Чтение сочетаний гласных букв


1. Правила чтения гласных и согласных звуков и их сочетаний в английском языке ………………………………………………………….  
2. Имя существительное (The Noun) ………………………………………..
3. Артикль (The Article) ...…………………………………………………….
4. Местоимение (The Pronoun) ………………………………………………
5. Имя прилагательное и наречие (The Adjective and the Adverb) …………..
6. Имя числительное (The Numerals) ...………………………………………
7. Глагол, действительный залог (The Verb, Active Voice) ………………….
8. Вопросительные предложения ……………………………………………
9. Глагол, страдательный залог (The Verb, Passive Voice) …………………...
10. Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech) …………………….
11. Значение и функции глагола to have …..………………………………..
12. 13. Значение и функции глагола to be……………………………………... Приложение ………………………………………………………………..

Правила чтения гласных и согласных звуков

И их сочетаний в английском языке

Чтение гласных букв в четырех типах ударного слога.

Гласная буква Тип слога
    I Открытый слог II Закрытый слог III Гласная + r IV Гласная + re
а [ei] make, date [æ] bag, flat [a:] far, start [ ə] spare, fare
е [i:] she, eve [e] pen, bed [ə:] her, verb [iə] here, mere
i/ у [ai] time, bite, fly, cry [i] sit, stick, gym, myth [ə:] bird, fir [aiə] fire, mire
о [əu] note, rose [ο] not, fog [o:] born, sport [o:] more, before
u [ju:] tune, fuse [Λ] nut, run [ə:] turn, nurse [juə] pure, cure

Задание 1. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на тип слога.

a) типы I и II: behavior, lattice, relate, basic,add, manner, replace, attract, state, gap, vacancy, radix, locate, safe, carry, trap, flat, pack, sample, electrical, conventional, neglect,electron, complete, intermediate, prevent, enter, vendor, set, next, net, involve, motion, bond, process, odd, total, hole, drop, clone, mode, remote, slot, host, pop back, criterion, miss, like, fit, drift, site, derive, anion, cation, intrinsic, provide, binary, crystal, tie, device, drive, describe, define, subtle, plug, interrupt, function, corruption, debug, unique, under, consume, execute, reduce, conductor, introduce, assumption, structure, produce, current, number, thus, introduction, result.

b) типы III и IV: carbon, arsenic, large, sharp, smart, parse, discard, target, charge, enormous, importance, incorporate, according, cord, absorb, support, perform, important, formula, occur, curve, purpose, circuit, virtue, transverse, inversely, versus, term, external, internal, determine, service, insert, terminal, convert, vertex, invert, share, compare, software, aware, store, force, core, explore, secure, cure, pure, entire, interfere, sphere.

Особенности чтения некоторых согласных и гласных букв.

№№ Правила чтения согласных и гласных букв Примеры
1.   C   [s] после e, i, y Cell, pencil, city, space, face, lace, cell, cent, cite, cyst, pencil, nice, mice
[k]в остальных случаях Cat, come, clean, music, cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp
  ck [k] Lick, back, lack, stick, nick, black, sack, sick, deck, slack, neck, pack, peck
  ch [t∫ ] Chime, chest, check, cheap, teach, speech, inch, lynch
[k]в словах латинского и греческого происхождения School, scholar, chrome, chorus, chlorite, architect, architecture
tch [t∫ ] Catch, match, stitch, ditch
2.   G   [d ]после e, i, y Page, cage, gyps, badge, age, stage, gipsy, gene, gibe, gym, gentle, gem
[g] в остальных случаях Gale, gain, god, grim, big, dig, got, stag, gossip, go, glide, glad, gas, log, dog
3.   S   [s]в начале слова и после глухих согласных See, sky, caps, books, lamps, sad, cats, lets, meets, sets, likes, sat, sleeps, cakes, stops, pens
[z]между гласными, после гласных и звонких согласных Bees, mends, is, tables, beds, ties, plans, dolls, boys, dogs, noisy, feeds, bells, stones
4.   X   [gz]перед ударной гласной Exam, exact, exist
[ks] в остальных случаях Text, box, six, next
5.   Y   [j] в начале слова You, yet, yes, yell, yak, yelp
[i]в конце двусложных и многосложных слов в безударном положении Silly, fifty, kitty, zany, easy, lazy, daddy, nicely, needy, neatly, tiny, sticky, city, factory, fancy, lady
[ai]в конце слов под ударением Amplify, simplify, magnify, classify, modify, identify
6. U [u], [u:] Pull, put, full, bush, push

Задание 2. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на произношение выделенных букв.

Lattice, concern, concept, reference, processor, produce, specimen, specification, cancel, access, accident, precision, oscillate, factor, excessive, decimal, connection, encounter, scatter, block, socket, lock, bracket, check, chip, change, schedule, match, fetch, switch, achieve, charge, approach, channel, architecture, stoichiometry, character, chemist, archive, synchronize, mechanical, scheme, technique, range, advantage, storage, manage, integer, leverage, digit, integrity, general, energy, hydrogen, degenerate, agitation, arrangement, gap, diagram, magnetic, response, send, transistor, opposite, represent, intrinsic, expect, extra, fix, excitation, flexible, excess, exist, example, exert, yield, yellow, namely, empty, inventory, directly, memory, temporarily, responsibility, solution, include, imply, magnify.

Чтение сочетаний гласных букв.

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