What kinds and where are fairs conducted in Russia
Russia has long been famous for its fairs. Fair - is a fun representation of the results of labor. They are held regularly in the same place and the same time. Russian people are able to work, and was able to relax. Large trades were with provocative songs, rollicking dance, entertainment could be seen clowns, jesters and see a puppet show. People are eagerly waiting and preparing for the fair - it was to them as a great holiday, which came and went with the people of different provinces and counties. That's where all could see and hear, to find a product to suit every taste and budget.
Nizhny Novgorod Fair
Irbit Fair
Kharkov fair
Kyiv Contract Fair
forest Fair
Hop fair
Horse fair
Steppe bestial Fair
The Siberian fair
15. what is meant by the controlling function of management?
Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs in confirmities with the plans adopted, instructions issued and principles established. Controlling ensures that there is effective and efficient utilization of organizational resources so as to achieve the planned goals. Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard performance, discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking corrective actions
According to Brech, “Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate progress and also recording such experience as is gained as a contribution to possible future needs.”
According to Donnell, “Just as a navigator continually takes reading to ensure whether he is relative to a planned action, so should a business manager continually take reading to assure himself that his enterprise is on right course.”
16. why is service, as a basic category of business, rapidly becoming dominant today?
At one time, basic manufacturing was the main business of U.S. business. Today, service is rapidly becoming dominant. Service is involved in many large and profitable enterprises, including health care1), real estate2) (realtors don’t ordinarily build and stock houses; they act as brokers between buyers and sellers), stock brokerage3)? Insurance, and such recent additions as computer programming and consulting.
Where might you fit in?4)
Services are what busy people need done for them because they don’t have the time to do it for themselves. It just a creative mind and some talent to come up with a brand-new business in the service line
17.What is a contract?
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more persons. For example, if you purchase any goods, buy a house, engage a builder to carry out work on your house, borrow money, order goods or machinery from a manufacturer, or sign up for a telephone plan, these are all types of contracts.
The law of contracts is vital to the law which affects consumers. It is a complex area and is governed both by the general law – that is, laws which have evolved from decisions made over the years by judges, and laws introduced by government.
Who can make a contract?
In New South Wales, a person is able to make a contract when they reach 18 years of age. However, there are some circumstances when a person who is younger than 18 will be bound by a contract into which he or she has entered. Basically, it depends on the type of contract and the degree of understanding that the person had about the contract.
In certain circumstances, a person who is mentally ill or intellectually disabled at the time may not be bound by a contract entered into.
18. what activities would be performed by subordinates?
Be the boss - it's pretty hard work. And this burden is particularly heavy when she lies on the fragile shoulders of women. How to behave with their subordinates to work on the favorable climate and at the same time the team worked like a well-oiled mechanism?
In order to further career business woman developed safely, you need to skillfully combine fairness and rigor, the visibility of the concessions and demands, connect and resources such as cunning, feminine charm, determination, and a number of other qualities.
You need to learn the right way management has a decisive impact on the performance of the group. The manual is no detail, your every gesture, word is fixed in the minds of your employees.