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Revision Exercises on Present Tenses

Exercise 1.Choose the right tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous). 1. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books. 2. What you (to do) here since morning? 3. Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Formation: The Present Perfect Continuous is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb “to be” in the Present Perfect (has/ have been) and the Present Participle of the notional verb (reading). Markers: - for an hour, for a long time, since 5 o’clock; - how long, since when. We use the Present Perfect Continuous to denote: 1. An action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present moment and is

Present Tenses (I am doing / I do) for the future

1. We use the forms of Present Continuous to say what you have already arranged to do. Do not use the present simple: Example: A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? B: I’m going to the theatre. 2. We use Present simple (I do) with a future meaning, when we talk about timetables, programmes etc. (for example, for public transport, cinemas, etc.) Example: The train leaves Plymouth at 11.30 and arrives in

The Present Continuous Tense

C O N T E N T S The Present Indefinite Tense……………………………………………………. The Present Continuous Tense………………………………………………….. The Present Perfect Tense………………………………………………………. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense………………………………………….. Revision Exercises on

Match the phrasal verbs in the left column with their Russian equivalents on the right. Translate the English sentences into Russian.

1. Turn into a) перевернуть вверх дном 2. Turn inside out b) вывернуть наизнанку 3. Turn upside down c) превращать(ся) 4. Turn up d) (по)явиться 5. Turn over e) перевернуть(ся) 1. The water in the pond turned into ice as the night had been frosty. 2. My umbrella turned inside out in the wind. 3. Turn over the page please. 4. Someone has turned

Replace the italicized words and word-combinations with a synonym from the box in an appropriate form.

Chapter 4Phonetic exercises1. a) Transcribe the next words from the chapter: Hire; guide; hour; ridiculous; tributary; terrified; primeval; fabulous; column; church; theory; palm; entrance; push; tunnel; disappear; climb; absurd; binoculars b) Read them aloudWork on vocabulary2. Find in the chapter the English for: Нанимать; листок бумаги; перевернуть; нелепый; к нашему

Раздел 3. Образцы деловых писем

ПРОСЬБЫ (ЗАЯВЛЕНИЯ) О ПРЕДОСТАВЛЕНИИ РАБОТЫJOB-APPLICATIONLETTERS(1) Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing you to find out if you would be interested in hiring a person with a strong background in English to work with your firm in its dealings with Russian or American partners. I have graduated from the State University of St. Petersburg with a Master's degree in Russian language and

Раздел 2. Специальная лексика и формулы вежливости, принятые в официальной и личной переписке

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФилиал федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Сочинский государственный университет»В г.

Пишем адрес на английском языке

Так как мы изучаем английский язык, нас будет интересовать оформление адреса на английском языкев Великобритании, США и в нашей родной стране. Все помнят, что при отправлении письма (letter), на конверте (envelope) размещаются два адреса:

Useful phrases and vocabulary for writing business letters.

BUSINESS ENGLISH VOCABULARYWriting Business LettersСуществуют стандартные выражения, часто употребляемые в деловой переписке на англиском языке, использование которых придаст вежливый и официальный тон вашему посланию. 1. Обращение Dear Sirs, Dear Sir or

The world’s longest railroad

The world’s first transcontinental railroad was completed in North America in 1869. The Russian Trans-Siberian railroad, whose construction started 20 years later, was a much more ambitious project in incomparably more difficult natural conditions. Siberia covers nearly a quarter of Asia. It is a land of mighty rivers, endless swamps and high mountains. The idea of building a railroad through this wilderness

I. Перепишите следующие предложения; определите по грамматическим

признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием –s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. Служит ли оно: 1. Показателем 3–его лица ед. числа глагола в Present Indefinite; 2. Признаком мн. числа имени

Особенности грамматического строя английского языка

В силу особенностей исторического развития английского языка в его грамматической системе сохранилось минимальное число окончаний.Грамматические окончания в английском языке окончание имени существительного глагола 1) во

Методические указания и контрольные работы

для студентов I-II курсов инженерно-строительного факультетаЗаочной формы обученияПсковИздательство ППИФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮПСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ Г.В. СмуроваАнглийский

Glossary for the Course of Stylistics

A acoustic adj. concerned with sound adherent adj. added shades ofmeaning affinity n. similarity, inherent likeness allegory n. a story, poem, painting, etc. in which the characters and actions represent general truths, good and bad qualities, etc. alliteration n. repetition of the same consonant or sound group at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other allusion n. reference to some literary,

Essential concepts of decoding stylistic analysis and types of foregrounding

Decoding stylistics investigates the same levels as linguastylistics - phonetic, graphical, lexical, and grammatical. The basic difference is that it studies expressive means provided by each level not as isolated devices that demonstrate some stylistic function but as a part of the general pattern discernible on the background of relatively lengthy segments of the text, from a paragraph to the level of the whole

Stylistics of the author and of the reader. The notions of encoding and decoding. Essential concepts of decoding stylistic analysis and types of foregrounding.

How often with all the theoretical experience of method accumulated in me over the years have I stared blankly quite similar to one of my beginning students at a page that would not yield its magic. Leo Spitzer. Linguistic and Literary History Чем рассказывать мне, что в данной вещи хотела дать - я, лучше покажи мне, что сумел от нее взять -