Pre-selected Passengers (PSPs) and their Duties

Before emergency landing the Cabin Crew must select able-bodied PAX (ABPs) to help CAs in removing and operating necessary safety equipment. The pre-selected passengers are reseated next to the emergency exits. The Cabin Crew will normally choose younger able-bodied men with an appropriate English language. The CA briefs them on their duties:

1. - Do you speak English?

- Follow me.

- We are preparing for emergency landing.

- I need your help in removing/operating the emergency equipment.

- Can you help?

- Help me:

· Remove the slide.

· Throw out the slide.

· Open window exits.

· Throw away window exits.

· Remove, pull to the exit, throw out the life raft.

- Stay at this exit, tell PAX:

· Shoes/ eye-glasses off.

· Leave everything;

· Jump, slide, run away;

· Leg-body-leg;

· Slide down the escape rope;

· Run, jump, slide, run away.

- Leave the plane, stretch, hold the slide steady.

- Stay at the bottom (end) of the slide, help PAX get off.

- Help PAX with children, old men and women, handicapped.

- Hold up PAX not to hamper passages.

- Push out PAX by force if necessary.

- Open the window exit, the method of opening is given on the plate.

- Send PAX to the nearest/next/opposite exit.

- Repeat your duty.

- I rely on you.

2. Emergency landing on land (TU-154, TU-134)

When you hear the command “Passenger Evacuation”, I repeat

“Passenger Evacuation”:

- Help me open the door.

- If I am not able to open the door you must do it.

- Before opening the door, check through the door window:

· if you see fire, smoke or other obstacles, , do not open the door, but send PAX to the next /nearest/ opposite exit;

· if everything is OK outside, hold onto the assist handle and open the door;

· if the exit is safe, shout to PAX: “Come this way, jump, slide, run away!”

· if the exit is unsafe, block the exit, and send ( re-direct) PAX to other exits.

- When all PAX are outside, check this area for injured PAX ( if anybody left) then leave the aircraft.

- Repeat your duty, please.

3. Ditching (TU-134, TU-154)

- Help me open the door.

- In case I am not able to open the door you must do it.

- Check through the window;

· if you see water above the door level or obstacles do not open the door and send passengers to other exits;

· if everything is OK outside hold onto the assist handle and open the door.

- Bring the raft to the door.

- Pull the line and attach it to this handle.

- Throw the raft into the water.

- Pull the line to inflate the raft.

- Shout: “Inflate your life-vests, walk in!”

- If everybody is outside check this area for injured passengers, leave the plane.

- Cut the line with the knife which is inside the raft.

- Repeat please.

Some useful phrases

We have to make a forced Вы вынуждены совершить

(emergency) landing. аварийную посадку.

We will probably experience При посадке вы, возможно,

several impacts upon landing. ощутите несколько ударов.

Remain in the bracing position Оставайтесь в безопасной

until we give you further instructions. позе до следующих команд.

Pay special attention to the location Обратите особое внимание

of the nearest exits. на расположение ближайших


We will distribute blankets, pillows Мы раздадим пледы,подушки,

and articles of clothing to protect одежду для защиты головы.

your head.

For children use pillows as Детям положите подушки за

padding behind the back. спину.

When you hear the command Когда вы услышите команду

“brace for impact” (“head down”) «голову вниз» или табло

or the “Fasten Seatbelt” sign starts «пристегнуть привязной

to flash, take the position ремень» включено, примите

we are now showing you. положение (позу), которое мы

вам сейчас показываем.

Wait for instructions before Ждите указаний до

moving and keep calm. передвижения и сохраняйте


Your safety will depend on Ваша безопасность будет

carrying out our instructions зависеть от спокойного и

carefully and calmly. правильного выполнения

наших инструкций.

Take a bracing position. Примите безопасную позу.

Pull the handle and Потяните ручку и откройте

open the hatch inwards. люк вовнутрь.

Push hatch door out. Вытолкните дверь люка.


Pre-selected Passengers (PSPs) and their Duties -

To equip with оборудовать, оснащать

equipment оборудование, оснащение

Safety безопасность

safe/unsafe безопасный/небезопасный

to save/to rescue спасать

a saver/ a rescuer спасатель

Emergency авария/аварийный

emergency exits аварийные выходы

emergency landing аварийная посадка

(on land) ( на сушу)

emergency landing аварийная посадка

( on water) ( на воду)

To ditch приводняться

ditching приводнение

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