментальных данных, представленных в предыдущих работах.


Concepts from non-linear functional analysis were used as the basis for formulating aerodynamic moment systems.

Методы нелинейного функционального анализа использовались при формировании систем аеродинамических моментов.

The steam-air desulfurization process is presently the simplest and cheapest concept from the coal.

Процесс паро-воздушногообессеривания в настоящее время является самым простым и дешевым способом удаления органической серы из угля.


Applications of these filters have been proposed in many different engineering contexts.

Фильтры этого класса находят широкое применение в самых различных инженерных задачах.

As discussed in the context of adaptation, the retina has temporal response characteristics as well as special and spectral ones.

Как отмечалось при обсуждении вопроса об адаптации, сетчатка имеет временные, пространственные и спектральные характеристики.


The multi-layer hybrid stress flat plate element has been well documented in Refs. (3), (4). Aside from imaging, optical holography has many applications and the field is well documented (3)-(8).

Разнородный плоский многослойный элемент под напряжением подробно рассмотрен в работах (3), (4).

These limits are very fully documented in the manufacturers data sheets.

Предельно допустимые значения таких величин указываютсяизготовителями в паспортах приборов.


But companies expect to follow these memories with more exotic variations built on new configurations and possibly new materials.

Но руководители фирм рассчитывают продолжить усовер­шенст­во­ва­ние этих ЗУ и создать необычные варианты с новыми конфигурациями и, возможно, на новых материалах.

Some of the more exotic single chip implementations of complex functions are to be found at the session on solid-state imaging.

О некоторых еще более своеобразных однокристальных конструк­циях для выполнения сложных функций можно было услышать на засе­да­ниях, посвященных биомедицинской технике.


Nevertheless, the approach of Fig.10-3 is far more practical for core circuits.

Тем не менее при построении логической системы на магнитных элементах целесообразно использовать структуру, представленную на рис. 10–3.

A rigorous analysis of the shape stability is clearly notpractical in general.

Ясно, что в общем случае не имеет смысла применять строгий анализ устойчивости формы.


Strategies for sharing out the capacity and methods for evaluation are then examined in the context of this linear model.

Методы распределения пропускной способности и их оценки будут рассмотрены на примере этой линейной модели.

Relatively complex elaborations of these various strategieshave been implemented, differing both in economics and in assumptions about the psychology of the prospective user.

Существуют сравнительно более сложные варианты описанных здесь приемов, различающихся по трудоемкости и по оценкам психологии пользователя.

Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Thus the results presented here are based on a more refined analysis.

2. The analyses are not in agreement with each other, and, in some cases, conflict with observations.

3. The scanning system, which is described in detail elsewhere (1), is quite simple in concept.

4. In addition to an executive summary, the concept development reports will include volumes dealing with technical considerations.

5. In the present context, it is only necessary to point out some of these distinguishing features.

6. Generally, in any practical context, we are restricted to a finite number of projections.

7. Similar observations have also been made in the context of speech signals and X-ray crystallography.

8. The purpose of this paper is to document the methods used to collect the data and to review briefly the results obtained.

9. Aside from imaging, optical holography has many applications and the field is well documented (3)–(8).

10. Several exotic linear integrated circuits have been designed for special applications.

11. This increases testing flexibility, needed for some of the new microprocessor chips with their very exotic timing schemes.

12. Long history of testing has resulted in the use of certain commonly accepted stress levels for such tests.

13. The appendices 1, 2 and 3 provide a historical sketch of earlier work on the scattering of radiation from plasmas.

14. The future growth in electricity consumption will be considerable below historical trends of 7 percent per year.

15. The overall goal of the current research project is to develop practical, standalone digital computers.

16. Furthermore, the implementation does not seem to be very practical.

17. Process standardization for the sake of reliability improvement may well be a desirable strategy.

18. There are many possible elaborations and embellishments of this basic strategy.

Задание 5. Подберите английские и русские соответствия следующим латинизмам и сокращениям.

a posteriori (of an argument); a priori; conditio sine qua non; ergo; ibidem (ib, ibid); in situ; in vitro; per se; proviso; sic! ; status quo; sui generis; via; e.g. (exempli gratia); i.e. (id est) ; A.D. (Anno Domini); B.C.

