II. Compare the translation of the sentences with the original. Comment on the ways of translation
1. Но я уверен, если раскинуть мозгами, такая возможность обнаружится.
2. В храме науки всему найдется применение.
3. Да еще не поднимая при этом шума?
4. Господи помилуй, желтогрудые павианы!
5. Я всего лишь патолог, - сказал Тагека, прихлебывая херес.
6. Мэнникон едва не задохнулся от благодарности.
7. Уснувшие золотые рыбки сотнями валялись в холодильниках Тагеки, а желтогрудый павиан, продемонстрировав глубокую привязанность к Тагеке, терпимость к Крокетту и безудержное стремление загрызть Мэнникона, упокоился через десять минут после соприкосновения с предварительно разбавленным для этой цели раствором.
8. А он до конца своей жизни будет ездить на "плимуте" 1959 года и мучиться с миссис Мэнникон.
9. Это не предвещало Мэнникону добра.
III. Make up an imaginary conversation between Mannichon and his school-mate. They are discussing Mannichon’s life at present and his prospects for the future.
Irving Shaw
The Mannichon Solution-6
I. Explain the meanings of the following words and word-combinations:see double, to saunter, dobbin, muzzle, sloppy, topnotch, to give a tinkle.
II. Read and answer the questions:1. What did Mannichon want to talk to Crockett about? What interfered with the conversation? 2. Why was Crockett so excited about the horse? Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase “Everything comes to him who waits”. 3. What kind of scientist was Crocket? 4. What action of Crocket testifies to the fact that he was a mean and selfish guy? Explain the use of the stylistic device “the fingers feel like steel hooks”. 5. Why couldn’t Mannichon explain to Crockett that he wanted to quit? 6. What did Tageka Kyh plan as the next stage of their experiment? What did he mean by the euphemism “pigmented subjects”? 7. Why did the word ‘fortune’ irritate Mannichon? 8. Describe Ludwig Qvelch.
III. Translate and explain your choice of translation variant of the borrowed words: Chartreuse,
tripes à la mode de Caen.
Irving Shaw
The Mannichon Solution-6
I. Explain the meanings of the following words and word-combinations:see double, to saunter, dobbin, muzzle, sloppy, topnotch, to give a tinkle.
II. Read and answer the questions:1. What did Mannichon want to talk to Crockett about? What interfered with the conversation? 2. Why was Crockett so excited about the horse? Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase “Everything comes to him who waits”. 3. What kind of scientist was Crocket? 4. What action of Crocket testifies to the fact that he was a mean and selfish guy? Explain the use of the stylistic device “the fingers feel like steel hooks”. 5. Why couldn’t Mannichon explain to Crockett that he wanted to quit? 6. What did Tageka Kyh plan as the next stage of their experiment? What did he mean by the euphemism “pigmented subjects”? 7. Why did the word ‘fortune’ irritate Mannichon? 8. Describe Ludwig Qvelch.
III. Translate and explain your choice of translation variant of the borrowed words: Chartreuse,
tripes à la mode de Caen.
chartreuse [ʃɑː'trɜːz] ; 1) (ликёр) шартрёз (по названию картезианского монастыря близ Гренобля) 2) (Chartreuse) картезианский монастырь 3) бледно-зелёный цвет, зеленовато-жёлтый цвет 4) вид домашней кошки (голубоватого, серо-голубого цвета)
tripes à la mode de Caen — рубец по-кански
Irving Shaw
The Mannichon Solution-7
I. Read and answer the questions:
1. How did they try to comfort Mannichon? 2. How do you understand the sentence “I am glad to see that the ratified air of reseach has not wiped out your admirable youthful scruples”? 3. Was there anything that troubles Mannichon and prevented him from falling asleep? 4. What was the result of Qvelch’s experiment? What was Mannichon’s reaction to the information? 5. Did anyone else feel pangs of conscience? 6. What does the word “dissociate” mean? 7. Why were they expecting the CIA man?
II. Translate from “Mannichon stopped walking towards the door” up to “Chinamen, man”. Write the analysis of your translation.