How many meals a day do you have?


The appetite grows by eating.

How many meals a day do you have?

I usually often sometimes have three four meals a day.

What do people eat (drink) at breakfast? What do people have for breakfast? Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

bread and butterхлеб с маслом

a sandwichбутерброд

porridge (oatmeal porridge)каша/овсяная каша/

bacon and eggsбекон и яйца

boiled eggsяйца

soft-boiled eggsяйца всмятку

hard-boiled eggsяйца вкрутую

5-minute eggsяйца "в мешочек"

fried eggsяичница /глазунья/

scrambled eggsяичница /в которой желток и белок смешаны/ omeletteомлет


processed cheeseплавленый сыр



toastтост /поджаренный хлеб/

biscuitsпеченье /сухое/

cookiesпеченье /сдобное/

a cakeторт, кекс

a fancy cakeпирожное

rolls and bunsсдобные булочки


cottage cheeseтворог

sour creamсметана






Coffee кофе



4. Practice reading the following word combina­tions and sentences. Learn them by heart.

as a ruleкак правило

I don't feel hungry early in the morningя не чувствую голода рано утром

I usually have a light breakfastу меня обычно легкий завтрак

what about you?как насчет тебя?

I am a hearty eaterя люблю хорошо поесть

I always have a big breakfastу меня всегда большой завтрак

Answer the following questions.

1. How many meals a day do people have?

2. How many meals a day do you usually have?

3. What is your first meal?

4. What do you have for breakfast?

5. Do you feel hungry early in the morning?

6. Do you usually have a light breakfast or a big one?

7. What does your brother (sister, mother, etc.) have for breakfast?

8. Do you drink tea or coffee at breakfast?

9. Do you like strong or weak tea?

10. Do you like your tea with a lot of sugar?

11. What is your favorite breakfast?

12. Do you like porridge for breakfast?

13. Do you agree that porridge is very healthy food?

14. Why don't you eat porridge for breakfast?

15. What does a traditional English breakfast con­sist of?

10. Practice reading the following word combina­tions and sentences. Learn them by heart.

be quick about itпоторопитесь

you'll be late for schoolопоздаете в школу

what is there for breakfast?что на завтрак?

that's fineчудесно

no eggs for meмне яиц не надо

pass me the saltпередай мне соль

here you areна /возьми, пожалуйста/

don't spill the teaне разлей чай

you may scald yourselfты можешь ошпариться

can I have cocoa instead of tea?Можно мне какао вместо чая?

I just hate it!я его просто терпеть не могу

these cookies are deliciousэто печенье чудесное

can I have another one?можно мне еще одно?

help yourselfпожалуйста /угощайся/

Learn the following dialogue.

MOTHER. Now, children, sit down and be quick about it, or you'll be late for school.

JANE. And what is there for breakfast?

MOTHER. Sausage, cheese, eggs, bread and butter.

PETER. That's fine. I like sausage and eggs.

JANE. No eggs for me. Just a sandwich with sausage, please.


PETER. Pass me the salt, Jane.

JANE. Here you are.

PETER. Can I have tea with lemon? I like tea with lemon very much.

MOTHER. All right. Here you are. Be careful. Don't spill the tea. It's very hot, you may scald yourself.

PETER. No fear. Thank you. Mom.

JAKE. Can I have cocoa instead of tea, Mom?

MOTHER. You are welcome.

PETER. I don't like cocoa. I just hate it!

JANE. You don't understand anything. Oh, Mom, these cookies are delicious! Can I have another one?

MOTHER. Of course, help yourself.

PETER. One for me, please.

MOTHER. Here you are.

PETER. Thank you.

MOTHER.When will you be home from school?

PETER.Some time about two.

JANE. I'll be home early today. We have only four lessons.

What do people have for dinner?

Appetisers закуски


Russian saladвинегрет


pickled mushroomsсоленые грибы

cucumbers огурцы


marinated mushroomsмаринованные грибы

marinated cucumbersмаринованные огурцы

marinated tomatoesмаринованные помидоры

First course первое блюдо


mushroom soupгрибной суп

potato soupкартофельный суп

vegetable soupовощной суп

Cabbage soup щи

pea soupгороховый суп

fish soupрыбный суп


Second course второе блюдо

roast meatжареное мясо

stewed meatтушёное мясо

boiled meatвареное мясо

roast chickenжареная курица

roast turkeyжареная индейка

fried fishжареная рыба





hot dogsсосиски, сардельки

meat ballsкотлеты,фрикадельки


fried potatoesжареная картошка

boiled potatoesвареная картошка

mashed potatoesпюре


stewed cabbageтушеная капуста



rice [rais] рис

Dessert десерт

stewed fruitкомпот

fresh fruitсвежие фрукты

canned fruitконсервированные фрукты


mineral waterминеральная вода


15. Practice reading the following word combina­tions and sentences. Learn them by heart.

what do we have for dinner?что у нас на обед?

for the first courseна первое

for the second courseна второе

anything for the dessert?есть что-нибудь на десерт?

what shall I cook for dinner?что приготовить на обед?

we haven't had roast chicken for dinner for a long timeу нас давно не было на обед жареной курицы

shall I cook liver for dinner?приготовить на обед печень?

do we have any mushroom soup left?у нас остался грибной суп?