Задание 6. Выполните сравнительный анализ исходного и переводного текста и отредактируйте перевод.

Oxygen depletion a “serious threat to global ecology” by Michael McCarthy, environment correspondent The depletion of the Earth's oxygen through burning fossil fuels might be a greater threat than increased саrbоn dioxide causing global warming, yet it is largely unheeded, a leading physicist said last night. About sixteen billion tonnes of oxygen are being used up every year, and this might bring catastrophe, especially to parts of the ocean, which might be "asphyxiated" long before the supply of oxygen has gone, Professor Freeman Dyson said. "It is possible that the depletion of oxygen in the ocean presents an even more serious longterm threat to the global ecology than the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere," he said. "Reducing oxygen by 50 percent will cause more drastic damage to more species than increasing carbon dioxide by 50 percent. A doubling of C02 would be for the majority of species a tolerable insult; a reduction of oxygen in the ocean to zero would be a total catastrophe." Professor Dyson, professor of natural sciences at the institute of advanced study at Princeton, said he was surprised that the general public all over the world was not clamouring to know how fast we were using up the oxygen. Pointing out that eight tonnes of oxygen are used up for every three tonnes of coal, oil or gas burned, Professor Dyson called on the international scientific community to begin a programme of accurately measuring the depletion rate of oxygen. He said that the rate was at present thought to be 13 parts per million per year, and although accurate measurement was not easy, it should be possible with modern instruments. Professor Dyson said that the biggest effects of oxygen depletion were likely to be found in the oceans because there was a much smaller amount than in the atmosphere and effects of depletion were consequently greater. "Catastrophe may come to parts of the ocean long before the oxygen reservoir is exhausted. The Pacific Ocean is already seriously depleted. It contains 50 percent of the Planet's water but only 40 percent of the dissolved oxygen." "So long as we are not measuring the rate of depletion year by year, we have no basis for guessing how soon the asphyxiation of large parts of the Pacific Ocean might begin. For this reason a programme of measurement of the oceanic oxygen fluxes is urgently necessary."   Истощение кислорода представляет «серьезную угрозу всемирной экологии» Истощение кислорода Земли посредством сжигания ископаемого топлива может быть более опасней, чем увеличение углекислого газа, который вызывает глобальное потепление – все это в значительной степени не принято во внимание, - заявил прошлой ночью ведущий физик. Около 16 миллиардов тонн кислорода расходуется каждый год, и это может привести к катастрофе, особенно на долю мирового океана, который может «задохнутся» намного раньше, чем истощатся запасы кислорода, - сказал Профессор Фримэн Дайсон. «Возможно, что истощение кислорода представляет собой даже более серьезную длительную угрозу глобальной экологии, чем увеличение углекислого газа в атмосфере, - сказал он. Сокращение кислорода на 50% нанесет более радикальный ущерб биологическим видам, чем увеличение углекислого газа на 50%. Удваивание СО2 стало бы для большинства видов допустимым ущербом; уменьшение кислорода в океане до нуля привело бы к всеобщей катастрофе». Профессор Дайсон, профессор естествоведения в институте углубленного изучения в Принстоне, сказал, что был удивлен тем, что общественность во всем мире не хочет знать, насколько быстро мы расходуем кислород. Обращая внимание, что 8 тонн кислорода расходуется на сжигание трех тонн угля, нефти или газа, Профессор Дайсон призвал международное научное сообщество начать программу по точному контролю скорости истощения кислорода. Он сказал, что норма в настоящее время 13 частей из расчета на миллион в год, и хотя точно измерить трудно, оно возможно при помощи современных приборов. Профессор Дайсон сказал, что самый большой эффект на истощение кислорода, вероятно, может быть обнаружен в океане, потому что там намного меньше количества кислорода, чем в атмосфере и результаты в истощении поэтому больше. «Катастрофа может обрушиться на океан задолго до того как запас кислорода исчерпается. Тихий океан уже серьезно истощен. Он содержит 50% воды на планете, но только 40% растворенного кислорода.» «Так что пока мы не контролируем коэффициент истощения из года в год, у нас нет основополагающего принципа для предположения, как скоро наступит ухудшение огромных частей Тихого Океана. По этой причине программа измерения движения океанического кислорода срочно необходима». Майкл Маккартни, обозреватель по окружающей среде  

