Ex. 9. Look up the reference notes on Proper Names (p. 93) in the dictionaries and prepare short presentations on them

Ex. 10. Translate into English:

Одного разу зі мною сталася сумна історія. Тоді я не міг знати, яке історичне місце вона посяде в моїй долі.

Якось літнім ранком, коли годинник на башті пробив сім, я вирішив зробити щось корисне для всього людства – якийсь вчинок, про який говорили б не тільки ті люди, колу яких я належу, але людство в цілому.

Оскільки я любив малювати, я вирішив створити шедевр, гідний пензля великого художника. Через три дні картина була готовою. Я був трохи здивований тим, наскільки просто творити великі справи. «А чи не замало я зробив для людства?», - замислився я. І намалював ще один шедевр, через три дня ще один, потім ще... Через місяць в моїй майстерні не залишилося вільного місця. Я був надзвичайно гордий своїм внеском у світову історію.

Чутки про мої шедеври скоро розійшлися по всьому місту, кожен захотів доторкнутися до високого мистецтва. Коли ж критики побачили мої картини, їх думка була єдиною: мої шедеври не варті навіть холстів, на яких вони зображені.

З тих пір я не беру в руки пензля, але тепер я вирішив вирощувати квіти – адже краса врятує світ!



Ex. 1. Translate into English using Speech Patterns.


1. Нам навряд чи дозволять залишитися наодинці та поговорити про цю справу.

2. Йому майже ніколи не вдавалося прийти додому вчасно. Його постійно щось затримувало.

3. Навряд чи їй вдасться подолати свій страх перед темрявою.

4. Чому ти усміхнений? - Я зустріла справжнього чоловіка і зрозуміла, що хочу бути з ним щасливою.


1. Я сказала йому, що він може наскрізь промовкнути, якщо не надягне плащу.

2. Друзі попереджували мене, що я можу збанкротувати, якщо одружусь з цією жінкою.

3. Я злякався, що собака може вкусити мене, якщо його не прив’яжуть.


1. Що ти робиш? - Я граю на барабані. - Це нікуди не годиться. Діти сплять.

2. Не годиться викидати сміття через вікно. Для цього існують сміттєві кошики.

3. Не можна говорити грубощі старшим та ображати молодших.

1. Вибачте, що змусив вас чекати. Мені просто необхідно було вирішити важливе питання.

2. Тримайте ноги в теплі, а голову в холоді - ось найкращий рецепт здоров’я.

3. У нього на столі завжди лад.

Ex. 2. Translate into English:

Сьогодні день народження мого нареченого. З цього приводу я вирішила залишитися вдома і старанно підготуватися. Але все виявилося не так просто. Мені постійно щось заважало, я постійно рухала меблі та перекладала речі. Врешті решт, будинок був у повному безладі. Це дуже нервувало мене, і я вирішила викинути всі ці непотрібні речі. Коли повернувся мій наречений і побачив все це, він дуже розсердився. Виявилося, що я викинула його улюблені речі. Він кричав, що від мене одні проблеми, що йому не потрібна така турбота, що з тим же успіхом можна було підпалити будинок, а не прибирати там. У всьому будинку не залишилося нічого, що нагадувало б йому про його затишний куток. Яка неблагодарність!

Ex. 3. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. Make up your own sentences with these words:________

1. get   A. to take pleasure or satisfaction in
2. turn   B. smth that provides amusement or enjoyment
3. treat   С. to manage to pay for
4. afford   D. to cause to remain in a given place, situation or condition
5. keep   E. to provide with free food, entertainment or enjoyment
6. occur   F. to gain possession of
7. enjoy   G. to alter from a previous or anticipated course
8. fun   H. a substance or technique used in curing
9. treatment   I. to take place

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and comment

on the usage of words in bold type:


1. "Do you remember the day you graduated from junior high school, Robbie?" asked Grandfather. - "Sure, it was fun." 2. I'd like to go fishing one of these days. It's such a fun to have lunch that you caught with your own hands! 3. "Now we're going to that Thai restaurant and will be back about eleven o'clock." - "See you later. Have fun!" 4. I like Grandpa very much. He's so funny, he always makes me laugh. 5. I do detest this new teacher of ours! I say, let's make fun of him at the next lesson, shall we? 6. Well, sir, we didn't really mean to set the pub on fire. Bob had some spare explosives and he said we could do it just for fun like they do it on Independence Day or Halloween. 7. You see, now that you told me I begin to realize that I don't even remember her name. Mary - or Maggy? Maybe Marjory? Funny, isn't it? 8. What are you doing? For goodness sake, don't put that terrible hat on! You will look ridiculous and I won't go with you anywhere. 9. You think we can buy a computer with that miserable money of yours? Five hundred hryvnias? Don't be ridiculous! Go to a McDonald's with it and have as much fun as you can! 10. Now that our aerobics class is drawing to its close we need something to cool down. Tango! Enjoy it! 11. Oh, hallo Betty! Haven't seen you for ages. You can’t imagine what an enjoyment it is to see you again after all those troublesome weeks and wasted expectations. 12. "I say, Susan, you've ordered enough for three or four people," said Marilyn, her sister-in-law, "but I'm not complaining. This food is delicious. Enjoying!" 13. What do you say, Annie, if we go to Hawaii this summer? I hope you will enjoy it. 14. In most countries today men and women over 18 enjoy the right to elect members of parliaments and other officials. 15. White-bearded old men traditionally enjoy everybody's respect in oriental countries. 16. When you want to have something, you are to face two great difficulties: first, to obtain the desirable object, and second, to enjoy it.


