Ф 7.5-2.1.8-05

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Analytical and Bio-Inorganic chemistry and Water Quality


Speciality 6.040106 Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable development The 2d studing year The spring semester, 2011-2012 academic year Weeks – 18 Lectures – 18 hours Labs – 54 hours Self-training with advisor’s control – 2 hour/1 student Self-training of student – 54 hours Total – 162 hours (4,5 credits ECTS). Course work – presents; Form of control – exam in the form of written test.     APPROVED Dean of the Faculty Dean of Ecology and Biotechnologies Doctor of the Pedagogical Sci______________ Ridey N.M. “_______”________________ 2012 р.
Number and general name Rating of module Chapter Hours Works Hours Rating of lab work, points %
I Theoretical and experimental bases of qualitative analysis of cations, anions and compounds   1. Analytical chemical as science, its tasks and classification of analytical methods 2. Basic notions of qualitative analysis: analytical reactants, analytical reactions, their sensitivity, partial and systematic methods of qualitative analyses       1. Safety technique in the chemical analysis. Analytical techniques of qualitative reactions of the first group cations on the example of NH4+, K+, Na+. 2. Analytical techniques of qualitative reactions of the second group cations on the example of Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al 3+.            
3. Analytical techniques of qualitative reactions of the third and forth cation groups on the example of Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Ag+, Pb2+. 4. Experimental control test: Analysis of solution, contained mixture of cations of the 1-4 groups. 5. Rating control written test. Qualitative analysis of cations                  
  6.Analytical techniques of qualitative reactions and methods of separations of the anions on the example of SO42-, SO32-, CO32-, PO43-, BO2-, SiO32-, MoO42-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, NO2-, CH3COO-. 7. Experimental control test: Qualitative analysis of four unknown substances (salts, acids, bases, oxides) 8. Rating control written test. Qualitative analysis of unknown substances                
Total 1st module  
II Theoretical and experimental foundations of quantitative chemical analysis. Gravimetry and neutralization method. 3. General notions of qualitative chemical analysis. Units of concentrations, recalculations. 4. Chemical equilibrium in the heterogeneous systems. Notion of solubility product, ion activity. 5. Calculation of precipitate solubility, their properties. Theoretical foundations of gravimetry. 6. Chemical equilibrium in the homogeneous systems. Hydrogen and hydroxide concentrations, notion of pH. Action of the common ions into electrolytes. 7. General theoretical foundations of the volume analysis. Method of acid-base titration. Indicators, titration curves, errors of titration.         9.Analytical techniques of quantitative analysis: balances, using of measuring glassware, filtration, drying of precipitations. Calculations in the gravimetry. 10. Experimental control test: Determination of Barium content in the technical grade reactant. Calculation of relative error of determination. 11. Rating control written test. Heterogeneous equilibrium and gravimetry method. 12. Preparation of reactants and glassware to the neutralization method. Calculation of concentration units. 13. Experimental control test: Determination of: - alkali solution concentration; - water temporary hardness. 14. Rating control written test. Homogeneous equilibrium and neutralization method.                                    
Total 2d module  
Total 1-2 modules  
III Methods of analyses, based into Redox reactions, complexono-metry and precipitation titration.     8. Theoretical foundations of Redox titration. Indicators, equivalent point.   9. Theoretical foundations of complexonometry and precipitation titration.   15. Preparation of reactants and glassware to the Redox permanganatometry method. 16. Experimental control test: Determination of: - percent content of Iron in More’s salt - mass content of nitrites in water by permanganatometry. 17. Experimental control test: Determination of copper content in technical copper vitriol by iodometry method. 18. Rating control written test. Redoxmetry methods. 19. Preparation of reactants and glassware to the complexonometry. 20. Experimental control test: Determination of: - Calcium content in technical Calcium nitrate; - Total water hardness. 21. Rating control written test. Complexonometry and precipitation titration.                        
Total 3th module  
Total 1-3 modules  


Module Chapter Hours Recommended literature
I 1. Basic tools of Analytical chemistry. 2. Principles of sulfide and acid-base classifications of cations in the qualitative analysis. 1. Harvey D. Modern Analytical chemistry (electron copy). McGraw-Hill Education, 2000. – Pp. 36-47. 2. Ф.Г. Жаровський, А.Т. Пилипенко, І.В. П'ятницький. Аналітична хімія. – К.:”Вища освіта”, 1982. – С. 25-68.
Total I:    
II 3. Evaluating Analytical Data. Statistics analysis of data. Statistic Methods for Normal Distribution. 4. Calibrations, Standardization and blank corrections 1. Harvey D. Modern Analytical chemistry (electron copy). McGraw-Hill Education, 2000. – Pp. 53-93. 2. The same, pp. 104-132.
Total I-II:    
III 5. Obtaining and separation samples for volume analysis 1. the same, pp. 180-196.
Total I-III:    


Module Chapter Hours
I Theoretical and experimental bases of qualitative analysis of cations, anions and compounds 1. Principles of anion mixture analysis. Separation and analytical determination of SO42-, SO32-, CO32-, PO43-, BO2-, SiO32-, MoO42-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, NO2-, CH3COO in liquid mixture.
II Theoretical and experimental foundations of quantitative chemical analysis. Gravimetry and neutralization method. 2. Gravimetric determination of amorphous precipitation.
III Methods of analyses, based into Redox reactions, complexonometry and precipitation titration. 3. Gasometrical quantitative determination of CO32-carbonate content in insoluble samples of carbonates.

Lecturer ___________________________ docent Voitenko L.V.

Vice-Head of the Department ___________________________ docent Kosmaty V.E.

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