Text B. Land Reclamation and Water Resources in Arid Areas
The shortage of fresh water has the greatest influence on the entire natural complex. But it operates in the arid areas more intensely than anywhere else. That is why dealing with any economic problem in a desert begins with an assessment of water resources for the sake of land reclamation.
Artesian wells are quite spread in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian Republics. The water for the city of Shevchenko is obtained cheaply from an atomic desalting plant. High-capacity irrigation systems operate in Turkmenia and Uzbekistan, getting water from the Kara Kum and other canals.
But Central Asia's biggest rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, do not carry enough water any more. So a new problem arose — how to save the Aral Sea which will not be able to replenish itself with water from the two rivers. The further economic development of the lands of the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan will demand additional amounts of water.
The land use planners as well as many other specialists have developed a number of projects for ways of bringing water to the deserts which will help to alter the climate of vast areas.
However, obtaining the water is not enough. It must be used rationally. Today, between 15 and 30 per cent of the water in irrigation canals is lost in the Ferghana Valley. These waters were the cause of appearance of salty bog lands. Cement or clay solutions are being used to cover the walls of the canals, but these are very expensive methods. Feeding water through pipelines is a new way of combating water losses and the salination of surrounding territories. Sending the water through flexible plastic pipes is especially effective.
Supplying water to the deserts in Central Asia and Kazakhstan and developing new methods of transporting it, land irrigation make it possible to protect the soil in arid zones from salination and end the threat of wind erosion.
IV.Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:
Central Asian Republic; frost-free season; prime condition; arid zone; natural indicators; increased concentration of salts; vegetation cover; salt-loving types; biological productivity; wild animals; mechanical means; subtropical plant; long growing season; location of cotton farms.
V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастий прошедшего времени;
1. We must have some soil maps made of the areas where cotton is grown. 2. Do you want this area reclaimed? 3. He had his project completed. 4. They have this area reclaimed. 5. They want their land information be supported by space data. 6. These specialists have all their land use projects adopted.
VI. Закончите предложения, используя текст В:
1. The entire natural complex has been influenced by... .2. An assessment of water resources is the main problem in... .3. Where do high capacity irrigation... ? 4. Additional amounts of water will be... . 5. Bringing water to the deserts will help .... 6. A new way of combating water losses and the salination of surrounding territories is... . 7. Supplying water to the deserts in Central Asia makes it possible to... .
VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
desert; subsoil waters; concentration of salts; drought-resistant crops; satellite information; to stabilize sands; to replenish; virgin lands
VIII. Образуйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени от данных глаголов. Употребите их попарно в 2-3 случаях. Объясните различие в их значениях:
to shape, to extend, to grow, to link, to involve, to increase, to obtain, to cover, to control, to reduce, to move, to reclaim, to improve
IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Nearly all the cotton ... in the Central Asian Republics. 2. Cotton is grown in the area with ... summers and long ... season. 3. The deserts invade in many forms—wind ..., drought and ... sands. 4. The first signal of trouble in the desert is an increased ... of salts in the soil and subsoil waters. 5. The final and most alarming signal is ... health among the people living in the area. 6. The satellite information makes possible the forecasting of undesirable phenomena ... by man's activities. 7. Obtained water must be used... . 8. The walls of canals must be ... with cement or clay solutions.
X. Переведите с русского языка на английский:
1. У растений пустыни жесткие листья, которые препятствуют слишком быстрой потере воды. 2. Это книга, которая дает много фактов и примеров того, как нужно охранять окружающую среду. 3. Было указано на практическую важность внутризонального районирования, причем учитывались изменения природных условий не только с севера на юг, но и внутри зон с запада на восток.
XI. Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1.Cotton is grown in the Central Asian Republics . 2.To grow cotton crop you must have an area with hot summer and long frost-free season. 3.Increasingthe salt concentration in the soil and subsoil waters you get somechanges in the vegetation cover. 4.To increase the concentration of salt in the soil and subsoil waters meansto change the vegetation cover of the area.
1. Веселовская Н.Г. Английский язык для специальностей «Землеустройство» и «Земельный кадастр»: учеб. пособие / Н.Г. Веселовская. - М: Академия, 2009. – 204 с.
2. Мудра С.В. Навчальний посібник з дисципліни «Англійська мова» для студентів вищих аграрних закладів освіти за спеціальністю «Землевпорядкування та кадастр» / С.В. Мудра, О.Г. Пономаренко. – К.: «Формат», 2012. – 420 с.
3. Новикова О.Н. Английский язык для студентов аграрных вузов: учеб. пособие / О.Н. Новикова, Г.Г. Друкер: Башкирский ГАУ. – Уфа: БГАУ, 2007. – 236 с.
4. Тупченко В.В. Методичні рекомендації та практичні завдання з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для студентів спеціальності «Геодезія, картографія та землеустрій» / В.В. Тупченко. – Харків, 2015. – 52 с.
5. Hornby A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.
6. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. – Access mode http://en.wikipedia.org, free. – Title from screen. – English.
Навчальне видання
For Land – Use Planners
Методичні вказівки та практичні завдання з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для студентів спеціальності «Геодезія, картографія та землеустрій»
Кафедра загальноосвітніх дисциплін
Відповідальний за випуск: Прокопенко О.В.
Комп’ютерний набір та верстка: Тупченко В.В.