Тема 2. Международные организации. Евросоюз, ИНТЕРПОЛ, ОБСЕ, ООН, НАТО, Гринпис.
Тема 2. Международные организации. Евросоюз, ИНТЕРПОЛ, ОБСЕ, ООН, НАТО, Гринпис.
Текст 1 – Международные организации
Грамматика – Предлоги, союзы
Словообразование - приставки
Словарь к теме.
International Organisations
Запишите данные слова в тетрадь. Найдите перевод этих слов в словаре и запомните их.
2. Запишите и запомните следующие словосочетания и их перевод:
the World Wide Fund for Nature - Всемирный фонд дикой природы
the International Committee of the Red Cross - Международный комитет Красного Креста
MBAs without borders - MBA без границ
the World Youth Alliance - Всемирный союз молодежи
the World Trade Organisation - Всемирная торговая организация
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Международный валютный фонд
the European Economic Community - Европейское экономическое сообщество
UNESCO - the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation - Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО)
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Всемирная декларация прав человека
Найдите пары синонимов и запишите их в тетрадь.
Organisation, category, creation, aim, include, company, type, establishment, involve, goal
Найдите пары антонимов и запишите их в тетрадь.
Independence, voluntarily, important, dependence, wide, compulsory, narrow, rise, unimportant, fall
Переведите следующие слова. Почему их можно перевести без словаря?
Corporation, phenomenon, progress, technology, transportation, industrialization, process, problem, ecological, resolution, declaration
6. Изучите грамматический раздел модуля по теме Предлоги. Союзы. Приставки. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 6.
Заполните пропуски словами, данными в рамочке, и переведите предложения.
international, cooperation, independence, non-governmental, cooperation, non-profit, multinational
· A/an ………… organisation is not a part of a government, but may work with government departments, for example in dealing with people's health or the environment.
· A/an ………… organisation works to help people in some way rather than to make a profit.
· A/an ………… company or business has offices, shops, or factories in several countries.
· A/an ………… state or country has people of several different national groups living in it.
· A working group will be established to promote ………….
· Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare its ………… .
· Economic ………… between these two countries is successful
8. Сопоставьте слова, данные в левом столбике, с определениями, данными в правом столбике.
1) independence | a) involving people from many different countries |
2) intergovernmental | b) involving governments of different countries |
3) international | c) a situation in which people or organisations work together to achieve a result that will benefit all of them |
4) multinational | d) freedom from control by another country or organisation |
5) cooperation | e) involving several countries, or existing between countries |
6) self-determination | f) a policy of not getting involved in a disagreement between other people or countries |
7) non-intervention | g) the freedom of the people in a country to choose their own government and not be controlled by another country |
Text 1
International Organisations
An international organisation is an organisation with an international membership, scope or presence. International organisations are divided into two main categories:
1. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs). These may be:
international non-profit organisations, for example: the World Wide Fund for Nature, the International Committee of the Red Cross, MBAs without borders, the World Youth Alliance;
International corporations, referred to as multinational corporations, for example: The Coca Cola Company, Toyota, Microsoft, Adidas, Siemens.
2. Intergovernmental organisations (IGOs). These are organisations that are made up primarily of sovereign states (or member states). Examples include: the European Union (EU), the World Trade Organisation, NATO, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Interpol, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Group of Eight (G-8).
The formation of international organisations was a 20-th century phenomenon. Nowadays there are more than 2,500 international organisations. Among them there are more than 130 intergovernmental unions. The United Nations Organisation is the most notable. Other important organisations are the European Economic Community, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Interpol, Greenpeace and UNESCO. The creation of international organisation on a world-wide scale in the 20-th century was the result of the progress in the technology of communication, transportation, warfare, and the spread of industrialisation. These processes gave rise to a sense of independence among the nations of the world, and made people recognise the importance of international cooperation to avoid danger, solve problems, and use the opportunities which face the society of nations on a world-wide scale. Some organisations are concerned only with single and relatively narrow problems while others such as the UN and UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), deal with a great variety of matters.
Let’s take, for example, the United Nations. It’s an organisation to which nearly all the countries of the world belong. Its headquartersare situated in New York. Its central aim is to maintain peace and security in the world and to develop friendly relations among nations.
Greenpeace is an international organisation, which deals with ecological and environmental problems. It was formed in 1971. Now it is a powerful organisation, which works all over the world. There are many serious actions in the list of Greenpeace activities. The national offices exist in 27 countries of the world. In Russia Greenpeace was formed in 1992. It works here in three directions: Wood Campaign, Antinuclear Campaign and Campaign for preservation of Lake Baikal. Greenpeace tries to attract public attention to different problems in the world and to find the way out. It is financed by personal voluntarily donations of its supporters.
