V. Read and translate text 1A.

Unit 1

The History of the Automobile

I. Glossary.

Activity 1. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with them:

1. abandon (v) – залишати, кидати, відмовлятися (від чого-небудь); припиняти (що-небудь / робити що-небудь);

2. advantage (n) – перевага, вигода, користь;

3. assemble (v) – збирати (ся), скликати; збирати, підбирати (інформацію); збирати, монтувати;

4. available (adj) – доступний; наявний в розпорядженні; придатний;

5. battery (n) – батарея, акумулятор;

6. chain (n) – ланцюг, ланцюжок;

7. charge (v) – заряджати;

8. combustion (n) – горіння, займання, спалювання;

9. competitor (n) – конкурент; противник, суперник;

10. crankshaft (n) – колінчастий вал;

11. create (v) – виробляти; створювати, творити; проектувати, розробляти;

12. crude (adj) – сира нафта; необроблений, неочищений;

13. decline (v) – нахиляти (ся), схиляти (ся); занепадати; погіршуватися; зменшуватися, йти на спад; спадати;

14. emissions (n) – виділення, поширення (тепла, світла, запаху); викид;

15. engine (n) – двигун; мотор;

16. exhaust (v) – вичерпувати, витратити; викачувати, витягати (повітря); випускати (пар); (n) випуск, вихлоп; вихлопні гази;

17. expand (v) – розтягувати (ся), розширювати (ся); збільшувати (ся); розвивати (ся);

18. fuel (v) – паливо, пальне;

19. haul (v) – везти, перевозити; транспортувати;

20. heat (v) – нагрівати (ся); підігрівати (ся);

21. improve (v) – поліпшувати (ся); удосконалювати (ся); налагоджуватися;

22. inject (v) – впорскувати, вводити, пускати; вставляти, додавати;

23. install (v) – вставляти; встановлювати;

24. invent (v) – винаходити, створювати; вигадувати, складати;

25. manufacture (v) – виробляти, виготовляти; обробляти, переробляти;

26. outsell (v) – продаватися краще, ніж інший товар; продавати більше, ніж хто-небудь;

27. piston (n) – поршень; плунжер;

28. prosperous (adj) – процвітаючий, успішний; щасливий; багатий; сприятливий;

29. reduce (v) – послаблювати, знижувати, скорочувати, зменшувати;

30. require (v) – наказувати, вимагати; потребувати (що-небудь); вимагати (що-небудь);

31. shaft (n) – вал, вісь;

32. steam (n; adj) – пар; паровий;

33. stroke (n) – такт; хід (поршня)такт;

34. supply (n) – постачання, поставка; харчування, подача, підведення;

35. support (v) – підтримувати; забезпечувати; допомагати, сприяти;

36. tractor (n) – трактор; тягач;

37. vehicle (n) – транспортний засіб; автомобіль;

38. wheel (n) – колесо;

39. widespread (adj) – широко поширений.

II. Vocabulary check.

Activity 1. Give English equivalents of the following:

1. військовий тягач;

2. перевозити артилерію на величезній швидкості;

3. збільшити тиск пара;

4. штовхати поршні;

5. повертати колінчастий вал;

6. електричні елементи (батареї) або акумулятори, які не можна перезаряджати;

7. мати багато переваг над чим-небудь;

8. потребувати перемикання передач;

9. зменшитися (про популярність);

10. імпортована неочищена нафта;

11. транспортні засоби з двигуном внутрішнього згоряння;

12. чотиритактний двигун;

13. об'єднані (невід'ємні) види діяльності;

14. головні виробники;

15. складальний конвеєр.

Activity 2. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. straightforward answer;

2. transport vehicles;

3. the birth year of the modern car;

4. self-propelled road vehicle;

5. steam engines powered cars;

6. rechargeable batteries;

7. a constant supply of electricity;

8. a six-passenger wagon;

9. to enjoy success;

10. alternative-fueled vehicles;

11. exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines;

12. to be fueled with gunpowder;

13. electric spark-ignition internal combustion engine;

14. a pedal-operated clutch;

15. a change-speed gearbox.

Activity 3. Match the following words with their explanations:

1. Compound A. to start or to be made at a particular time
2. to invent B. a tram, a trolley car
3. to date back to C. an outstanding part of an event or period of time
4. to expand D. to make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size
5. a streetcar E. to create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of
6. to improve F. successful in material terms; flourishing financially
7. prosperous G. a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture
8. Highlight H. to sell or to be sold in greater quantities than
9. to outsell I. to make or to become better
10. to reduce J. to become or to make larger or more extensive

III. Grammar review.

Порядок слів в англійському реченні

Характерною особливістю англійських речень є твердий порядок слів, що має велике значення в сучасній англійській мові, оскільки у зв'язку зі слабо представленою морфологічною системою в мові, члени речення часто виділяються тільки по тому місцю в реченні, яке вони займають.