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения, используя соответствующие сложные синтаксические структуры русского языка и необходимые средства логической организации.

1. In some cases, the theoretician may argue that premature application of theory to real world problems may be detrimental for both parties of the science making and consumption relationship, because of potential unforeseen consequences.

2. This approach rejects the criterion for quality in translation that is still usual in university departments, including translator training institutes, that the translation should ‘preserve as much of the original as possible’ – the classical tenet of equivalence and the main reason why skeptics like Ortega y Gasset declared that translation was an impossible undertaking.

3. It is important to stress again that the analysis is not concerned with isolating phenomena or items to study them in depth, but with tracing a web of relationships, the importance of individual items being determined by their relevance and function in the text.

4. The difference between sociolinguistics and the sociology of language is very much one of emphasis to whether the investigator is more interested in language or society, and also according to whether they have more skill in analyzing linguistic or social structures.

Задание 8. Переведите следующий текст, используя стратегию коммуникативно-равноценного перевода.

Задание 10.Сопоставьте исходный и переводной тексты и прокомментируйте обнаруженные переводческие ошибки.

Characteristics of Effective Language Practice Validity The activity should activate learners primarily in the skill or material it purports to practice. This is an obvious principle that is surprisingly often violated. Many ‘speaking’ activities, for example, have learners listening to the teacher more than talking themselves. Note that ‘validity’ does not necessarily imply that the language should be used for some kind of replication of real-life communication. Pronunciation drills and vocabulary practice, for example, may also be valid if they in fact serve primarily to rehearse and improve the items to be practiced.   Pre-learning The learners should have a good preliminary grasp of the language they are required to practice, though they may only be able to produce or understand it slowly and after thought. If they are required to do a practice activity based on something they have not yet begun to learn, they will either not be able to do it at all, or will produce unsuccessful responses. In either case the activity will have been fairly useless in providing practice: its main function, in fact, will have been a diagnostic test, enabling the teacher to identify and (re-)teach language the learners do not know. If, however, they can produce successful responses, they have a firm basis for further effective practice of the target language material.   Volume Roughly speaking, the more language the learners actually engage with during the activity, the more practice in it the will get. If the lesson time available for the activity is seen as a container, then this should be filled with as much ‘volume’ of language as possible. Time during which learners are not engaging with the language being practiced for whatever reason (because nothing is being demanded of them at that moment, or because they are using their mother tongue, or because of some distraction or digression) is time wasted as far as the practice activity is concerned. Характеристики эффективного применения языка на практике Мотивированность В первую очередь упражнения должны побуждать учеников использовать умения или факты на практике. Этот весьма очевидный принцип на удивление часто нарушается. Например, многие виды упражнений для развития умения говорить чаще всего являются просто слушанием того, что говорит учитель. Стоит отметить, что «мотивированность» не всегда подразумевает, что язык должен использоваться для своего рода копирования сообщений из обычной жизни. Например, зубрежка правил произношения и упражнения на расширение словарного запаса также могут иметь силу, если на самом деле они в первую очередь служат для повторения и улучшения тренируемого материала. Предобучающая подготовка Обучаемые должны иметь хорошую склонность к усвоению языка, который они должны практиковать, несмотря на это, они, скорее всего, смогут медленно воспроизводить или понимать сказанное и сделают это только после обдумывания. Если обучаемых попросят сделать какие-либо упражнения, основанные на материале, который они еще не начали изучать, то все их попытки сделать упражнения будут безуспешны. В этом случае упражнения будут бесполезны в условиях обучения: самым лучшим решением в данной ситуации будет тест на определение уровня знаний учащегося, который поможет учителю определить и подкорректировать то, чего не знает обучаемый. Если ученик успешно ответит на вопросы теста, то у него есть хорошая база для дальнейшего успешного изучения планового материала. Объем Если говорить приблизительно, считается, что чем больше ученик пользуется языком во время занятий, тем больше у него практики. Если рассматривать время урока с точки зрения «вместилища», то оно должно быть заполнено максимальным «объемом» языка. Время, когда ученики не вовлечены в языковую практику (по причине того, что ничего от них не требуется в данный момент или потому что они говорят на родном языке или по причине каких-либо отвлекающих факторов или отклонений от темы) считается потерянным, так как практика языка является важнейшим элементом занятий.

