Трудности перевода Participle I, II
При переводе причастия возникают трудности, которые связаны с омонимическими формами Past Indefinite и Participle II неличных глаголов.
Особое внимание следует обратить на причастие в функции определения, которое стоит после существительного. В этой функции чаще всего встречается причастие II, реже причастие I.
Cosmic rockets launchedwith the first space velocity (7.9 km per sec.) become artificial satellites.
Космические ракеты, запускаемые с первой космической скоростью (7,9 км/с), становятся искусственными спутниками Земли.
Сложная форма Participle I (being used) в функции определения, как правило, переводится причастием настоящего времени в страдательном залоге или придаточным определительным предложением.
Rockets being usedfor high altitude research are equipped with special instruments.
Ракеты, которые используютдля проведения исследований на большой высоте, оборудованы специальными приборами.
Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов it, one
It употребляется как:
а) личное местоимение (он, она, оно) для неодушевленных предметов:
Finally I found the article I had been looking for. I started translating it at once.
Наконец я нашел статью, которую искал. Ясразу же начал переводить ее.
б) формальное подлежащее в безличных предложениях.
It is well known that radioactive isotopes can be used very effectively in medicine.
Хорошо известно, что радиоактивные изотопы можно очень эффективно использовать в медицине.
в) указательное местоимение:
What is it? — Что это? It is a lamp. — Этолампа.
г) вводное слово в предложениях с эмфатическим оборотом:
It is silver that is the best conducting metal.
Именно серебро является наилучшим проводящим металлом.
One употребляется как:
а) числительное:
I know only onesolution of this problem.
Я знаю только одно решение этой задачи.
б) неопределенное местоимение:
One should know that geometry treats of the properties, construction and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids.
Необходимо знать, что геометрия рассматривает свойства, строение и измерение линий, поверхностей и твердых тел.
в) слово-заместитель для замены ранее упомянутого существительного:
This substance reacts 100 times as fast as the other one.Это вещество взаимодействует в 100 раз быстрее, чем другое.
Present atomic theories, based on the atom model, place the mass and the positive charge of an atom in a central nucleus, surrounded by moving electrons. The nucleus is composed of neutrons and protons. Neutrons have a mass approximately one-sixteenth that of the mass of the oxygen atom and have zero electrical charge. They occur in fixed numbers in all nuclei except that of hydrogen H. The proton has a mass slightly lighter than that of the neutron and approximately equal to the mass of the hydrogen H. It is a charge equal to that the electrons but positive in sign. The chemical elements are differentiated by varying numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, number of protons being equal to the atomic number, hydrogen having one, helium two, and so on. Since atom is in electrical balance in its normal state, the number of associated electrons moving around the nucleus is equal to the numbers of protons.
The electron is the smallest known indivisible unit of electric charge. Early experimenters succeeded in the measuring the ratio of the charge of the electron to mass, and in 1910 the charge was first measured, thus determining these properties of the electron. Repeated experiment have defined the values for these constants of the electron.
The electron appears to have a dual personality, at time being best thought of as a particle, and in other experiments seeming to require wave properties for a satisfactory explanation of the phenomena.
Electric current is due the movement of electric charges, frequently referred to as electrons. However, long before the existence of the electron was known, it was customary to speak of electric current as due to movement of positive charges from positive to negative in a metallic circuit external to the source. This usage is too well set to be readily overcome , even though it is now known to be reversed, with the negative electrons moving from negative to positive in the external metallic circuit. Therefore, when electric currents are discussed, the customary direction will be meant. When reference is made to electronic current, then the flow of electrons is being consi
Vocabulary notes
neutron - нейтрон
proton - протон
associated electrons- связанные электроны
indivisible - неделимый
coulomb - кулон
The electron appears to have a dual personality- оказывается, что электрон обладает двойственной природой
This usage is to well set to be readily overcome- это настолько прочно вошло в привычку, что от нее нелегко отказаться
reversed - противоположный
due to- обусловленный
to refer to- относить, иметь отношение
in sign – по знаку
the ratio- пропорциональность
customary -обычный
V. Name the forms of the Participle, define their functions and translate the sentences.
1. Having lost the address of her cousin's new flat, she couldn't come to see her. 2. The site having been chosen, many houses are being built there. 3 He lost his way and not knowing English he couldn't get to Capitol Hill. 4. He got to Capitopl Hill having changed a tram for a bus. 5. Asked in English transmitting he couldn't answer anything. 6. The site of the city was chosen by G. Washington and was accepted by Congress in the act of 1790, establishing the Federal District of Columbia.
VI. Define the functions of the Participle I in Passive and translate the sentences.
1. Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism. 2. The new measuring instrument being developed in this laboratory will be tested by that engineer. 3 The oscillations being produced in the antenna are, weak. 4. New data being obtained are necessary for nature investigations. 5. Being perfected the device operated successfully under all conditions. 6. The new receiver being tested will be used in this system. 7. Being equipped with modem instruments the laboratory carried out important experiments.
VII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Participle II.
1. The operation of the receiving station influenced by a number of factors was discussed by engineers. 2. The generation of electricity from magnetism dealt with by Faraday was a very important scientific j discovery. 3. The work of Rutherford followed by great help for understanding many natural phenomena. 4. Gagarin's first space flight' followed by many others was very important for the development astronautics. 5. Molecules of even a good insulator acted upon by electric field produce a motion of electrons due to the field. 6. Some drawbacks of the reactor referred to in this article will be eliminated.
Electronics is being used more and more to control industrial processes, particularly where the speed of a motor has to be accurately controlled. One big advantage is that valves, unlike relays, have no moving parts, no contacts to shatter or bum, and practically no inertia, and their speed of operations very much greater. Two special types of valves, known as "thyrotrons" and "ignitrons" are generally used for motor control.
XI. Define the functions "one"and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. One watt is the power due to a current of one ampere at tension of one volt; therefore watts equal volts times amperes. 2. When one talks over a telephone, it is not the sound of the voice that travels over the wire, it is an electric current. 3. When put together in a molecule, these tiny fragments do not form a rigid structure, but one that can vibrate, rotate and perform other relative motions about its centre of mass. 4. From of this experiment it is clear that these devices are low power ones. 5. One would like to know, for example, that the effect of the ambient atmosphere is on the slow-state density and energy distribution. 6. The relative motion of one tooth upon the other should be more of a rolling than of a sliding nature. 7. The rum indicator and the ball-bank indicator were constructed in one housing to provide a more efficient instrument for flight. 8. One of the most important things for the pilot to know is how high he is flying. 9. One should know that geometry treats of the properties, construction, and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids.
Lesson 9