C) Write a covering letter applying for the job
III. Role Play. An interview for a job. For groups of 5-6 students
Roles: 2 interviewers and 3-4 applicants for each position.
Applicants will try to persuade the interviewers to accept for one of the positions advertised below. The interviewers should choose the most suitable applicant taking into account both experience, personal characteristics and the impression of the applicants’ behaviour at the interview.
There are some jobs that could be advertised in newspapers for your summer vocations.
Before you interview an applicant look through his/her CV.
Decide what questions you are going to ask.
Be ready to explain about the job, and say what the person will have to do, etc.
After the interview you are to discuss which applicant to hire and announce your decision.
Write down your CV.
Be ready to say why you applied for the job, and what salary you expected to get.
You will have a chance to ask questions.
Comprehensive Prolonged Project
Day 10th | «The fair of vacancies» |
It’s high time to think about your future career. One of these days «The fair of vacancies» will be held. What kind of work would you like to find? What would you ask the employer about? What are the skills, abilities and interests that make you attractive to a potential employer? What can you do to present yourself most effectively to gain and impress employers favourably? Discuss all these questions with your groupmates.
Active vocabulary
Nouns and Nouns Phrases
amateur | //‵æmǝtǝ(r)// | любитель |
competitor | /kǝm‵petɪtǝ(r)/ | противник, соперник |
contest | /‵kɒntest/ | соревнование, состязание, конкурс |
endurance | /ɪn‵djʊǝrǝns/ | выносливость, стойкость |
injury | /‵ɪnʤǝri/ | 1. вред, повреждение; 2. рана, ущерб |
shape | /ʃeɪp/ | форма |
soccer | /‵sɒkǝ(r)/ | футбол |
spectator | /spek‵teɪtǝ(r)/ | зритель, посетитель |
supporter | /sǝ‵pɔ:tǝ(r)/ | сторонник, приверженец |
violence | /‵vaɪǝlǝns/ | насилие |
rival | /‵raɪvl/ | соперник, конкурент |
Verbs and Verbal Phrases
to be keen on | увлекаться | |
to be the host | быть принимающей стороной | |
to beat | /bi:t/ | 1. бить; 2. побеждать |
to commit fouls | совершать нарушение правил | |
to contribute | /kǝn‵trɪbju:t/ | способствовать |
to defeat | /dɪ‵fi:t/ | одерживать победу, наносить поражение |
to foul a game | /faVl/ | вести нечестную игру |
to pass a ball | передавать мяч | |
to provide an opportunity | обеспечивать возможность | |
to replace | /rɪ‵pleɪs/ | заменять, замещать |
to set up | устанавливать, учреждать | |
to support | /sǝ‵pɔ:t/ | поддерживать |
to take the lead | взять на себя инициативу, руководить | |
to throw a ball | бросать мяч |
Passive vocabulary
cheat | /ʧi:t/ | мошенничество |
courageous | /kǝ‵reɪʤǝs/ | смелый, отважный, храбрый |
exercise | /‵eksǝsaɪz/ | упражнять, тренировать |
gain | /geɪn/ | победа, достижение |
let off steam | выпускать пар | |
persistence | /pǝ‵sɪstǝns/ | 1. упорство, настойчивость; 2. выносливость |
poise | /pɔɪz/ | осанка |
posture | /‵pɒsʧǝ(r)/ | осанка |
restraint | /rɪ‵streɪnt/ | сдержанность, самообладание |
sacrifice | /‵sækrɪfaɪs/ | жертва |
supreme results | высшие достижения | |
survive | /sǝ‵vaɪv/ | пережить |
to be disappointed | быть разочарованным | |
tolerance | /‵tɒlǝrǝns/ | терпимость |
trauma | /trɔ:mǝ/ | травма |
I.1. Look through the quotations and try to outline the problems to be discussed.
1. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning, but taking part … The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. (P.de Coubertin)
2. If you want to live, you must walk. If you want to live long, you must run. (J. Navik)
3. Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess baggage, the shorter the trip. (E. Glasgow)
4. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence; in other words it is war minus the shooting. (G.Orwell)
You’ve read some information about sport movement in Belarus. Speak of the participation of the Belarusian sportsmen in the world sport life. Replace the underlined words with the synonyms given in the box.
The Belarusians have always paid much attention to sport. Sport helps people be healthy and keep fit. Our citizens are fond of various kinds of sports: hockey, tennis, football, wrestling, jogging, etc.
There are a lot of sport facilities in our country for people. Every city or town can provide opportunities to take up sports. There are many stadiums, sports-grounds, gyms and swimming-pools in our country. In every region center there is at least one ice palace where every person can skate all the year round. And in winter thousands of amateurs attend outdoor skating rinks.
Millions of the Belarusians participate in various sporting activities and even in competitions. And it is not by chance that among the Olympic champions and other medallists there are representatives of our country. Many Belarusian sportsmen have won honour not only for themselves, but also for our country. Our Vitaly Scherba, Natalia Zvereva, Maxim Mirny, Alexander Medved are well-known in the world for their wins. Many records have been broken by these prominent people. And it is admitted even by our opponents that the Belarusian sportsmen are not used to commit fouls. We prefer fair play.
set up, take part, foul games, be in good sport shape, rivals, contests, keen on, go in for, victories, soccer