17.Did it never occur to you that one has to restrain oneself just out of respect to other people's rights? 18. It suddenly occurredto me that I might have been followed since the time I left my office almost three hours ago. It was not at all funny. 19. Ambrose Bierce's short story "An Occurrence at the Owl Creek Bridge" describes one of the most exciting episodes of Civil War. 20. As it turned out later, the accident occurred soon after Paul and Jenny had left old Miss Bromley's place and got back home safe and sound. 21. Such incidents having never occurred in the town, the sheriff was quite puzzled. Was he to stay back or was it his duty to step in? 22. Next morning, when Ashenden was walking along to keep the appointment, he found himself in a part of London that had once been fashionable, but was now fallen in the esteem of a house-hunter who wanted a good address. 23. One of the nicest characters in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novels and stories of Sherlock Holmes is Mrs. Hudson, Holmes and Dr. Watson's housekeeper. 24. Now, gentlemen, shall we open the meeting? I suppose, we can trust as usual Sir Humphrey to preside while you, Mr. Jamison, are to keep the minutes. Does anyone object? 25. "Do you know what was the most difficult part of all that? I'll tell you, young man, for you must learn it if you want to achieve something worth of all the trouble of life." Mr. Donahugh was unusually excited and talkative that night, I remember. "My motto is "Keep smiling!" Has always been since I was but a child. The difficult part is to keep to this motto." 26. Drabbin did a lot of thinking but nothing of much consequence occurred to him. He could neither keep the damned ring safely (for it was known to have been stolen from Lady Isabelle) nor dispose of it discreetly as so many eyes watched him closely every day. 27. With еаch passing hour, waiting was getting less and less tolerable. Len could not even afford a luxury of smoking, as it would distract his attention while drawing the attention of his adversary should the latter come at such an inconvenient moment. 28. Charles was surprised. Never in his life would he have imagined that a country maid could afford such courtly behaviour. 29. It looked just the right place to build a hotel. The surrounding hills afforded a magnificent view of the great river and the vast plains beyond. 30. I'm afraid we can't afford to spend the holidays in the Bahamas this year. Expenditure has been excessive, you know. The only thing we can afford with what money is left is to gо to Sussex and spend a fortnight at Aunt Betty's.


31. Poor dear old thing! It has been such a rare treat for her and now that she is confined to her room she cannot afford even that trifle. 32. The party was success! The guests were treated to all kinds of exotic food and to so many celebrities that it reminded one of the Arabian Nights. 33. "You see, Doc, a friend of mine was treated for appendicitis but he actually had pneumonia and finally died of it." - " Look here, Private Jones, you aren't in the civvy street, you're in the Army! Here if you are treated for flu you die of flu, get it?" 34 -36. "Of course, Colonel, you treat them as savages. Otherwise how could you justify your own civilized barbarity towards people who have lived in this land for centuries, who lived here when Britain was not yet Britain, properly speaking, because the Britons did not exist as a separate tribe?" O'Learey took a breath and went on. "By the way, did it ever occur to you that all you're trying to do is keep them artificially on the stage of development which your own people were on not so long ago? But, believe me, no one have yet succeeded in turningHistory back. The Indians will enjoy freedom very soon and they will win it whether you like it or not." 37. What a treat it was to be comfortably seated by the fire with his pipe, reading the immortal verses of Lord Tennyson or Shelly! Hoser gave a deep sigh, remembering those days past and gone. 38. The Earth, as you know, turns round its axis in twenty-four hours and round the Sun in about three hundred and sixty-five days. 39. Suddenly Holmes turned upon me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Have you enjoyed your lunch, Watson?" asked he. "Then I have rather a funny story to tell you and most probably it will interest you for a while." 40. The matter was obviously so important that the boss agreed to see me out of turn. 41. The giant wheels turned and the huge machine slowly moved forward with the grace of a dozen elephants joined with a chain. 42. Now, be a good girl, Molly. I will tell you the night tale after you have finished supper. Everything in its turn, you know. 43. "You go. I will stay. I'll invent something to keep the police out." - "You must be crazy, Philip," she protested. "Stop being ridiculous. You will never be able to get away with it!" 44. I'm afraid, you can't getthe books before Tuesday. Saturday and Sunday are your days off and Monday is the librarians' day off. 45. "I can't understand that," said Halls. "Does he really think he will be able to get away from us on a bicycle?" 46. "How much do you get there, I wonder?" -"Not very much. Last week I got only four C's, but the week before last it was almost a grand." 47. Excuse me, sir, I don't quite get you. Say it again, will you? 48. It was noisy and stuffy in the bus, with people getting in and off in crowds at each stop. 49. What a relief it would be to get him out of my way!

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