ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Переведете письменно предложения. Какие виды инверсии в них используются?
1. With neither the euro nor the yean yet ready to usurp it, the dollar will not quickly lose its status. 2. Having worked as a digital publishing specialist at a large corporation at my previous job, I did not think being in charge of foreign language typesetting would be too difficult. After all, the layout and the images are already prepared and I only need to flow in the text .Was I ever wrong! Through experience, I've discovered that foreign language typesetting can be very challenging. 3. Of great importance nowadays is the theory for the practice. 4. Not only will this make your work easier and more consistent, it will also help the foreign partners. 5. The study indicates that the spread of a product by word of mouth – what the authors call "contagion" – can and does happen over social networks. 6. One lesson from the crisis is that the closer firms are to the financial system, the better the chance of receiving a handout. 7. Not only has there been rapid growth in world trade, but it has taken place in an environment where the support facilities are readily available from other trading nations. 8. Very little they have published in the literature about translation studies and globalization, which is of course highly overdue. 9. In any event, countries that are concerned about inequality of incomes within their countries can, and do, address it through government policies. 10. Supporting them in that difficult situation were the army, the police and the government.
ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Переведете письменно предложения, используя различные виды отступления от прямого порядка слов, а также усилительные конструкции.
1. Именно этот алгоритм будет использоваться для решения уравнений. 2. Вы можете использовать только эту книгу. 3. Особую важность в данной ситуации имеет продолжительность ответа. 4. Несмотря на все недостатки, представленная теория все же может использоваться в научных исследованиях. 5. В данной книге излагаются не только теоретические положения, но также анализируются примеры из нашей практики. 6. Его поддерживали все работники предприятия. 7. Такая ошибка все же встречается в работе оборудования. 8. Радио было изобретено именно в России. 9. Для проведения эксперимента ученые использовали именно этот прибор. 10. Именно этот подход используется в его исследовании.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Выполните письменный перевод текста. В каких предложениях наблюдается инверсия?
Translation Theory
The study of proper principle of translation is termed as translation theory. This theory, based on a solid foundation on understanding of how languages work, translation theory recognizes that different languages encode meaning in differing forms.
Not only does translation theory include principles for translating figurative language but dealing with lexical mismatches, rhetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers, and many other topics crucial to good translation. Basically there are two competing theories of translation. In one, the main purpose is to express as exactly as possible the meaning of every word and turn of phrase in the original, and in the other the main purpose is to produce a result that does not read like a translation at all.
Conventionally, it is suggested that in order to perform their job successfully, translators should meet three important requirements:
· the source language
· the target language
· the subject matter
The translator discovers the meaning behind the forms in the source language and does his best to produce the same meaning in the target language – using the forms and structures of the target language. Consequently, the meaning we should preserve in translation.
It was not until 1540 that the following fundamental principles of translation, usually regarded as providing rules of thumb for the practicing translator, were formulated by French translator and humanist Étienne Dolet.
The translator should understand perfectly the content and intention of the author whom he is translating. It is reading all the sentences or the text completely that can give the idea that you want to say in the target language because the more clearly and natural the translator’s language the more qualitative the translation is.
The translator should have a perfect knowledge of the language from which he is translating. Neither can the importance of an excellent knowledge of the target language be overestimated. As the deficiency of the knowledge of both languages will result in a translation without logic and sense.
The translator should avoid the tendency to translate word by word, because doing so does destroy the meaning of the original and to ruin the beauty of the expression.
(по материалам сайта www.translationdirectory.com)
Тема 3
Артикль – это служебное слово, которое является одним из основных формальных признаков существительного. В английском языке существует три артикля – неопределенный a (an), определенный (the) и нулевой. Как правило, артикли не переводятся на русский язык. Однако в некоторых случаях для полной передачи смысла оригинала переводчик вынужден передавать значение артиклей при помощи лексических средств (табл. 4).
Таблица 4