У стверджувальних реченнях, зазвичай, порядок слів є прямим, тобто присудок знаходиться після підмета.

Речення складаються з головних (підмет, присудок) і другорядних (додаток, обставина, означення) членів.

Порядок слів в англійському стверджувальному реченні

Обставина часу Підмет Присудок Додаток Обставина
Непрямий прямий прийменниковий образу дії місця Часу
  I wrote my mother a letter.        
  She is writing   a letter to her brother.      
  They do   their work   with pleasure.    
At the moment we cannot talk.            
  He saw   her     in the street today.

Exercise 1. Form the sentences:

1. always / at nine o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his car / he.

2. a parking place / near the shops / they / find / rarely.

3. sometimes / in a garage / Mr Hodges / his car / parks.

4. often / have / at about three o'clock / a cup of tea / they / at the hotel / in the afternoon.

5. meet / at the sports ground / they / after dinner / always / their friends.

6. hardly / last year / could / ski / he.

7. his name / after a few minutes / I / remembered.

8. some interesting books / found / we / in the library.

9. across from the park / they / a new hotel / are building.

10. to the bank / I / every Friday / go.

Exercise 2. Form the sentences:

1. the Auto industry / in the first half of / Americans / the twentieth century / dominated.

2. innovated / mass-production techniques / Henry Ford.

3. in the world / has / one of the largest / the United States / automotive markets.

4. a clockwork driven tricycle / designed / Leonardo da Vinci.

5. had to / the internal combustion engine / the development of / wait / until / to combust / internally / was available / a fuel.

6. still / hard / are / gunpowder carburetors / to find.

7. a separate mechanism / the gas / Lenoir / to compress / combustion / had / before.

8. potential customers / to town / brought / the railroads.

9. in the 1880's and 1890's / was / on the farms of / steam power / used / widely / America.

10. had become / by / the United States / a passion / 1915 / racing / all over.

Exercise 3. Mark the sentences with the incorrect word-order and correct them:

1. Peter doesn't like very much driving.

2. Jane drives every day her car to work.

3. When I heard the news, I immediately called Tom.

4. Tom speaks very well English.

5. After filling up quickly the tank, I went to the meeting.

6. You watch all the time television.

7. I think I'll go early to bed tonight.

8. You should have your car checked every six months.

9. They went last night to the movies.

10. We go every summer to the sea in August.

Порядок слів в англійському заперечному реченні

Заперечні речення в англійській мові мають такий самий порядок слів у реченні, що й стверджувальні, окрім одного: вони вимагають додавання частки not та обов’язкового вживання допоміжного слова або словосполучень.

Підмет Допоміжне дієслово Частка not Смислове дієслово Інші члени речення
Mark does Not know my name.
I have Not read this book yet.
Jack will Not be cooking when you come home.

Exercise 4. Form negative sentences:

1. Sarah and Luke / not / working / are / now.

2. Mister Miller / has / not / taught / chemistry.

3. Barry / not / drive / a lorry / will.

4. Taylor and Bob / not / usually / cycle / do / home.

5. Had / Benjamin / written / not / by 5 / an e-mail.

6. Jane / not / exercising / was / in the gym / from 6 to 7.

7. Beatrice / not / did / in Boston / last year / teach.

8. We / not / in the mountains / do / like / to walk.

9. Christine / not / her home / will / decorated / have / by summer.

10. Albert / not / play / tennis / does.

Exercise 5. Transform the sentences below into negative sentences:

1. In 1769 the first steam powered auto-mobile capable of human transportation was built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.

2. Ferdinand Verbiest built the first steam-powered vehicle around 1672 as a toy for the Chinese Emperor.

3. The first automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver Evans in 1789.

4. In 1828, Ányos Jedlik, a Hungarian who invented an early type of electric motor, created a tiny model car powered by his new motor.

