Read the text and translate it. Marine pipeline installation comprises many activities including fabrication of the pipe joints, bends and components through to preparation of the pipeline

Marine pipeline installation comprises many activities including fabrication of the pipe joints, bends and components through to preparation of the pipeline for commissioning. The principal exercise is the joining of the individual pipe joints into a continuous pipe string. This may take place concurrently with the installation on the seabed by lay barge, or it may be carried out onshore in preparation for installation by reeling, towing, pulling or directional drilling. To construct the complete pipeline it may be necessary to perform offshore tie-ins to other pipe strings or to risers. These connections may be carried out on the seabed or above water.

As an example we wish to mention that in the North Sea most pipelines are trenched and backfilled leaving the pipeline approximately 1,5 m below the seabed. Large diameter pipelines are usually left on the seabed if they are found to be able to withstand common fishing gear interaction.

In areas with difficult seabed conditions the pipeline must be controlled by anchors on the seabed. Pipelines close to installations and crossings are usually protected by concrete mattresses, rocks or other protective structures in steel, concrete or composites. Once the pipeline is installed on the seabed it is connected to installations by spools. Spools are usually Z-shaped in order to absorb the thermal expansion from the pipeline.

Before the pipeline is handed over to production it must be commissioned by cleaning and pressure testing according to the applied code and requirements.


marine [məˈriːn] – морской

fabrication [fæbrɪˈkeɪʃən] – производство

joint [dʒɔɪnt] – соединение, стык

bend [bend] – сгибать,сгиб

commissioning [kəˈmɪʃənɪŋ] – ввод в эксплуатацию

concurrently [kənˈkʌrntlɪ] – одновременно

installation [ɪnstəˈleɪʃən] – установка

seabed [ˈsiːbed] – морское дно

lay [leɪ] – быть расположенным, простираться

barge [bɑːdʒ] – баржа

onshore [ˈɔnʃɔː] – наземный

reeling [ˈriːlɪŋ] – наматывание

towing [təuɪŋ] – буксировка

pulling [pʊlɪŋ] – вытягивание

drilling [ˈdrɪlɪŋ] – бурение

offshore [ɔfˈʃɔː] – находящийся на некотором расстоянии от берега (в море)

tie-in [ˈtaɪɪn] – привязка

trench [trentʃ] – океанская впадина

backfill [bækfɪl] – засыпка канавы, закладка выемки

withstand [wɪθˈstænd] – выдерживать

spool [spuːl] – катушка, наматывать

shape [ʃeɪp] – форма

absorb [əbˈsɔːb] – впитывать, абсорбировать, поглощать

expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] – расширение

commission [kəˈmɪʃən] – заказ

Comprehension task

I. Read the words and word combinations and translate them into Russian

Marine pipeline installation, fabrication of the pipe joints, the joining of the individual pipe joints, continuous pipe string, installation by reeling, towing, pulling or directional drilling, to perform offshore tie-ins, to withstand common fishing gear interaction, close to installations and crossings, to absorb the thermal expansion, applied code and requirements, Z-shaped, concrete mattresses, pressure testing.

II. Make up the word combinations

pipeline expansion

pipe testing

principal code

offshore barge

concrete structures

protective mattresses

thermal tie-ins

pressure exercise

applied joints

lay installation

III. Fill in the missing words(joining, Z-shaped, pipelines, installation, seabed)

1. Marine pipeline … comprises many activities.

2. The principal exercise is the … of the individual pipe joints into a continuous pipe string.

3. Large diameter … are usually left on the seabed

4. In areas with difficult … conditions the pipeline must be controlled by anchors on the seabed.

5. Spools are usually … in order to absorb the thermal expansion from the pipeline.

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