Задание 11. Определите получателя и цель перевода следующего текста и выполните перевод.


The following considerations draw on a functional approach of translation (cf. Nord 1997), based on Skopos theory (cf. Vermeer 1978, Reiss/Vermeer 1984). Skopos is the Greek word for "aim, purpose", and the basic principle of Skopos theory is that the (intended) purpose of the target text determines the choice of method and strategy in the translation process. The target-text purpose is defined by the translation commission, or rather: translation brief. In professional settings, the "brief" is often not sufficiently explicit because commissioners are no translation experts and therefore they are not aware of what kind of information the translator needs to produce a text that fulfils the needs and expectations of the client and/or the prospective target-text audience. Therefore, the first step in the translation process is the "interpretation of the brief", drawing on whatever information there is or can be obtained about the "profile" of the target text the client needs. In routine tasks from well-known clients, for example, the translator may rely on previous experience; in "standard briefs" (like translating a set of operating instructions for a similar audience to achieve the same communicative function as that of the source text), they may simply follow the culture-specific norms for this kind of translation. Any task that is not standard or routine, will have to be specified before the process is initiated, and clients have to be "educated" to provide all sorts of information or indications available. Otherwise they will have to take what they get: a target text that fits many functions but none particularly well – instead of a text that is made to measure for the client's needs.

This does not mean that the client should tell the translator how to go about her or his work – no less than a client tells a mechanic how to fix the broken car or a lawyer how to defend the accused. The methods and strategies to choose from are part and parcel of the translator's professional competence, and this, in turn, is the basis for loyalty and trust between the translator and her/his interaction partners in intercultural mediation, as we will see below.

From “Loyalty and Fidelity in Specialized Translation” by Christiane Nord.


Текст 1

Текст 2

Electron-Atom Collisions

Ian E. McCarthy The Flinders University of South Australia

Eric WeigoldAustralian National University

The detailed study of the motion of electrons in the field of a nucleus has been made possible by quite recent developments in experimental and calculational techniques. Historically it is one of the newest of sciences. Yet conceptually and logically it is very close to the earliest beginnings of physics. Its fascination lies in the fact that it its possible to probe deeper into the dynamics of this system that of any other because there are no serious difficulties in the observation of sufficiently-resolved quantum states or in the understanding of the elementary two-body interaction.

The utility of the study is two-fold. First the understanding of the collisions of electrons with single-nucleus electronic systems is essential to understanding of many astrophysical and terrestrial systems, among the latter being the upper atmosphere, lasers and plasmas. Perhaps more important is its use for developing and sharpening experimental and calculational techniques which do not require much further development for the study of the electronic properties of multinucleus systems in the fields of molecular chemistry and biology and of condensed-matter physics.

For many years after Galileo’s discovery of the basic kinematic law of conservation of momentum, and his understanding of the interconversion of kinetic and potential energy in some terrestrial systems, there was only one system in which the dynamic details were understood. This was the gravitational two-body system, whose understanding depended on Newton’s discovery of the 1/r law governing the potential energy. By understanding the dynamics we mean keeping track of all relevant energy and momentum changes in the system and being able to predict them accurately.

