Тема 5.1-5.2 Традиционная кухня нашей страны. Английская традиционная еда.


Exercise 1. There is/ are some … What can I make?

( Какие блюда можно приготовить из предложенных ингридиентов?)

Tomatoes, sausage, cheese, mayonnaise ____________________________________________________ Potatoes, onions, carrots, rice, meat, salt, water ______________________________________________ Coffee beans, water, sugar, milk __________________________________________________________ Bananas, apples, oranges, nuts, raisins, yogurt _______________________________________________ Bread, butter, cheese, sausage ____________________________________________________________ Potatoes, salt, oil _______________________________________________________________________ Chicken, rice, salt, spices ________________________________________________________________ Butter, sugar, flour, eggs ________________________________________________________________ Tomatoes, onions, oil, salt _______________________________________________________________ Eggs, milk, oil, salt ____________________________________________________________________ Potatoes, mushrooms, onions, sour cream ___________________________________________________ * Sausage – колбаса * spices – приправы * raisins – изюм * oil – масло * Nuts – орехи * sour cream – сметана * flour - мука * rice - рис  
Exercise 2. Vocabulary: proverb — пословица, поговорка Every cook praises his own broth — поел, каждый повар хвалит свой собственный бульон; аналое, каждый кулик хвалит свое болото cookery — кулинария; стряпня variety — многообразие, разнообразие cuisine — кухня, стол (питание; поваренное искусство) particular — редкий, особенный; особый, специфический lunch — обед (обычно в полдень в середине рабочего дня), ланч porridge — (овсяная) каша rasher — тонкий ломтик бекона/ветчины (для поджаривания) sausage — колбасу; сосиска; колбасный фарш mushroom — гриб in spite of — несмотря на strictly — бдительно, внимательно, неусыпно cereal — обыкн.мн, злак; крупа, крупяной продукт (полученные из зерновых культур) honey — мед substantial — питательный (о пище); существенный, большой poultry — домашняя птица beef — говядина mutton — баранина veal — телятина ham — ветчина, окорок boiled — кипяченый, вареный fried — жареный chop — небольшой кусок мяса, отбивная (котлета) steak — бифштекс, кусок мяса/рыбы (для жаренья) cheap — дешевый, недорогой snack — легкая закуска tea-spoonful — целая чайная ложка tin — жестяная консервная банка; жестянка apricot — абрикос pear — груша pineapple — ананас instant coffee — растворимый кофе disgusting — отвратительный, плохой, противный roast — жаркое; жареный lamb — мясо молодого барашка gravy — подливка (из сока жаркого), соус delicious — восхитительный, прелестный; очень вкусный to conclude — сделать вывод, подвести итог Exercise 4. Questions:   1. What are the usual meals in England? 2. What time do they have breakfast? 3. What is a traditional English breakfast? 4. What are the two substantial meals of the day? 5. When is lunch usually taken? 6. What does lunch include? 7. Is tea popular among the English? 8. When do they usually have dinner? 9. Do the British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries? Exercise 3. The Text: English Meals The English proverb says: every cook praises his own broth. One can not say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with European cuisine. The English are very particular about their meals. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast time is between seven and nine a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of juice, porridge, a rasher or two of bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. Many people like to begin with porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but no good Scotsman ever puts sugar on it, because Scotland is the home of porridge. For a change you can have sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, cold ham or perhaps fish. But nowadays in spite of the fact that the English strictly keep to their meals many people just have cereal with milk and sugar or toast with jam or honey. The two substantial meals of the day are lunch and dinner. Lunch is usually taken at one o'clock. For many people lunch is a quick meal. Office workers usually go to a cafe at this time. They take fish, poultry or cold meat (beef, mutton, veal and ham), boiled or fried potatoes and all sorts of salad. They may have a mutton chop or steak and chips, followed by biscuits and a cup of coffee. Some people like a glass of light beer with lunch. Pubs also serve good, cheap food. School children can have a hot meal at school. Some of them just bring a snack from home. Tea is very popular among the English; it may almost be called their national drink. Tea is welcome in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The English like it strong and fresh made. The English put one tea-spoonful of tea for each person. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, so called «high tea» with sandwiches, tomatoes and salad, a tin of apricots, pears or pineapples and cakes, and, of course a cup of tea. That is what they call good tea. It is a substantial meal. Cream teas are also popular. Many visitors, who come to Britain, find English instant coffee disgusting. Dinner time is generally between six and eight p.m. The evening meal is the biggest and the main meal of the day. Very often the whole family eats together. They begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and coffee. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch consisting of roast chicken, lamb or beef with salads, vegetables and gravy. The British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries, for example, French, Italian, Indian and Chinese food. Modern people are so busy that they do not have a lot of time for cooking themselves. So, the British buy the food at the restaurant and bring it home already prepared to eat. So we can conclude that take-away meals are rather popular among the population. Eating has become rather international in Britain lately.

Презентация по теме.

Now we have a presentation. Listen to the text and try to understand.

English meals

The English usually have 5meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea (5 o’clok), dinner and supper.Traditional English mealsfor breakfast are bacon and eggs a cup of tea or coffee with a toast and marmalade. Many of them eat porridge or cornflakes with milk and sugar for breakfast. As for Scots , they never put sugarin their porridge, they always put salt in it. Then comes lunch time (between 12 and 2).In some English houses lunch is a the biggest meal of the day - they have meat, baked chiken, haggis, steak, roast Turkey, fish and chips, salad, vegetables, fruit or pudding. In the afternoon , at tea-time ( about 5 o’clok) the English like to have a cup of tea with milk, scones, cookies from barley corn . This tea differs from Russian tea , because the English drink tea with milk with sugar.Some Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening. For dinner they have soup, fish or meat, vegetables, fruit or pudding. For supper they have aglass of milk and a cake or a cup of tea and a sandwich. They always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

· What are traditional English meals?

· How do you think are traditional Russian dishes very different from traditional English dishes?

Fill in the table

Traditional Russian meals Traditional English meals
Meat dishes  
  haggis - хагис, ливер в рубце (национальное шотландское блюдо)
  steak - бифштекс
  tea with milk
  Russianteа - так в Англии называют чай с лимоном
  coffee with Mint – кофе с мятой
Biscuit, Sweet  
  scone - печеные булочки
  cookies from barley corn – ячменные лепешки
  marmalade – джем, конфитюр
  cornflakes - кукрузныехлопья
  fruit pie – фруктовыйпирог
  Toast- ломтики хлеба, подрумяненные в тостере или на огне
  puddig - пуддинг

Mark these sentences true or false

1.Traditional English meals for breakfast are bacon and eggs, porridge with milk and sugar, a cup of tea or coffee with a toast and marmalade.

2.The Scots eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.

3.Haggis is a meat dish.

4.English tea differs from Tuvan tea , because the English drink tea with milk with sugar.

5. In the afternoon , at tea-time ( about 5 o’clok) the English like to have a cup of tea with milk, scones, cookies from barley corn.

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