I. Define the form of the predicates in Passive.

· had been read · is being tested · will have been asked · was produced · are published · have been sent · was being written · will be met

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Работу сделали вчера.

The work ____ yesterday.

a) has been done; b) was done; c) had been done; d) is done

2. К 12 часам соглашение будет подписано.

The agreement ____ by 12 o’clock.

a) will have been signed; b) will sign; c) will be signed; d) will have signed

3. Его лекции слушают с большим интересом.

His lectures ____ to with great interest.

a) listen; b) are listened; c) were listened; d) will be listened

4. Его доклад будет обсуждаться в следующем месяце.

His report ____ next month.

a) will discuss; b) will be discussing; c) will have been discussed; d) will be discussed

5. Студента сейчас экзаменуют.

The student ____ now.

a) are tested; b) has tested; c) is tested; d) is being tested

6. Когда мы пришли, вопрос был уже решен.

When we came the problem ____ .

a) has settled; b) was settled; c) had settled; d) had been settled

7. Обычно эти книги продаются везде.

Usually these books ____ everywhere.

a) sold; b) are sold; c) was sold; d) were sold

8. Проект обсуждался с 2 до 4 часов вчера.

The project ____ from 2 to 4 o’clock yesterday.

a) was discussing; b) were discussed; c) was discussed; d) was being discussed

9. После того как фильм был показан, мы его обсудили.

After the film ____ we discussed it.

a) was shown; b) is shown; c) had been shown; d) has been shown

10. Делегацию только что встретили.

The delegation ____ just ____.

a) has been met; b) had been met; c) was met; d) has met

III. Make up interrogative sentences.

a) done, be, work, the, when, will?

b) the, is, student, asked, now, being?

c) published, often, how, books, are, such?

d) translated, this, book, has, been?

e) many, students, are, at, how, university, trained?

f) this, product, when, sold, was?

IV. Change the following sentences from Active into Passive (the subject is underlined).

1. They will have sent the telegram by 6 p.m.

2. They have already sold out all the tickets.

3. They sent our students abroad.

4. They often buy such flowers.

5. They will give instructions tomorrow.

6. They are building a new cinema in the city centre.

7. They had signed the contract before the delegation arrived.

8. When I came the specialists were examining a new car.

V. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Моему другу только что предложили интересную работу.

2. Письмо было написано его секретарем два дня тому назад.

3. Документы хранятся в сейфе.

4. Этот дом строился, когда я приехал в город.

5. Эти товары будут продавать в супермаркете.

6. К пяти часам контракт был подписан.

7. К следующему году дом будет реконструирован.

8. Проблему сейчас обсуждают.


1. I went to the party although I ________ invited.

a) was not; b) had not being; c) has not been; d) had not.

2. I felt very uneasy because I _________ watched.

a) were; b) had; c) have; d) was being.

3. We begin at eight, but _________ told?

a) was Pamela; b) had Pamela been; c) has Pamela been; d) is Pamela being.

4. The people on the island knew that they _________ forgotten.

a) had not been; b) were not being; c) have not been; d) were not being.

5. Don’t worry. Everything _________ by Monday.

a) will be done; b) will have been done; c) has been; d) was done.

6. These cars __________ made in Japan.

a) are being; b) have being; c) are; d) had been.

7. Please do not enter the office. The boss _________ interviewed.

a) has been; b) was; c) is; d) is being.

8. __________ put on the list?

a) is your name; b) has your name; c) was your name being; d) is your name being;.

9. A Roman viaduct _________ found off the main road and attracts tourists.

a) was; b) is being; c) has been; d) had been.

10. Don’t worry. You __________ told which place to go.

a) have been; b) will have being; c) will be; d) have told.

11. The worker’s hand was badly injured _________ a screw driver.

a) by; b) with; c) on; d) at.

12. This small country _________ to be on the verge of civil war.

a) is told; b) says; c) declares; d) is said.

13. Look, Sam __________ at last.

a) has cut his hair; b) has got his hair cut; c) got his hair cut; d) cut off his hair.

