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На этой странице собрано около (~) 17707 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Иностранные языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Red notices for wanted persons

One of our most powerful tools in tracking international fugitives is the  Red Notice. This seeks the provisional arrest of a wanted person with a view to extradition and is circulated to police in all our member countries. Red notices contain identification details and judicial information about the wanted person.Some newspapers articlesRead and translate 05 June 2012Russian paedophile suspect and INTERPOL

Recollect what the words and phrases mean.

to involve, public safety, to commit a crime, headquarters, to identify, to make arrests, legal systems, criminal law, to solve crimes, convicted criminals, wanted criminal, major crime. Translate the following word combinations.Drug trafficking, a counterfeiter of foreign bank notes, telecommunications network, to gather information on particular criminal activities, extradition, unsolved crimes, to check

Match the forms of terrorism with the relevant vocabulary

1) bombing a) hostages, seize control, ultimatum 2) assassination b) detonator, suicide, bomber, to defuse 3) kidnapping c) disease, virus, epidemic 4) hijacking d) rifle, hit man, bodyguard 5) chemical attack e) ransom, hide-out, abduct 6) biological f) poisonous gas, toxic fumes warfare.True or false?1. Interpol is under the control or supervision of the government. 2. The main task of Interpol is to fight

Detention, Treatment and Questioning

An arrest person must be taken to a police station (if he or she is not already at one) as soon as practicable after arrest. At the station, he or she will be seen by the custody officer who will consider the reasons for the arrest and whether there are sufficient grounds for the person to be detained. The Code of Practice under the 1984 Police and Criminal Evidence Act made it clear that juveniles should not be

Render the following text into English using the information and vocabulary from the texts above (Use dictionary if necessary).

Из истории Скотланд ЯрдаВ 1829 году первые лондонские комиссары полиции Майн и Роуэн организовали главное полицейское управление в помещении дворца Уайтхолл, в котором раньше останавливались шотландские короли при посещении

From the history of Scotland Yard

The task of organizing and designing the «New Police» was placed in the hands of Colonel Charles Rowan and Sir Richard Mayne. These two Commissioners occupied a private house at 4, Whitehall Palace, the back of which opened on to a courtyard, which had been the site of a residence owned by the Kings of Scotland and known as «Scotland Yard». Since the place was used as a police station, the headquarters of the

Read and translate into Russian the synonyms given below

Gun – weapon Crime – offence Criminal – offender Assistance – help Fight – combat, struggle Safeguard – security Job – work Deal with – handle Involve – include Public order – law and order 5. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: - поддерживают правопорядок - основатель полиции - национальная

The Metropolitan Police Force of London

The Metropolitan Police Force was created in 1829 by an Act of Parliament. It is the largest Police Force in Britain, policing an area of 742 square miles of Greater London. The Force is controlled by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis under the general directions of the Home Secretary. The Metropolitan Police District is divided into four Districts. Each District comprises five or six Divisions. The

Police Technology in the USA

Request for police services are generally transmitted to headquarters by telephone and then by radio to officers in the field.Police have long operated on the theory that fast response time results in more arrests and less risk or injury to victims. The current trend is toward handling calls by priority, with emergency response reserved for cases involving an injured party or those in which a reasonable chance

US police dig up yard for ex-boxer

Livingston, New Jersey – Police dug up the back yard of a New Jersey house Friday searching for the body of a former Russian Olympic boxer. The authorities believe he was killed by members of a Russian organized crime ring. « The Russian ex-boxer, of the Brooklyn borough of New York, was last seen in November four years ago», FBI spokesman Joseff Valiquette said. The Joint Eastern European Organized Crime Task

Read, translate and reproduce the following dialogue

Imagine that you are a journalist interviewing the FBI’s Agent. You: Good morning, sir! Special Agent: Good morning! You: I’d like to ask you some questions about the FBI and its work if possible. S.A.: Of course you can. You: What was the purpose of creating the FBI? S.A.: It was created primarily to handle criminal investigations for the Department of Justice. You: And what matters does it deal with? S.A.: The

Special Investigation Division

Organized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For years organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall* built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force. Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice*. The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following

- нарушение федеральных законов - генеральный прокурор - штат сотрудников - подкуп - саботаж - государственная измена - кража со взломом - мошенничество - государственная собственность - назначение. 6. Make and translate short sentences with the following:

Translate the following text into Russian observing Participles.

New word to the texts: To design - конструировать To preside – осуществлять руководств To install - устанавливать Demand - требование Felony – тяжкое уголовное преступление To occur - случаться Intruder - нарушитель Warrant - ордер Roll call is an informal affair used in police stations for police

Read and translate the following word-combinations paying attention to the form- and link-words.

These mundane duties, only maintenance of peace and order, such hazard for safety, our acquaintance, those missing persons, this little squad, the best squad car, many disputants, the only abbreviation, most estimates, less trouble, their beat, more every day calls, your violation, much damage. 4. Write out the pairs of synonyms: Precinct usual to warn to handle Manpower security to quiet to

Additional exercises to the topic «The work of American police»

1. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the bracket: A. (Guards; kidnappers; tap; couriers bug; armoured vehicles; security firm; bullet-proof; private detectives) I run a (a) … which offers a complete range of security services. We have (b) … with special (c) … windows to transport money and other valuable items. We can supply trained (d) … to protect exhibits at art shows and

Crimes against the State – преступления против государства

Betrayal – предательство, измена Drug trafficking – транспортировка, перевозка наркотиков Espionage / spying – шпионаж Hijacking – угон воздушного судна, воздушное пиратство Misappropriation of public property – незаконное присвоение государственной собственности

Police duties / обязанности полиции

To apprehend a criminal – задерживать преступника To assist the offender to return to an honest life – помогать правонарушителю вернуться к честной жизни To arrive at the crime scene – прибывать на место преступления To be responsible for a crime – быть ответственным за преступление

Работа полиции Великобритании

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