a.m. - ante meridiem (лат.) — во столько-то часов до полудня С - centigrade - по стоградусной шкале Цельсия (о температуре) e.g. — exempli gratia (лат.) - например etc. — et cetera (лат.) — и т. д. hr. — hour — час i.e. — id est (лат.) — то есть kg. - kilogram - килограмм lb. — pound —
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Союзов и наречий, совпадающих по формеabout — о, про, относительно; около, примерноAbove - выше, надAbove all — прежде всегоAcross — поперек, через, на другой сторонеAfter — после, за, после того какAfter all — в конце концовAgainst - противAlong — вдоль,
Таблица 12 Функция Перевод 1. Подлежащее Driving at a high speed is dangerous. Существительное или неопределенная форма глагола. Ездить (езда) на большой скорости опасно (опасна). 2. Дополнение My brother likesriding at a high speed. Существительное или
Таблица 3 Суффикс К какой части речи Основное значение Примеры Перевод добавляется образованных слов -able к существитель испытывающий workable пригодный для ным и глаголам действие работы
Напишите, что делается для того, чтобы сократить потери отработанного газа.TEXTThe Саr and the EnvironmentMost of us know that cars cause air pollution. Scientists tell us that if we don't do something soon, we will be unable to repair the damage that we are causing to our planet. What are some of the things we can do to help?Buy a fuel-efficient car
This electric gear change control system is for large vehicles. It consists of three basic elements: a controller located near the driver, an electric cable to the transmission, and a solenoid actuated valve on the transmission that receives the signal from the driver to change gear selection. The system is used in large trucks where the transmission is mounted far from the engine. The control system provides the
3. Какие тормоза используются в данной модели автомобиля ?TEXTThe new vehicle was designed and built by the General Engineering Division. A conventional chassis, rigid axles and leaf spring suspension are used in this car. However, the frame has been modified to improve the angle of turning. The rear suspension incorporates rubber spring washers. There are
Section 11.Прочтите текст и найдите ответы на вопросы, помещенные перед текстом.Кратко перескажите текст.QUESTIONS1.What Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered in the history of automobile engineering? 2.Who was the first Russian inventor of the automobile? 3.What did Mamin designed? 4.What did Blinov constructed?TEXTFrom the
Упражнение 1. Найдите на рис. 5 местоположение перечисленных ниже г нов и запишите их в тетрадь под обозначенным номером. Затем выпишите английские названия этих узлов. Двигатель, сцепление, коробка передач, карданный вал, задний
Bending — изгибExcessive - чрезмерныйFor this purpose — для этой целиguide the car - управлять автомобилемHydraulic pump — гидравлическийнасосLeakage — утечкаLever — рычагLeverage - рычажный механизмLinkage — соединениеmeans of turning - средство поворотаPitman arm - рулевая
1.performance a. зависеть от 2.the safety of passengers b. барабанные тормоза 3.to depend upon c. тормоза срабатывают 4.namely d. тормоза с гидравлическим 5.drum brakes приводом 6.disc brakes e. работа (действие) 7.brakes are applied f. именно 8.hydraulic assisted brakes
Предтекстовые упражненияThe exercises to be done before reading the textУпражнение 1. Прочтите слова и словосочетания и выучите их русские эквиваленты. unit - узел, блок, агрегат gear — шестерня power transmission - силовая gearbox- коробка передач передача tractive effort
The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned directly inside the engine itself. Most automobile engines work on a 4-stroke cycle. A cycle is one complete sequence of 4 strokes of the piston in the cylinder. The operating cycle of the four-stroke petrol engine includes: inlet stroke (intake valve opens), compression stroke (both valves closed), power stroke (both valves closed), exhaust stroke
DialogueThe exercises to be done before reading the textПредтекстовые упражнения Упражнение 1.Прочтите слова и словосочетания и запомниnt их русские эквиваленты. engine (power plant) — двигатель(силовая установка) chassis — шасси body— кузов power train — силовая
В.А. Шляхова Английский языкдля студентов автомобилестроительных специальностейСредних профессиональных учебных заведений Учебное пособие Допущено Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации в качестве учебного
1) Great Britain is a small island, but it is reach in minerals. 2) What an interesting book I bought yesterday! 3) I know that he is in London now. 4) Ask her where he is now. 5) Alicia, Joy and David came in. 6) Read about the weather and then decide on your vacation. 7) Don’t forget! 8) Can you explain the term “brainstorming” to us? 9) My boss gets angry if he is interrupted. 10) He stopped smiling. Ex. 8
1. The guards had found a note. 2. For nearly a year , the Zarian president has been living just down the road. 3. I think now I might be going to San Diego this weekend. 4. Vecco’s family has lived since 1969 in the spacious apartment that has become the ultimate room with a view. 5. Well you could have used the meat pot. 6. Carla had decided to major in psychology and had been giving all of us frequent free
Snow Impossibility opinion passer-by inactivity Kingdom immobility warmth nurse blackbird merry-go-round fortune friendship population smelling-salt sandstone widower exclamation misunderstanding snowball mother-in-law might succession misdeed policeman usefulness friend statesman fellow-worker Eх. 2 Slate to what class the nouns belong. 1 The hotel specialized in homely English bood and we had pieces of excellent
Analyze the text. Tell what category does every word express and how do we know that?Fleur met them in the hall. After dropping John at Dorking she had exceeded the limit homewards, that she might appear to have nothing in her thoughts but the welfare of the slums. “The Squire” being among his partridges, the Bishop was in the chair. Fleur went to the sideboard, and, while Michael was reading the minutes, began