5. Electric cars enjoyed popularity between the late 19th century and early 20th century.

6. Early experimenters used gases.

7. By 1900, the early centers of national automotive industry had developed in many countries.

8. The Studebaker brothers have become the world's leading manufacturers of horse-drawn vehicles.

9. Between 1922 and 1925 the number of US passenger car builders decreased from 175 to 70.

10. Most of the mechanical technology used in today's automobiles had been invented by the 1930s.

Типи питальних речень в англійській мові

Загальне запитання – це запитання, яке ставиться до всього речення і яке потребує відповіді «так» чи «ні» («yes» or «no»). Утворюється шляхом переміщення допоміжного дієслова або модального дієслова на перше місце в реченні. Do you speak English? Can he speak English well? Yes, I do. No, I don't. Yes, he can. / No, he can't.  
Спеціальні запитання – це запитання до окремих членів речення. Спеціальні запитання завжди починаються з питального слова, потім стоїть допоміжне дієслово, далі підмет, смислове дієслово та другорядні члени речення. When did he buy a car? He bought a car last month.
Спеціальні запитання до підмета і його означення мають прямий порядок слів як у стверджувальному реченні і ставляться без допоміжного дієслова, тобто на першому місці стоїть питальне слово (що заміняє підмет), потім іде присудок, а далі – другорядні члени речення. Which of you knows English? Peter does.
Альтернативні запитання – передбачають два чи більше варіанти вибору за допомогою використання союзу or. Порядок слів в таких питаннях є таким же, як і в загальному. Do you speak English or German? I speak English.
Розділові запитання – розділяються на дві частини за допомогою коми. Перша частина – це стверджувальне речення з типовим порядком слів у ньому: підмет – дієслово – додаток; друга частина – це допоміжне дієслово у зазначеному у першій частині часі та підмет. Якщо перша частина стверджувальна, то друга буде заперечна і навпаки. You bought this car last year, didn't you? Yes, I did.

Запитальні слова

Люди Речі / Тварини Місце Час Кількість Спосіб Причина
Who – хто What – що Where – де How long –як довго How many – скільки (обчислювані іменники) How – як Why – чому
Whose – чий Which (of)– який   How often – як часто How much – скільки (необчислювані іменники)    
Which (of) – хто з     What time – у скільки      
What – хто     When – коли      

Exercise 6. Fill in question words:

1. _____ do you live?

2. _____ language does he study?

3. _____ do they usually get to the University?

4. _____ is this girl? – She is my sister.

5. _____ does this shop open? – At ten o`clock.

6. _____ is her father? – He is an engineer.

7. _____ are you late again?

8. _____ car is it? – My husband`s.

9. _____ is it? – It is 11 p.m.

10. _____ did it take him to get to the Academy? – About half an hour.

Exercise 6. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Peter likes listening to rock music.

2. Julia comes from Spain.

3. My friends often go to Francefor a holiday.

4. Mary sometimes goes to the cinema on Saturday.

5. Their children are playing in the garden.

6. Peter repairs his motorbike every month.

7. Joe goes jogging on Fridays.

8. Mike drives his car very carefully.

9. We go to Spain because our grandmother lives there.

10. Jackrides his bicycle in the evening.

Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot.

2. Steam engines powered cars by burning fuel that heated water in a boiler.

3. Electric cars used rechargeable batteries that powered a small electric motor.

4. Electricity found greater success in tramways and streetcars, where a constant supply of electricity was possible.

5. In the late 1800s, France and Great Britain were the first nations to support the widespread development of electric vehicles.

6. The years 1899 and 1900 were the high point of electric cars in America, as they outsold all other types of cars.

7. By 1935 electric vehicles had declined in popularity and disappeared.

8. An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder.

9. The different types of fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

10. On January 29, 1886 Karl Benz received the first patent for a gas-fueled car.

Дієслово to be в Present, Past и Future Simple

Відмінювання дієслова to be
Число Особа Простий теперішній Минулий теперішній Майбутній теперішній
Однина I am I was I  
You are You were You  
He, she, it is He, she, it was He, she, it will be
Множина We are We were We  
You are You were You  
They are They were They  

Заперечна форма дієслова to be

Підмет BE NOT Інші члени речення
He is Not a student any more.
They were Not busy yesterday.
We will not be busy tomorrow.

Запитальна форма дієслова to be

Запитальне слово (якщо воно є) BE Підмет Інші члени речення
  Is she a doctor?
Where were you yesterday?
  Will you be busy tomorrow?

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be:

1. English _____ a Germanic language.

2. Our planet _____ a unique phenomenon in the Universe.

3. _____ there many scientific books in this library?

4. Language _____ a perfect means of expression and communication.

5. Who _____ the creator of the material and spiritual treasures of mankind?

6. Our students _____ in the workshop now.

7. The delegation _____ at the plant tomorrow.

8. What _____ the greatest achievements in science and technology in the XXth century?

9. An automobile _____ a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor and transports passengers.

10. New England _____ the birthplace of many of the early auto companies.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the following sentences. Form a negative sentence, a general question and one special question to each sentence:

1. Today science is an instrument in planning and promoting scientific, technological and social progress.

2. D.I. Mendeleyev was the founder of modern chemistry.

3. They were in the chemical laboratory a week ago.

4. Heat is a form of energy.

5. Technical college is a college specializing in technical subjects.

6. Chemistry will be very useful in your future profession.

7. A tram is a rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets.

8. The 1912 Cadillac was the first vehicle to have an effective self-starting engine.

9. A double-decker tram is a tram that has two levels.

10. The early steam powered vehicles were so heavy that they were only practical on a perfectly flat surface as strong as iron.

