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Ex. 604. A. Read and translate the text Comment on the use of verbals

Green PeaceThe scent of cigar smoke and freshly clipped grass are forever in my memory. I can't smell one without thinking of the other. Together, they always suggest Saturday mornings to me. That was when my father embarked on his weekly ritual mowing the lawn, striding behind the Того with a white Owl firmly clamped in his mouth. My cigar odyssey began more than twelve years ago, when as a young man of fifteen

B. Speak about the things you have done this week What other things have to be done?

Ex,591. Read and translate the text. Comment on the words in bold "You are a vile, repulsive, repellent, malicious little brute!" the Trunchbull was shouting. "You are not fit to be in this school! You ought to be behind bars, that's where you ought to be! I shall have you drummed outof this establishment in utter disgrace! I shall have the prefects chaseyou down the corridor and out of the front-door

The Infinitive and the Gerund

Ex. 558.Comment on the difference between the following pairs of sentences. 1. I like cooking for my family. I'd like to cook something delicious today. 2. The manager stopped speaking on the phone. The manager stopped to pick up the file. 3. He'll never forget meeting Mary for the first time. Don't forget to meet the children after school. 4. They went on talking all night. After college, Andrew went on to study

Ex. 515. A. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of the Infinitives.

1. The day is too hot for us to be out on the beach. 2. The cigarettes are expensive enough to be good. 3. The tea is too sweet to be refreshing. 4. She is clever enough to be at the top of the class. 5. The wine is too harsh to be tasty. 6. The dress is cut well enough to be elegant. 7. The oranges are too tired to buy them. 8. The weather is frosty enough to be enjoyable. 9. The colours are too loud to be good.

B. Complete the following sentences

1.1 have hitting news .... 2. These are the rules ... . 3. She'll always say something ... . 4. The situation leaves much .... 5. They had nothing ... at the Customs. 6. There was nothing ... all day, and no one ... . 7. We've always admired the old man's will ... . 8. The shops before 293 Christmas are full of things .... 9.1 had a vital date ... 10. The guests have left, and now I have a pile of dishes ... Ex.

Tне non-finite forms of the verb (verbals)

The InfinitiveEx 493. Comment on the forms of the Infinitives. 1. When I go on holiday, I ask Mum to look after my houseplants. 2. In the morning Mr. Dulton was nowhere to be seen. 3. He seemed to be reading my mind. 4. You have your own life to consider. 5. The agent must have misunderstood the chief. 6. He was witty and clever and he made me laugh. 7. But what kind of rules might be required? 8. They seem to have

An example round with a group of 6 players.

Player 1: You shouldn't have interfered in her affairs. Player 2: You shouldn't have interfered in her affairs and made a mess of everything. Player 3: You shouldn't have interfered in her affairs and made a mess of everything and persisted in going there. Player 4: You shouldn't have interfered in her affairs, made a mess of everything ... (This player makes a memory mistake and so is out.) Player 5: (beginning

Маленький дом и верные друзья

Однажды мужчина построил дом. Он знал, что долг каждого человека — построить дом, посадить дерево и вырастить ребенка. Поскольку у него не было семьи, он решил, что пора ему иметь хотя бы крышу над го­ловой. Дом был маленький,

Would be able to do it soon.

always toldher the truth. 5. Linda will wish he had toldher the truth then. would tellher the truth one day Ex 378. Explain the relative use of tenses in the following sentences 1. Kate wished her boyfriend were more attentive to her. 2. Now she wishes she had agreed to marry him, 3. We wish it would rain. It's too hot. 4. I wish you wouldn't talk about that, Dad. 5. She wishes she were in love again. 6. I wish you

A Born Pessimist and an Eternal Optimist

A mother had twin children Will and Jenny. The two had entirely different outlooks on life — Will was a born pessimist while Jenny was an eternal optimist. These attitudes caused the mother a great deal of concern, particularly when it came to buying presents for them. So she decided to consult a child psychiatrist with regard to what she should buy them for Christmas. The psychiatrist told her to spend as much as

The Future Perfect Progressive

Ex. 298.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of the Future Perfect Progressive. 1. Next year I will have been living in Moscow for thirty years. 2. Next month we shall have owned this house for ten years. 3. When he is forty, he will have been learning English for twenty five years. 4. By the time the manager turns up, the customers will have been waiting for him for several hours. 5. He complains

The Future Tenses The Future Simple

Ex. 284.Fill in the blanks with shall(not) or will(not) 1. ... I phone for a taxi for you? 2. What ... you have to drink? 3. Who ... we pass the message to? 4.1 ... never let you go. 5. Where ... I place the books? 6. Let's not talk about it, ... we? 7. Keep your mouth shut, ... you? 8. Let's get started, ... we? 9. When I retire, I ... have more time for my hobbies and friends. 10. — Drive carefully. — Don't

The Past Simple and the Present Perfect

ex. 260.Say if the given below words and phrases express finished or unfinished time. Make up sentences of your own with them to Illustrate the difference. Today, yesterday, this morning, ever, never, always, when I was nine, until I was nine, since I was nine, after I got up, since I got up, three years ago, for the last three years, this year, last year, for the last year, in 1998, since 1997, recently, lately, so

The Present Perfect Progressive

Ex. 242.Read and translate the sentences Comment on the tenses in them 1. — Can I let you in on a little secret? — Why not? You've been telling me your secrets since you were eight. 2. There's something I've been meaning to ask you. 3. A fine rain has been falling steadily since six o'clock and there is a dark mist on the river. 4. "Are you thinking of selling off one of the hotels?" "I have been

Substantivized parts of speech

Ex. 165.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the words in bold type. 1. Let me have my say! 2. May I have a think? 3. No ifs, no buts,no more cuts.4. We are among the don't knows.I first heard it from someone who is in the know. 5.It was her duty to feed, punish, dress and bed downseven of the eight children. 6.1 hope you'll approve my plans and give me the go-ahead.7. These stores specialize in seconds.8.

What is the sexist pronoun war?

Historically, the masculine pronoun has been used when the gender of the antecedent is unknown, or if both genders are represented. Many old proverbs illustrate it: "He laughs best who laughs last." "He who hesitates is lost." "He who plays the piper calls the tune." Some women see this as evidence of patriarchal domination. Others just don't like it. Often you can rewrite your sentence

Personal and Possessive Pronouns

Ex. 108. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the words in bold type. 1. Research shows that one of the most overused words in any language is the word for I. Changing I to me(or vice versa) brings greater variety to your speech and writing. 2. Just between you and me,this course is a disaster. 3. It takes two, meand you, to make a dream come true. 4. Hello! Is that meyou are looking for? 5. The relationship

Искусство, которое происходит сегодня

—Немецкая нация исчезает... И слава богу! Не очень-то ей можно было доверять! — громко смеется Ансельм. В круглой шкатулочке Эрмитажного театра, среди мрамора, лепнины и кариатид прямо на сцене расположились немецкий

Километров, 94 задних кресла и три пары утонувших брюк

Говорят, путешествия нужно планировать заранее. Необходимо подобрать турагентство, выбрать страну «по карману», забронировать комфортабельный номер в отеле и успеть выкупить билеты на автобус/поезд/самолёт. Денис Соболев