Mechanical engineering

Engineers in this field design, build, test and operate machinery of all types. The field is divided into:

1) machine-tools, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics and pneumatics;

2) work and energy, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

A mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics and hydraulics, metallurgy and machine design. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves.

6.9 Read and translate the text. Answer the questions: What do engineers design and supervise? What requirements should newly built ships meet? Why should naval architects have profound knowledge of higher mathematics?

repair ремонтировать
construction of ships   строительство судов
stability   остойчивость
strength   прочность
floatability   плавучесть
reliability   надежность
determine   определять
shape   форма, обводы судна
hull structure   конструкция корпуса
ship hull   корпус судна
welding   сварка
intended for them   предназначенный для них
principal dimensions   главные размерения, размеры


Naval architects are engineers who design and supervise the construction of ships and ship repair. Ships must be designed to meet certain requirements such as stability, strength, floatability, reliability and many others in order to perform the type of work intended for them. Naval architects determine the shape and principal dimensions of the ship. They also carry out research work and develop calculating methods of strength and optimal parameters of the ship structure, noise reduction of the ship hull and machinery. Naval architects must be familiar with the variety of techniques in modern shipbuilding. They develop basic technologies; supervise welding operations and installation of equipment.

6.10 Match the English and Russian words and word combinations.

1) supervise a) проводить исследовательскую работу
2) to carry out research work b) основные технологии
3) calculating methods c) наблюдать, контролировать
4) optimal parameters d) методы вычислений
5) noise reduction e) уменьшение шума
6) variety of techniques f) сварочные работы
7) basic technologies g) оптимальные величины
8) welding operations h) установка оборудования
9) installation of equipment i) разнообразие, множество методов, приемов

6.11 Study the words and word combinations on the text.

ship power plant судовая силовая установка
steam turbine паровая турбина
gas turbine газовая турбина
diesel engine дизельный двигатель
nuclear power plant ядерная энергетическая установка
ship internal combustion engine судовой двигатель внутреннего сгорания
steam generator парогенератор
mounting монтаж, сборка, установка
control управление, контроль
fuel consumption расход топлива

6.12 Read and translate the text.


Marine engineering is a special branch of mechanical engineering. Engineers in this field work at designing, mounting and control of ship power plants of all types (steam and gas turbines, diesel engines, nuclear and electrical power plants). They also design and investigate different types of ship engines and machinery such as ship internal combustion engines, steam generators etc., as well as technological processes of their building, mounting and operation.

Marine engineers work at designing and producing systems of power plants and information measuring complexes. Marine automation is the automatic control of shipboard systems and processes. Automatic control of a ship power plant and engine room equipment has great advantages. It increases safety of a ship power plant, reduces fuel consumption and personnel, and achieves high efficiency of the plant operation.

6.13 Match the English and Russian words and word combinations.

1. special branch a) информационно-измерительные комплексы
2. mounting and control b) оборудование машинного отделения
3. investigate c) работа судовой силовой установки
4. ship engines and machinery d) специальное направление
5. information measuring complexes e) судовые двигатели и оборудование
6. shipboard systems f) высокая производительность
7. engine room equipment g) установка и управление (контроль)
8. great advantages h) безопасность
9. safety i) изучать, исследовать
10. high efficiency j) бортовые системы
11. plant operation k) большие преимущества

6.14Phrasal verbs.Match the phrasal verbs on the left to their meanings on the right.

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