I'll presently warm it upсейчас разогрею

help me lay the tableпомоги мне накрыть на стол

Read the text.

The second meal of the day is lunch. People usually have it at work. As a rule, lunch is a light meal. I have my lunch at the school canteen. For lunch I have vegetable salad and a sandwich or two with sausage or cheese, or sometimes a couple of frankfurters and a slice of brown bread. I drink a glass of tea or juice. Dinner is the biggest meal of the day. Some people have dinner at work, others have it at home when they come from work.

On week days it is difficult to gather the whole family for dinner, because people finish work at different times. But on Sunday we always have dinner together.

Our Sunday dinner usually begins with an appetizer: a little salad, or Russian salad, a piece of herring, or perhaps some pickled or marinated mushrooms, tomatoes or cucumbers.

The main course of the dinner is soup, or broth. Broth with meat pies is very tasty. For the second course we have roast meat or stewed meat and fried or boiled potatoes, or sometimes macaroni or spaghetti. I like roast chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner.

Many people like to have fish for dinner. For the dessert we drink a glass of mineral water or lemonade or juice. Sometimes we have fresh or canned fruit.

Supper is the last meal of the day. Supper must be a light meal, because it isn't good to eat much in the evening. The proverb says, "After dinner sleep a while, After supper walk a mile."

We usually have a cup of tea and sandwiches for supper. We also may have sponge-cake, biscuits, rolls or buns, or pies with jam or marmalade. Meat pies, or pies with cabbage and eggs are also very tasty.

The English have lunch at about 12 or 1 o'clock. Usually it is a light meal: a sandwich or two, rolls or buns and a glass of tea or juice.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon the English have tea. The 5 o'clock tea is a famous English tradition. As a rule, the whole family gathers at home for the 5 o'clock tea.

In the evening the English have dinner or supper. Supper and dinner in England is practically the same meal, only for dinner you have soup and for supper you don't. It is a long-standing tradition. But nowadays in many families they have both, like us: dinner in the middle of the day and supper in the evening.

Read the text.

A Sad Story

An English tourist, who was staying at a hotel in Paris came to the hotel restaurant to have dinner. He could not speak French, but he did not want to show it to people. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came up to his table, the Englishman took the menu-card and pointed to the first line. The waiter nodded and walked away. Very soon he returned and put a plate of mushroom soup on the table. The Englishman was very pleased with himself. He ate the soup and, when the waiter came up to the table again, pointed to the fifth line on the menu-card. The waiter looked a little surprised, but did not say a word. He walked away and soon returned, bringing the Englishman a plate of fish soup. The Englishman did not want to show the waiter that he did not know French, so he ate the fish soup. Then he pointed to a line in the middle of the menu-card, hoping that he would get some second course at last. This time the waiter brought him a plate of chicken broth. In despair, the Englishman pointed to the last line on the menu-card. And the waiter brought him a package of tooth-picks!

Translate into English.

1. Вы не позавтракаете с нами? — Нет, спасибо, я только-что завтракал.

2. Сварить грибной суп?

3. Помоги мне накрыть на стол.

4. Чем еще помочь? — Больше ничего не надо, спасибо.

5. Что это так вкусно пахнет?

6. Поставь чайник и завари чай.

7. Я хочу угостить вас тортом, который я сделала сама.

8. Могу предложить вам курицу с пюре.

9. Передай мне, пожалуйста, хлеб.

10. Кто сварил суп?

11. Я предпочитаю крепкий чай с лимоном.

12. Ваш пирог изумительно вкусный.

13. Что приготовить на обед?

14. Как насчет того, чтобы пообедать?

15. Что у вас вчера было на обед?

16. Угощайтесь вареньем, пожалуйста.

17. Не хотите ли еще чашечку кофе? — Спасибо, с уовольствием.

18. Вам чай с лимоном? — Да, пожалуйста.

19. Убери со стола и вымой посуду.

20. Сколько вам положить сахару в чай? — Две ложки, пожалуйста.

21. Не разлей чай, а то ошпаришься.

22. Можно мне еще кусок пирога?

23. Хочешь добавки салата? — Нет, спасибо, я наелся.

24. Как правило, я ем мало за завтраком.

25. Я завтракаю рано утром, перед тем как идти в школу.

26. У нас остался кофе?

27. Мой папа встает утром первым.

28. Я встаю последним.

29. Почему она не ест кашу на завтрак?

30. Вчера у нас был очень вкусный обед. На первое у нас был грибной суп, а на второе рыба и жареная картошка.

31. Выпей стакан сока.

32. Что у нас сегодня на завтрак?

33. Я голоден. Как насчет того, чтобы перекусить?

34. У нас уже давно не было на обед грибов.

35. Мы как раз собираемся ужинать.

36. Я не люблю какао. Я просто терпеть его не могу.

37. Ты любишь блины со сметаной? Или ты предпочитаешь с медом?

38. Мой папа любит сосиски с тушеной капустой на обед.

39. Некоторые люди любят есть кашу на завтрак.


The appetite grows by eating.

How many meals a day do you have?

I usually often sometimes have three four meals a day.

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