For the next 250 years Newton’s dynamics of force was applied with incomplete success to many incompletely-observed systems. At the same time an understanding of the relationship of momentum, energy, space and time was developed by Maupertius, Euler and Lagrange. The understanding of process involving the production and absorption of bosons began with Maxwell’s equations, although their significance in this sense was not realized until Einstein’s development of the photon concept. Atomic and nuclear physics were born at the same instant, the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford (1911).



Текст 4


Учебное пособие

Издательско-полиграфический центр

Воронежского государственного университета

Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета РГФ 17 марта 2016 г., протокол № 7

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры теории перевода и меж­куль­тур­ной коммуникации Л.А.Борисова

Учебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре ТПиМК факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.

Рекомендуется для студентов 4 и 5 курса д/о и 5 курса в/о факультета романо-германской фи­ло­ло­гии Воронежского государственного университета.

Для направления 45.03.02 – Лингвистика и специальности 45.05.01 – Перевод и переводоведение

Задание 1. Выполните предпереводческий анализ следующего текста. Определите потенциального получателя ИТ и ПТ и возможные стратегии перевода. Переведите текст.

What Is a Computer Virus?

It is an executable code able to reproduce itself. Viruses are an area of pure programming, and, unlike other computer programs, carry intellectual functions on protection from being found and destroyed. They have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems. That’s why they evolve as if they were alive.

Yes, viruses seem to be the only alive organisms in the computer environment, and yet another their main goal is survival. That is why they may have complex crypting/decrypting engines, which is indeed assort of a standard for computer viruses nowadays, in order to carry out processes of duplicating, adaptation and disguise.

It is necessary to differentiate between reproducing programs and Trojan horses. Reproducing programs will not necessarily harm your system because they are aimed at producing as many copies (or somewhat-copies of their own) as possible by means of so-called agent programs or without their help. In the latter case they are referred to as “worms”.

Meanwhile Trojan horses are programs aimed at causing harm or damage to PC’s. Certainly it’s a usual practice, when they are part of “tech-organism”, but they have completely different functions.

That is an important point. Destructive actions are not an integral part of the virus by default. However virus-writers allow presence of destructive mechanisms as an active protection from finding and destroying their creatures, as well as a response to the attitude of society to viruses and their authors.

As you see, there are different types of viruses, and they have already been separated into classes and categories. For instance: dangerous, harmless, and very dangerous.

But viruses are famous not only for their destructive actions, but also for their special effects, which are almost impossible to classify. Some virus-writers suggest the following: funny, very funny and sad or melancholy. But one should remember that special effects must occur only after a certain number of contaminations. Users should also be given a chance to restrict execution of destructive actions, such as deleting files, formatting hard disks. Thereby virus can be considered to be a useful program, keeping a check on system changes and preventing any surprises such as of deletion of files or wiping out hard disks.

It sounds quite heretical to say such words about viruses, which are usually considered to be a disaster. The less person understands in programming and virology, the greater influence will have on him possibility of being infected with a virus.

Задание 2. Определите предметную область, к которой относятся следующие термины и подберите их русские соответствия с учетом данных контекстов.


1.1. At its most basic level, an aircraft carrier is simply a ship outfitted with a flight deck – a runway area for launching and landing airplanes.

1.2. Any couple questioning whether a gestational carrier is right for them needs to spend some time with a trained professional who understands the physiology of human reproduction and is capable of answering questions.

1.3. X-linked recessive diseases affect only males, with women being symptom-free carriers of a genetic defect, passed onto their male children.

1.4. MRV Communications Inc., today announced the Fiber Driver EM316T1E1-XY, the second in a family of next-generation optical media converters with multiple operating modes to meet the needs of evolving carrier networks.