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Двигун – це машина, яка перетворює теплову енергію в механічну.

2. Одним з перших винахідників автомобіля за кордоном був Карл Бенц.

3. Який найбільший науково-дослідний центр у вашій країні?

4. Природа і захист навколишнього середовища – одні з основних екологічних проблем в нашій країні.

5. Багато хто з моїх друзів – студенти автомобільно-дорожнього університету.

6. Першими фізиками були грецькі вчені.

7. Їх не було вчора в лабораторії.

8. Вчені впевнені, що в хімії буде багато нових відкриттів.

9. Найперші трамваї були в південному Уельсі, Великобританія.

10. Першими виробниками автомобілів були не американці. Це були французи.


Особові займенники Присвійні займенники Зворотні займенники
Називний відмінок Об’єктний відмінок Відносні Абсолютні Зворотні займенники
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
we us Our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of personal pronouns:

1. I work for my mother. I help _____ in the shop. And she gives _____ some money.

2. My brother works at the hospital. _____ is a doctor.

3. My favorite subject is History. _____ is very exciting.

4. Tom is a good lawyer. Do you know _____?

5. Look at her. _____ is so beautiful!

6. Where is my notebook? I can’t find _____.

7. These are my souvenirs. _____ bought _____ in England.

8. Where is Cindy? I can’t see _____.

9. Peter and Anna need your help. Can you help _____?

10. We are going shopping. Let’s go with _____.

Exercise 12. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of personal pronouns:

1. Jack and I met Samantha. Samantha gave Jack a letter for you. Take the letter.

2. Den and Mike are leaving for New York. I am driving Den and Mike to the airport.

3. I’m calling Alex. I haven’t seen Alex for ages. And Alex isn’t at school.

4. Let’s go to the library with Peter and me. Peter and I need some books in Japanese.

5. Here is our cat Felix. Felix is hungry. I will feed Felix.

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns:

1. Is this _____ your bicycle? – No, it isn`t _____. _____ bicycle is broken.

2. That isn`t Peter`s sister. _____ sister is at work.

3. Whose car is it? Is it your parents`? – No, it isn`t _____.

4. Is that your university? – No, it isn`t ____. _____ university is round the corner.

5. Ann`s uncle is a businessman. This is _____ office.

6. _____ car is much cheaper than _____.

7. Now all your problems are solved. Help us with _____.

8. Jack always helps _____ wife to look after _____ children.

9. She is not as clever as that friend of _____.

10. He is in love with _____ car. _____ style is fantastic.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences with reflexive pronouns:

1. Help yourself.

2. Enjoy yourselves.

3. I have cut myself.

4. Don’t blame yourself.

5. She likes to talk to herself.

6. Make yourselves comfortable.

7. He hurt himself.

8. Let me introduce myself.

9. We can’t defend ourselves.

10. They carried all their luggage themselves.

Exercise 15. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of reflexive pronouns:

1. Dinner is ready! Sit down and help _____ the chicken.

2. Tom built the house _____.

3. Kate hurt _____ while she was playing volleyball.

4. I really enjoyed _____ at the seaside.

5. It’s very delicious! Did you invent the recipe _____?

6. We painted the walls of our kitchen _____.

7. He chose the car _____.

8. They were proud of _____.

9. We wished _____ good luck before the exam.

10. They devoted _____ to their children.

IV. Pre-text discussion.

Activity 1. Do you know that:

· Adolf Hitler ordered Ferdinand Porsche to manufacture a Volkswagen, which literally means «People's Car» in German. This car went on to become the Volkswagen Beetle.

· In 1971, the cabinet of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi proposed the production of a 'People's Car' for India – the contract of which was given to Sanjay Gandhi. Before contacting Suzuki, Sanjay Gandhi held talks with Volkswagen AG for a possible joint venture, encompassing transfer of technology and joint production of the Indian version of the «People's car», that would also mirror Volkswagen's global success with the Beetle. However, it was Suzuki that won the final contract since it was quicker in providing a feasible design. The resulting car was based on Suzuki's Model 796 and went on to rewrite automotive history in India as the Maruti 800.


· Volkswagen named several of its cars after wind. Passat – a German word for trade wind; Golf – Gulf stream; Polo – polar winds; Jetta – jet stream.

Activity 2. Make up dialogues of your own discussing the information given in the part «Do you know that».

Activity 3. Give your opinion on the following:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of steam-powered vehicles.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of gasoline-powered vehicles.

4. Other types of engines popular in your country.

5. Popularity and efficiency of hybrid vehicles.

V. Read and translate text 1A.

Text 1A

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