The results of activity of international organisations are significant. The UN General Assembly passed a number of resolutions and declarations. They are the Nuremberg Principles dealing with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the right of people and nations to self-determination; denuclearization, and non-intervention. The most important of them is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This general agreement, which stresses that all human beings are titled to some basic liberties, marked the birth of the international and universal recognition of human rights.
Предпосылки | Цели | Результаты | |
4. Составьте план текста.
5. Передайте содержание каждого пункта плана одним предложением.
The European Union
Text 2
The European Union
The EU is the largest political and economic entity on the European continent. The EU is a supranational and intergovernmental union of democratic member states which are located primarily in Europe.
The European Union was set up to end frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which had culminated into World War II. It was important to rebuild Europe eliminating the possibility of another World War.
Thus, West European nations created the Council of Europe in 1949. It was the first step towards cooperation among countries. In 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community united European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The six founders were Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
In 1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC), or the ‘Common Market’. Later it was transformed into to the European Community. As for the European Union, it was established in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht. Thus, the EU managed to evolve from a trade body into an economic and governmental partnership.
The Union has a single market consisting of a Customs union with a single currency called the euro – the official currency of the Eurozone.It has a common agricultural, trade and fisheries policy, a common external customs tariff, a common position in the international trade negotiations, a Common Foreign and Security Policy, a common policy on asylum and immigration and a common funding of research and technological development.
The Schengen Agreement has abolishedpassport control for the EU member states. Customs checks have been abolished at many of the EU's internal borders, creating a single area of free movement for the EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest.
The EU's decision-making process in general and the co-decision procedure in particular involve three main institutions.
1. the European Parliament (EP), which represents the EU’s citizens and is directly elected by them;
2. the Council of the European Union, which represents the individual member states;
3. the European Commission, which seeks to uphold the interests of the Union as a whole.
This ‘institutional triangle’ produces the policies and laws that apply throughout the EU. In principle, it is the Commission that proposes new laws, but it is Parliament and Council that adopt them. The Commission and the member states then implement them, and the Commission ensures that the laws are properly taken on board. There are two other institutions that have a vital part to play: the Court of Justice upholds the rule of European law, and the Court of Auditors checks the financing of the Union’s activities.
The EU has no official capital and its institutions are divided between several cities: Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Frankfurt.
1. Brussels is the seat of the European Commission (staff of about 18,000) and the Council of Ministers. It is also the venueof the European Parliament's committee meetings and mini-sessions. Since 2004 it has become the host city for all European Council summits.
2. Strasbourg is the seat of the European Parliament (785 members) and the venue of its twelve week-long plenary sessions each year. Strasbourg is also the seat of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights, which are not the bodies of the EU.
3. Luxembourg City is the seat of the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Auditors, the Secretariat of the European Parliament and the European Investment Bank.
4. Frankfurt is the seat of the European Central Bank.
The European Union law is the first and the only example of a supranational legal framework. Becoming the EU members, sovereign nation states pool their authority for the mutual social and economic benefit of their peoples.
The EU has significant religious diversity, mirroring its diverse history and culture. A nominal majority of the population professesChristianity, (predominantly Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy), Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism.
The European Union has the largest economy in the world considered as a single entity. The EU has 23 official languages and three official alphabets: Latin, Greek and Cyrillic. There are only three internal working languages in the European Commission: English, French and German.
· Восстановите хронологическую последовательность событий.
· The European Coal and Steel Community united European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace.
· The European Union was established by the Treaty of Maastricht.
· The Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community.
· West European nations created the Council of Europe.
