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На этой странице собрано около (~) 17707 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Иностранные языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Расскажите о жизни и деятельности Адама Смита.

В 32. Прочитайте текст В про себя и скажите по-русски, чем вызвана необходимость реструктуризации в угледобывающей промышленности США. Слова для понимания текста:Capital-intensive — капиталоемкийTo respond — отвечать, реагироватьUncertainty —

Каждая из приведенных ниже ситуаций направлена на достижение одной из указанных в схеме целей. Скажите, какая цель подразумевается в каждом случае.

l.The Government announced plans to control price inflation. 2. Labour unions are concerned about the increased use of robots in manufacturing. 3.The use of computers made the preparation of this study guide easier. 4. The U.S. has a higher standard of living today than 20 years ago. 15. Составьте список основных экономических терминов, встречающихся в

Implication — вовлечение, причастность appropriate — подходящий, соответствующий legislation — законодательство workshop — секция, семинар issue — вопрос, проблема agenda — повестка дня

Leaders from the international mining, regulatory and environmental communities will meet in October to discuss the most crucial environmental issues facing the mining industry. Sponsored by Mining Journal LTD and Mining World News, the First International Conference on Mining Environmental Manage­ment will focus on mining-oriented environmental legislation, the financial implications, the available technological

Mineral excavation; waste rock; stripping the overburden; mechanical plants; nydranlicking; to include; to dump; transport-and-dnmping bridge; friable and soft rocks

1. Вскрышные и добычные работы включают следующие процессы: выемку, транспортировку и разгрузку пустой поро­ ды и полезного ископаемого. 2. Современные способы открытой разработки месторожде­ ний полезных ископаемых включают

Независимый причастный оборот (The Absolute Participle Construction)

Обычно субъект причастного оборота совпадает с подле­жащим предложения: Not knowing what to do,I telephoned the police. (=Because I didn't know what to do, ...) He зная, что делать, я позвонил в полицию. Однако в научно-технической литературе вы можете встретить

An Overview of the Mining Industry

(General Characteristics) According to the broadest definition, mining includes discover­ing, extracting and processing of all nonrenewable resources up to the point at which they are used for fabricating or for producing Unit 8______________________________________________ 211 energy. This broad definition includes the energy minerals such as coal, petroleum and natural gas; refined or processed metals such as

Od the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; as Is known; I'd like to stress that; I'd like to say that; let us consider

1. We say that the method of mining is rational if it guarantees only safety of the men and maximum output of mineral. 2. It is rather difficult to define which method of mining (longwall or shortwall) is more often used in Russia. 3. The shield method of mining is used where short faces are worked. It is used in all the coal-fields of Russia. 4. The problem of extracting thick seams is not difficult. As a rule,

Methods of Working Bedded Deposits Underground

The method of working (or method of mining) includes a definite sequence and organization of development work of a deposit, its openings and its face work in certain geological conditions, It depends on the mining plan and machines and develops with their improvements. A rational method of working should satisfy the following require­ments in any particular conditions: 1) safety of the man; 2) maximum output of

Найдите в тексте А условные предложения и переведите их.

16. Переведите предложения, используя предлагаемые слова и сочетания слов: useful mineral; to drive mine workings; exploratory and productive mine workings; barren (waste) rock; It Is necessary; to contribute to; both ... and; a number of; the output 1. Горные выработки могут быть разведочными и эксплуа­

ТЕКСТА General Information on Mining

As has been said, mining refers to actual ore extraction. Broadly speaking, mining is the industrial process of removing a mineral-bearing substance from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth's crust. The term "mining" includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells; metal, non-metallic minerals, coal, peat, oil shale and other hydrocarbons from the earth. In other words, the wo± done to

Выразите свое мнение по поводу обсуждаемой проблемы.

UNIT8 Mining Methods А. Грамматика Текст А. Б. Грамматика Текст Б. Условные предложения. General Information on Mining. 1. Многофункциональность глаголов to be и to have. 2. Отрицательные предложения.Methods of Working Bedded Deposits Underground. В. Текст Б. Mining Thick Seams. Дискуссия о

ИНТЕРВЬЮ с профессором Дж. Мортоном

Прочитайте интервью по ролям. Суммируйте его содержание своими словами (6-8 предложений). TEACHER: Dear friends! Let me introduce Professor John Morton from Newcastle University. Professor Morton has kindly agreed to answer your questions about training geologists in Great Britain and about geology as a science. QUESTION: Will you kindly say a

On the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; I'd like to stress; It should be taken into consideration

1. The preliminary exploration gives reliable information only on the place of the deposit. 2. The quality of the mineral deposit can be determined without taking samples. 182______________________________________________ Unit 7 3. The data obtained from the exploratory workings allow the geologist to estimate the mineral reserves and to plan current pro­ duction. 4. In prospecting for loose rocks, only

Exploration of Mineral Deposits

Exploration is known to include a whole complex of investiga­tions carried out for determining the industrial importance of a deposit. The main task is to determine the quality and quantity of Unit 7_____________________________________________ 177 mineral and the natural and economic conditions in which it oc­curs. The exploration of the deposit is divided into three stages, namely preliminary exploration,

Survey (surveying) surveyor(s) surveyed

6)1.In recent years combined geophysical ... by air has been used on a wide scale. 2. In modern ... automation is being used in recording the field measurements. Unit 7_____________________________________________ 171 3. Now the ... need only to set up the instrument in the field and it will do all recordings automatically. 4. Laser is being used by mine ... now. 5. Underground working can be ... by modern

Сравнение функций причастия и герундия

(повторение) Сравнительная таблица функций причастия и герундия Функция Герундий Причастие I Подлежащее Driving a car is his hobby. — Именная часть сказуемого His hobby is driving a car. — Часть глагольного сказуемого (Con­tinuous)   He is

Распределите роли и примите участие в телевизионной дискуссии «Энергия и жизнь».

ANNOUNCER: Good evening! Dear guests, welcome to our TV studio. Listen and see our program "For Those Who Think". Life and energy is our problem. The world's energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. Of course, we have to do something and do it as soon as possible. Unit 6______________________________________________ 161 I'd like to welcome our first guest, Professor Oleg

To my mind; In my opinion; on the contrary; I'd like to say a few words about; it seems to be wrong; it is quite obvious that; as for; as I know

1. Lignite is a high-rank coal, containing about 90 per cent of carbon. It is slightly liable to spontaneous combustion. 2. Bituminous coals cannot be stored in open piles. These coals are primarily used for domestic purposes. 3. Anthracites are soft coals being used mainly for metallurgical purposes. In future coal will be used only for domestic purposes. 37. Суммируйте содержание текста

Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

bench v смешивать(ся); вклинивать(ся) combustion п го­рение, сгорание; spontaneous combustionсамовоспламене­ние, самовозгорание continuity n не­прерывность, неразрывность domestic а внутрен­ний; отечественный estimate v оценивать; n оценка; смета butt n разлом,