The infinitive as subject

Test. The verbals. Forms of the infinitive. The particle to.

Name ____________________________________________________________ Group ___________________

I. Put the infinitives in brackets into the correct form:

1. She hopes (choose) for the national team. 2. You should (tell) me you were ill. 3. He doesn’t like (interrupt) while he’s working. 4. I would like (live) in the sixteenth century. 5. This building needs (reconstruct). 6. She can’t (dance) with Tim last night. He’s got a broken leg. 7. I’d like (go) sailing this summer. 8. That man over there seems (wait) for smb since morning. 9. Why is she so late? - She may (have) trouble with the car. 10. Do you think the water’s warm enough (go) swimming?

1. 4. 7.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6. 9.

II. Copy the following sentences and add «to» where necessary:

1. That beard makes you look much older than you are.

2. James says he didn’t see you come in to the party.

3. Do you want have lunch now or wait till later?

4. I suppose it might be quite good but I’d rather just go out to the cafe.

5. Why not give him socks for Christmas?

6. You’d better not go near the edge.

7. I know all what happened. You don’t need say anything.

8. Why did you take a taxi? - I had. I was late.

9. I would like help George sing – the way I always wanted myself and never could.

10. They had agreed it wasn’t important celebrate the exact day.


As the infinitive combines the noun and verb characteristics it can function like a noun and a verb in the sentence: as subject, object and part of the predicate.

The infinitive as subject

The infinitive as subject can be put in two positions in the sentence:

1. before the predicate:

2. after the predicate (in Modern English it is preferable to start with the preparatory subject “It” and put the infinitive after the predicate):

Ex.1. Create sentences beginning with “it” and use the given expression in your sentence:

Example: be dangerous → It’s dangerous to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

1. be important. 2. not be easy. 3. be foolish. 4. must be interesting. 5. be always a pleasure. 6. be clever of you. 6. not cost much money. 8. be necessary. 9. take time. 10. be difficult

Ex.2. Translate into English:

1. Невозможно было прийти во время. 2. Говорить по-испански легко. 3. Важно знать английский. 4. Необходимо принимать лекарства регулярно. 5. Трудно общаться с ним. 6. Было невозможно понять ее. 7. Это хорошая мысль пойти туда вместе. 8. Пора обедать. 9. Научиться водить машину легко. 10. Невозможно не обратить на нее внимание. 11. Важно помнить это 12. Глупо было не позвать доктора. 13. Есть много жира вредно. 14. Пить много пива тоже вредно. 15. Рано вставать - моя привычка. 16. Поговорить с ним - огромное удовольствие. 17. Было бы ошибкой дать ему денег. 18. Жаль, что было невозможно поговорить с ней. 19. Время принимать решение. 20. Опасно играть со спичками.

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