World Wide Fund for Nature | Всемирный фонд дикой природы | |
International Committee of the Red Cross | Международный комитет Красного Креста | |
MBAs without borders | MBA без границ | |
World Youth Alliance | Всемирный союз молодежи | |
World Trade Organisation | Всемирная торговая организация | |
International Monetary Fund (IMF) | Международный валютный фонд | |
European Economic Community | Европейское экономическое сообщество | |
UNESCO - UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation | Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО) | |
opportunity | возможность | |
headquarter | штаб-квартира | |
donation | пожертвование | |
significant | значительный | |
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Всемирная декларация прав человека | |
self-determination | самоопределение | |
denuclearization | создание безъядерной зоны | |
non-intervention | невмешательство | |
recognition | признание | |
supranational | надгосударственный, наднациональный | |
frequent | частый | |
eliminate | исключать | |
European Coal and Steel Community | Европейское Объединение угля и стали | |
Treaty of Rome | Римский договор | |
Treaty of Maastricht | Маастрихтский договор | |
evolve | развивать | |
Customs union | Таможенный союз | |
fisheries | рыболовство | |
asylum | убежище | |
abolish | отменять | |
European Parliament | Европарламент | |
Council of the European Union | Совет Европейского союза | |
European Commission | Комиссия Европейского союза | |
institutional triangle | институционный треугольник | |
implement | внедрять, реализовывать | |
take on board | взять на вооружение, использовать | |
uphold | защищать, отстаивать | |
Court of Auditors | Суд аудиторов | |
venue | место проведения мероприятия | |
legal framework | правовое пространство | |
pool | объединять | |
mutual | взаимный | |
profess | открыто признавать, заявлять | |
combat | сражаться, вести бой | |
governance | правление, власть | |
General Assembly | Генеральная ассамблея | |
Executive Committee | Исполнительный комитет | |
vote | голос | |
execution | исполнение | |
General Secretariat | Генеральный секретариат | |
liaison office | группа связи | |
smuggler | контрабандист | |
flee | бежать | |
counterfeiter | фальшивомонетчик | |
moot | обсуждать, дискутировать | |
tension | напряженность | |
non-binding | не имеющий обязательной силы | |
provision | положение (договора) | |
signatory | сторона, подписавшая договор | |
Summit | саммит, встреча на высшем уровне | |
Ministerial Council | совет министров иностранных дел | |
Permanent Council | Постоянный совет | |
Chairman-in-Office | действующий председатель | |
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights | Бюро по демократическим институтам и правам человека | |
fraud | мошенничество | |
Representative on Freedom of the Media | представитель по свободе СМИ | |
watchdog | лицо или группа лиц, следящие за тем, чтобы не было отрицательных явлений | |
violation | нарушение, насилие | |
charitable | милосердный, доброжелательный | |
codename | псевдоним, кодовое название | |
relief | предохранительный | |
groundwork | фундамент, основа | |
bottom trawling | придонное траление | |
attendance | посещение | |
extinction | вымирание | |
constitute | составлять | |
whereby | при котором, в соответствии с которым | |
International Staff | Международный секретариат | |
International Military Staff | Международный военный секретариат | |
North Atlantic Council | Североатлантический Совет | |
Allied Command Atlantic | Командование объединёнными вооруженными силами НАТО на Атлантике | |
Allied Command Channel | Главное командование ОВС НАТО в зоне пролива Ла-Манш | |
Allied Command Europe | Союзное командование ОВС НАТО в Европе | |
Parliamentary Assembly | Парламентская ассамблея НАТО | |
Standing Committee | постоянно действующий комитет | |
Treasurer | главный казначей | |
consent | согласие | |
fire fighting | тушение пожара | |
security forces | силы службы безопасности | |
deliberative | совещательный | |
admission | прием, принятие | |
Security Council | Совет Безопасности | |
Secretariat | Секретариат | |
renewable | восстанавливаемый, воспроизводимый | |
Economic and Social Council | Экономический и Социальный Совет | |
International Court of Justice | Международный Суд | |
adjudicate | выносить решение, судить |
Приложение 2.
CSCE | the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe | ||
EEC | the European Economic Community | Европейское экономическое сообщество | |
EP | the European Parliament | Европейский парламент | |
EU | the European Union | Евросоюз | |
G-8 | the Group of Eight | Большая восьмерка | |
IGO | Intergovernmental organisation | межправительственная организация | |
IMF | the International Monetary Fund | Международный валютный фонд | |
Interpol | the International Criminal Police Organisation | Международная организация уголовной полиции | |
NATO | the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation | Организация Североатлантического договора | |
NATO-PA | the Parliamentary Assembly | Парламентская ассамблея НАТО | |
NGO | Non-governmental organisation | неправительственная организация | |
OSCE | the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe | Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе | |
UN | the Organisation of the United Nations | Организация объединенных наций | |
UNESCO | the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО) | |
WTO | the World Trade Organisation | Всемирная торговая организация |
Тема 2. Международные организации. Евросоюз, ИНТЕРПОЛ, ОБСЕ, ООН, НАТО, Гринпис.
Текст 1 – Международные организации
Грамматика – Предлоги, союзы
Словообразование - приставки
Словарь к теме.
International Organisations