14. The letter ________ for everywhere.

a) is being looked b) is looking; c) has looked; d) is looked

15. The shop ________ 24 hours.

a) is opened; b) is open; c) opens; d) is opening.

16. The doctor _________. Do not worry.

a) has called for; b) was called for; c) is called for; d) has been called for.

17. At the moment the company _________ by the board of trustees.

a) runs; b) is run; c) is being run; d) has been run.

18. The food ________ in the oven.

a) got burnt; b) was burnt; c) has been burnt; d) had been burnt.

19. I am afraid this factory ________ closed soon. Business is slow.

a) would be; b) shall be; c) will have been; d) is going to be.

20. Everybody got a gift but I _______ nothing.

a) had sent; b) was sending; c) was sent; d) have sent.

21. Do not worry. Your complaint ________ considered.

a) has still been; b) is still being; c) will still be; d) has being.

22. Letters _______ delivered to my house daily.

a) are; b) are being; c) 0; d) have.

23. The thief ________ arrested before he tried to get away.

a) was; b) had been; c) has been; d) was being.

24. The meal ___________ when I arrived and it smelt terrific.

a) was cooked; b) had cooked; c) had been cooking; d) was being cooked.


1. _______________. That’s why he knows it perfectly well.

a) A native speaker was taught him English.

b) A native speaker had taught him English.

c) He was taught English by a native speaker.

d) He had been taught English by a native speaker.

2. Only English __________ spoken in this classroom.

a) is being; b) is; c) was; d) has.

3. Taxes will again be _________ next year.

a) risen; b) raised; c) rose; d) raise.

4. I was shocked _________ her rude behavior.

a) by; b) with; c) because of; d) for.

5. A new big supermarket __________ next week in our street.

a) will be open; b) will be opened; c) will be opening; d) will have opened.

6. I _________ five thousand pounds by the bank.

a) lend; b) borrowed; c) was borrowed; d) was lent.

7. By the end of the year all the children in the town __________.

a) will be vaccinated; b) will vaccinate; c) will have vaccinated; d) will have been vaccinated.

8. The newspaper _________ very well.

a) sells; b) is sold; c) is being sold; d) had been sold.

9. While the witnesses _________ questioned, the stolen car _________ found.

a) were … was; b) were being … had been; c) were being … was; d) had … had been.

10. He ________ to be a very talented singer.

a) thinks; b) is thinking; c) is being thought; d) is thought.

11. BBC Radio One _________ before 1970.

a) opened; b) was opened; c) had opened; d) has opened.

12. I parked the car in the wrong place and _______________.

a) the police ticket me; b) was ticketed by the police; c) have been ticketed by the police; d) had been ticketed by the police.

13. She is a promising politician and __________.

a) thinks of very highly; b) is very highly thought; c) is thought of very highly; d) is thought very highly.

14. He _______ to have connections with the Mafia.

b) knows; b) has known; c) is known; d) had known.

15. This house _________ redecorated many times since the turn of the century.

a) was; b) had been; c) has been; d) was being.

16. Who is the washing ________ in your family?

a) being done by; b) done by; c) has been done by; d) was done by.

17. It ________ that there is a traffic jam on the road.

a) is being reporting; b) is reported; c) is reporting; d) has reported.

18. Linda _________.

a) has just had her car service; b) has just had her car servicing; c) has just had her car serviced; d) has just been had her car serviced.

19. The driver ________ by police during a routine speed check.

a) was caught; b) was being caught; c) was catching; d) had been caught.

20. Infants like _________ and start babbling.

a) to talk to; b) to be talked to; c) to have talked to; d) to have been talked to.

21. This programme __________ twice a day.

a) is broadcast; b) is broadcasted; c) is broadcasting; d) is been broadcast.

22. Can I help you? – Thanks, I ______ .

a) am being served; b) am serving; c) have served; d) serve.

23. Suddenly she realized that she __________ followed.

a) was; b) had been; c) was being; d) has been.

24. Your application __________ considered.

a) is still being; b) has still being; c) is still; d) has still.


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