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Interaction of Primary and Derivative Logical Meanings

There are special SDs which make a word materialize distinct dictionary meanings. They are zeugma and the pun. Zeugma is the use of a word in the same grammatical but different semantic relations to two adjacent words in the context, the semantic relations being on the one hand literal, and on the other, transferred. e. g. Dora, plunging at once into privileged intimacy and into the middle of the

Colloquial coinages (words and meanings)

Colloquial coinages (nonce-words), unlike those of a literary-bookish character, are spontaneous and elusive. Not all of the colloquial nonce-words are fixed in dictionaries or even in writing and therefore most of them disappear from the language leaving no trace in it. Unlike literary-bookish coinages, nonce-words of a colloquial nature are not usually built by means of affixes but are based on certain semantic

Literary Coinages (Including Nonce-Words)

Neologism - 'a new word or a new meaning for an established word.' Every period in the development of a language produces an enormous number of new words or new meanings of established words. Most of them do not live long. They are not meant to live long. They are coined for use at the moment of speech, and therefore possess a peculiar property —that of temporariness. The given word or meaning holds only in the

Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary

(4 academic hours) 1. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary The word-stock of any language may be represented as a definite system in which different aspects of words may be singled out as interdependent. Aspect- the most typical characteristic of a word. The word-stock of any given language can be roughly divided into three uneven groups, differing from each other by the sphere of its possible

The Notion of Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices

(1 academic hour) 1.The notion of expressive means: Morphological Expressive Means, Word-Building Expressive Means, Lexical Expressive Means, Syntactical Expressive Means In linguistics there are different terms to denote those particular means by which a writer obtains his effect. Expressive means, stylistic means, stylistic devices and other terms are all used indiscriminately. For our purposes it is necessary to

Linguistic Basis of Stylistics

(1 academic hour) 1. The Subject of Stylistics Stylistics can be defined as a branch of modern linguistics devoted to the detailed analysis of literary style, or of the linguistic choices made by speakers and writers in non-literary contexts. (Chris Baldick Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms, 1996) According to I.R. Galperin, stylistics is a branch of general linguistics, which deals with the investigation

Lecture 1. Stylistics as a branch of general linguistics

II. ЛЕКЦИОННЫЕ ЗАНЯТИЯМетодические рекомендации Лекция представляет собой логическое изложение материала в соответствии с планом лекции, который сообщается студентам в начале каждой лекции, и имеет законченную форму, т. е.

IV. Practise phonetic reading and translate the sentences from English into Russian. Pay special attention to the underlined words and phrases.

1. The tension was suddenly thick as the defendant made his way to the witness chair. Finally, after four long days of trial, the accused would take the stand and tell his side of the story. But, in doing so he would also subject himself to questions from the prosecution. (200) 2. Theo knew that in 65 percent of murder cases the defendant does not testify, and he knew the reasons why. First, they're usually guilty

IV. Find the English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Make up a situation (or situations) using as many phrases as possible.

1. быть поглощенным (106) 2. и все такое (108) 3. кража со взломом (111) 4. велел ему проваливать, скрыться (112) 5. окончательно проанализировать факты (114) 6. уносить ноги, выходить из дела (121) 7. точное совпадение 123 8. был сыт по горло его тактикой

II. Write out the proper names of the characters as they appear in Chapters 7 and 8. Make brief comments on what you learn about them.

III. Find the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases. Make up your own sentences using these phrases. 1. to assist victims of domestic violence (87) 2. to increase their monthly donation (87) 3. extremely shy, to the point of being awkward (90) 4. busted but gamely trying to hang on (92) 5. his thoughts switching back and forth (95) 6. to hack into (99) 7. reluctantly (100) 8. to hang on every word

I. Transcribe and practice pronouncing the following words as they are given in the text. Make sure you know what they mean.

1) thoroughly, gazebo, trial, lawyer, divorce, antiques, funeral, torment, custody, impartial, referee 2) tribal dialect, tedious, weary, accuse, deceased, attorney, paralegals, alternate (n/v), gawk, pawnshop, cello II. Write out the proper names of the characters as they appear in Chapters 1 and 2. Make brief comments on what you learn about them.III. Find the Russian equivalents of the following words and

Management at different levels

It is useful to think of management as being divided into three levels. Supervisory managers are persons who directly oversee the efforts of those who actually perform the work. Most supervisory managers have titles like supervisor, fore­man, leadman, or office manager. Department heads at universities are typically considered to be supervisory' managers because they oversee the activities of profes­sors, who

Finance and financial system

Finance is the provision of money at the time when it is needed. It is a system of monetary relations leading to formation, distribution and use of money in the process of its turnover between economic entities. The financial system is the network of institutions through which firms, households and units of government get the funds they need and put surplus funds to work. Savers and borrowers are connected by

Introduction to Banking and Financial Markets

A commercial bank borrows money from the public, crediting them with a deposit. The deposit is a liability of the bank. It is the money owed to depos­itors. In turn the bank lends money to firms, households, or governments wishing to borrow. Commercial banks are financial intermediaries with a government license to make loans and issue deposits, including deposits against which cheques can be written1. Major

Основные суффиксы прилагательных и наречий

Суффиксы Примеры Перевод -able remarkable выдающийся -ible extensible растяжимый -ant, resistant сопротивляющийся -ent different различный -ful successful успешный -less homeless бездомный -ous famous известный -y sunny солнечный -ly

Наиболее употребительные префиксы

УДК 811.111 Англ.© Цуканова Л.Д. Английский язык. Рабочая программа, методические указания, контрольные задания и тексты для чтения для студентов заочной формы обучения 2 курса института экономики, бизнеса и права - М., МГУТУ, 2009

Контрольная работа №2 по теме: История и культура Санкт-Петербурга

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст « The St. Petersburg of Peter the Great » по ссылке:http://www.saint-petersburg.com/history/first-years.asp During the first few years of St. Petersburg's history, the banks of the Neva saw an amazing transition from a swampy, scarcely populated area to a fine European capital. The first structure to be built in the new city was the

Грамматический справочник и тренировочные упражнения

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №2для бакалавров заочной формы обучения ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК» _______ семестр ____________________(шифр, направление подготовки) профиль ________________________________________ номер группы ____________________________________ Выполнил: