II Прочтите и переведите текст.

I am a student of Gomel State University named after F.Skorina. I am studying to become a psychologist.

What is psychology? Psychology is a fairly young science with roots in many disciplines from psychology to philosophy. A century ago psychology was defined as the science of mental life, later it was redefined as the science of behavior. We will define psychology as the science of mental processes and behavior. But to many people psychology is a mental health profession devoted to such practical issues as how to achieve marital happiness, how to overcome anxiety and depression, and how to raise children.

Psychologists deal with a wide range of problems. Biological psychologists explore the links between biology and behavior, including hereditary influences on behavior; the effects of hormones, drugs on our moods and behavior; and functioning of various components of nervous system. Developmental psychologists study processes that result in physical, mental and social changes throughout the life cycle. General experimental psychologists conduct experiments on sensation and perception; learning, memory and thought; motivation and emotion. Personality and social psychologists study how individuals are influenced by inner factors or by other people. Organizational (industrial) psychologists deal with human behavior in the workplace. Clinical psychologists study and treat psychologically troubled people.

More and more, psychology touches on different parts of our life. Psychologists teach in medical schools, law schools and theological seminaries; they work in hospitals, factories and corporate offices. The main thing is that they help people to cope with various situations of our everyday life.

As for me, I made my choice long ago. I want to become a psychologist. My choice of this occupation did not come as a sudden flash. I understand that psychology helps people in solving different life problems and I want to be of some help.

III Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

1. Psychology is ….. . 2. A century ago psychology was ….. . 3. To many people psychology is ….. . 4. Psychologists deal with ….. . 5. Developmental psychologists study ….. . 6. General experimental psychologists conduct ….. . 7. Personality and social psychologists study ….. . 8. Organizational (industrial) psychologists deal with ….. . 9. Clinical psychologists study ….. . 10. Psychology helps people ..... .

IV Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения психологов. Обсудите их.

1. Disorders are caused by disruption of development, such as a trauma or conflict in early childhood. 2. People can change themselves when they change their attitudes. 3. A person's greatest struggle is for approval by both society and their own selves. 4. Unconditional positive regard and simply listening to problems is the best way to fix most problems. 5. Psychotherapy is most effective when coupled with psychiatry and the prescription of medication.

V Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is psychology a young or an ancient science? 2. How do we define psychology nowadays? 3. What is psychology to many people? 4. What problems do psychologists deal with? 5. Where do psychologists work these days?


1. Панова, И.И. Английский язык. Устные темы и тексты для чтения : учеб. пособие / И.И. Панова, Е.Б. Карневская, Е.А. Мисуно ; под. ред. И.И. Пановой. – Минск : «Юнипресс», 2002. – 240 с.

2. Хведченя, Л.В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы : учеб. пособие / Л.В. Хведченя, Р.В. Хорень. – Минск : Высшая школа, 1998. – 431с.

3. Хведченя, Л.В. Английский язык для студентов-заочников : учеб. пособие / Л.В. Хведченя. – Минск : Высшая школа, 2002. – 235 с.

4. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / ed. J. Crowner. – Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. – 1428 p.

Учебное издание

Короткая Марианна Викторовна

Петухова Галина Николаевна

Хорсун Ирина Александровна

Чернякова Евгения Анатольевна



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