The official languages of the conference are Russian and English

Disease and Healthy Lifestyle_conference announcement

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)

Of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences



Ostrovitianov str. 1, Moscow, Russia, 117997

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, tel. +7(495) 434-74-01


The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) cordially invites to apply for 3rd Moscow International Research and Training Conference “Disease and Healthy Lifestyle”which is to be held on 2th of December, 2016 at the Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences of The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow).

This conference aims to provide an intellectual forum for graduate students and young professionals in the social sciences, psychology and medicine who are interested in the problems of healthy lifestyle and deceases treatment. The conference will focus on several important topics in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of physical diseases, as well as of psychological disorders. It will bring together into the interdisciplinary approach social scholars and medical workers and will allow the exchange of opinions in such areas as keeping healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation, and personality’s changes under the impact of a disease. The participants are encouraged to study healthy lifestyle in its social, gender and behavioral aspects, and to regard the efficiency of disease prevention/treatment under influence of these factors.

The conference will feature several workshops dedicated to different aspects of disease prevention/treatment and to families’ couching. Attendees will also enjoy numerous opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas with their colleagues and the faculty members.


The conference organizers welcome papers from PhD Students, young practicing professionals and interns (under 35 years) in areas of Psychology, Social Sciences and Medicine. The MA students of above mentioned disciplines are also encouraged to apply.

The official languages of the conference are Russian and English

The conference will focus on themes/sections:

1. Psychological, social and medical aspects of treatment and prevention of physical diseases and neurological, psychosomatic and mental illness

2. Creating an image of health lifestyle by the means of Psychology and Medicine

3. Social problems connected with health and illness

4. The impact of disease and illness on personality

5. Innovative methods and initiatives in disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

6. Psychological and Social aspects of institutional activities and management in the sphere of health service

The forms of participation:

1. Proceedings publication only

2. proceedings publication and conference presentation

The Proceedingswill be placed on the web-page of RNRMU as an electronic collection of conference proceedings. The selected papers will be published in the Bulletin of Russian National Research Medical University (Вестник Российского государственного медицинского университета), a scientific journal certified by the Russian State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (ВАК).

Several workshops hold by the leading specialists and professors will take place in the framework of the conference: “Emotional burn-out prevention among the specialists,” “Counseling families with a sick child,” “Health and Financial Success,” “Psychology of stress: theory and practice,” etc.


Norms for Proceedings’ contributors:

FONT AND SIZE: Times New Roman 12, spaced 1.5 for the text and Times New Roman 10, space 1.0 for the footnotes.


The paper should NOT be MORE THAN 3 pages

The paper should INCLUDE: an abstract and key words

The paper should COVER: scientific relevance of the topic, research tasks and research methods, results, conclusions and practical importance of the theme

The title, authors’ names, the name of University/Research affiliation unit, keywords and abstract will be made in two languages (for the English speakers the translation will be provided), while the text of the papers can be written either in English or in Russian (see a Sample of proceedings formatting in the Appendix).

The participants should fill out the Conference Participation Form, which you can find the Appendix.

Please send you paper of no more than 3 pages, along with the filled Conference Participation Form to [email protected] by Friday, 21st November 2016.

The file containing the proceedings paper should be named with the surname of the author, the underscore, and the word “paper”, for example: Petrov_paper.

The file containing the Conference Participation Form should be named with the surname of the author, the underscore and the words “participation form,” for example: Petrov_participation form.

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