2.1. You can find some answers to questions on surgeons, operations and types of surgery on Royal College of Surgeons website section.

2.2. A joint U.S.-Afghan military operation has begun in the troubled Helmand province against Taliban fighters who have vowed to disrupt the August 20 presidential election.

2.3. Instances over the years have shown that though sting operations do expose corruption in some cases, sometimes they seriously violate the rules of journalism in the pursuit of profit and short-term sensationalism.

2.4. Events that occur by operation of law do so because courts have determined over time that the rights thus created or transferred represent what the intent of the party would have been, had they thought about the situation in advance.


3.1. The Ministry has therefore decided that it is, on balance, best to retain the current framework of income tax treatment for individuals who sell their properties.

3.2. It is safe to assume that outpatient treatment for the individual who is addicted is not a preferred choice of treatment and has a high probability of continued use, relapse and failure.

3.3. Views toward crime, criminals, punishment, and treatment areshaped by social forces, which differ across nations.

3.4. Lenntech provides water treatment solutions for all type of applications, from domestic equipment to industrial turnkey plants up to 5000 m3/day.


4.1. An immediate value is stored as part of the instruction which employs it, usually to load into, add to, or subtract from, a register.

4.2. Each colour in the Munsellcolour model differs in value from top to bottom in equal perception steps.

4.3. The setting forth in express terms of what is “value” in the context of commercial transactions was a bold step forward by the drafters of the UCC, since the jurisdictional distinctions as to value made certain transaction valid in one state and invalid in another.

4.4. These authors believe that advertising and marketing can be standardised across cultures, and the same values can be used to persuade customers to buy or consume the product.

Задание 3. Проанализируйте следующие переводческие решения, обращая внимание на использование контекстуальных и/или словарных соответствий при переводе общенаучной лексики.


The instantaneous input of a large quantity of energy in an infinitesimally small volume of a gaseous medium produces a strong shock wave front with a flowfield as described by the classical blast wave analysis.

Мгновенное выделение большого количества энергии в бесконечно малом объеме газообразной среды приводит к образованию сильной ударной волны, поле течения за которой описывается классической теорией сильного взрыва.

These profiles also agree with experimentally determined wave motions presented in the previous analysis.

Эти профили также хорошо согласуются с картиной волнового движения, определенной на основе экспериментальных данных, представленных в предыдущих работах.


Concepts from non-linear functional analysis were used as the basis for formulating aerodynamic moment systems.

Методы нелинейного функционального анализа использовались при формировании систем аеродинамических моментов.

The steam-air desulfurization process is presently the simplest and cheapest concept from the coal.

Процесс паро-воздушногообессеривания в настоящее время является самым простым и дешевым способом удаления органической серы из угля.


Applications of these filters have been proposed in many different engineering contexts.

Фильтры этого класса находят широкое применение в самых различных инженерных задачах.

As discussed in the context of adaptation, the retina has temporal response characteristics as well as special and spectral ones.

Как отмечалось при обсуждении вопроса об адаптации, сетчатка имеет временные, пространственные и спектральные характеристики.


The multi-layer hybrid stress flat plate element has been well documented in Refs. (3), (4). Aside from imaging, optical holography has many applications and the field is well documented (3)-(8).

Разнородный плоский многослойный элемент под напряжением подробно рассмотрен в работах (3), (4).

These limits are very fully documented in the manufacturers data sheets.

Предельно допустимые значения таких величин указываютсяизготовителями в паспортах приборов.


But companies expect to follow these memories with more exotic variations built on new configurations and possibly new materials.

Но руководители фирм рассчитывают продолжить усовер­шенст­во­ва­ние этих ЗУ и создать необычные варианты с новыми конфигурациями и, возможно, на новых материалах.

Some of the more exotic single chip implementations of complex functions are to be found at the session on solid-state imaging.

О некоторых еще более своеобразных однокристальных конструк­циях для выполнения сложных функций можно было услышать на засе­да­ниях, посвященных биомедицинской технике.

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