A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation?

b) What is their order in an annotation?

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

ü indications ü dosage ü administration ü contraindications ü actions ü warnings ü precautions ü side-effects ü description ü properties ü packages ü storage ü overdosage

Useful phrases: I think … .

As far as I know … .

Exercise 21:Work with the group - Read the text once again and find out if the information



c)The text doesn’t consist any information:

Questions Answers
1.Don’t use the preparation after the expiry date. *
2.Suprastine® contains three components with different sites of action. *
3.Suprastine® is restricted with newborn children, pregnant women and in the period of breastfeeding. *
4.The main component of this preparation, chloropyramine, prevents the development of allergic reactions and facilitates their course. *
5..Take the tablets during meal with plenty of water, adults – 25mg (1 tablet) 3-4 times a day, children – 6.25mg 2-3 times a day. *
6.Side effects include: drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, agitation, tremor, headache, euphoria. *
7.The drug should be kept in a dark place at a temperature not above 15°C. *

Exercise 22:Work with the group – Fins the parts of the annotation which comment on the following ideas:

1. Супрастин обладает противорвотным эффектом, периферической холиноблокирющей активностью и умеренными противовоспалительными свойствами.

2. Препарат хранить в недоступном для детей месте при комнатной температуре (15-25°С).

3. Побочные эффекты со стороны сердечнососудистой системы включают снижение артериального давления, тахикардию, аритмию.

4. Препарат с осторожностью следует применять с седативными препаратами, транквилизаторами, анальгетиками, ингибиторами МАО, трициклическими антидепрессантами, симпатолитиками, атропином.

5. Супрастин не следует применять при повышенной чувствительности к компонентам препарата, остром приступе бронхиальной астмы; новорожденным детям, при беременности и в период лактации.

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

Exercise 23:Put the nouns in brackets in plural.

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru
There are two …………… (banana) Are there any …………… on the table? (knife) I have to wash a lot of …………… after dinner. (dish) There are three …………… on the shelf. (strawbeery)
A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru
I gave my sister two …………… for her birthday. (kiss) I have three …………… in my house. (puppy) There are four …………… in the box. (potato) I bought two …………… yesterday. (watch)
A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru
We put our old toys in three …………… to give way. (box) It’s not common to have two …………… at a time. (bride) There are at least two …………… across our village a day. (bus) I make two …………… in my birthday. (wish)
A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru
Two …………… will be built in our town soon. (library) There are four …………… in the zoo. (wolf) According to the report, there are 195 …………… in the world. (country) Two …………… were arrested yesterday. (thief)

Exercise 24:Put the verb to be into the correct form, positive or negative:

1. Tom ............... a chemist and his brother ............... a laboratory assistant.

2. Water ............... a colourless, odourless, transparent liquid with a boiling point of 100°C.

3. By 1906 a famous Russian scientist M.Tswett had developed a new method of establishing impurities which ............... called chromatography.

4. Joe ............... a member of the school band some time ago.

5. You ............... very educated in 5 years.

6. Perfumes ............... added to most cosmetics as they give them a pleasant odour.

7. The laboratory ............... old, so we ............... a new one in a year.

8. In the vitamin field the efforts of the chemists ............... especially large since the isolated and synthesized a number of new vitamines.

9. Is this your notebook? –No, it isn't. It ............... Maja's notebook.

10. ............... your experiment successful? – No, unfortunately it ............... . I hope my the next one ............... more successful.

Exercise 25:Put the verb into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple:

1. Jenny ......................................... (wait) for me when I ......................................... (arrive).

2. What ......................................... (you / do) at this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’

3. ‘......................................... (you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’

4. How fast ......................................... (you / drive) when the accident ......................................... (happen)?

5. Sam ......................................... (take) a photograph of me while I ......................................... (not / look).

6. We were in a very difficult position. We ......................................... (not / know) what to do.

7. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last ......................................... (see) him, he ......................................... (try) to find a job.

8. I ......................................... (walk) along the street when suddenly I ......................................... (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ......................................... (follow) me. I was scared and I ......................................... (start) to run.

9. When I was young, I ......................................... (want) to be a pilot.

10. Last night I ......................................... (drop) a plate when I ......................................... (do)the washing up. Fortunately it ......................................... (not / break).

Exercise 26:Complete the sentences using the verbs in Present, Past or Future Perfect Tense:

will have synthesized has helped
has developed have made
has completed have been
had elaborated has formulated
shall have achieved had collected

1. A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru We ............... many important observations since that time.

2. For fifty years the institute ............... and brought into use some 200 medicinal preparations.

3. They ............... a new carbon compound by the New Year.

4. He ............... just ............... his experiments on medicinal properties of some plants.

5. Zelinsky and his colleagues ............... new methods for synthesizing a large number of new compounds by the end of the last century.

6. I ............... never ............... to London.

7. By the end of our studies at the Academy we ............... good knowledge the technology of making medicines, pharmaceutical chemistry and organization and economy of pharmacy.

8. Chemical analysis ............... chemists to discover very many of the elements existing on the Earth.

9. Philosophy ............... long ago ............... the dialectical principle of the transition of quantity into quality.

10. The first year pharmacy students ............... some lily of the valley by July last year.

Exercise 27:Fill in the blanks with these words:at, from, in, around, near, of, to, up, with.

1. His trousers were washed ............... the washing machine.

2. We had to climb slowly ............... the hill.

3. A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru My house is quite ............... to your school.

4. Which of these roads will lead ............... the church?

5. I think there is a salesman ............... the door.

6. Her next birthday will be ............... a Sunday.

7. Even the new drug could not cure him ............... his illness.

8. The cat likes to rub its head ............... my legs.

9. His sister holds a degree ............... physics ............... Oxford.

10. Many of us eat ............... fork and spoon.

Exercise 28:Make a request using the pictures below.

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

Exercise 29:Put the Adverbs in brackets into the right form:

1. My elder brother gets up ............... (early) than me.

2. The student ran ............... (fast) than he had ever run before.

3. “You should work ............... (hard) than you did last year,” Professor Brown said.

4. He swam ............... (bad) than usually yesterday.

5. Could you say it ............... (slowly), please?

6. I liked her dance ............... (well) of all.

7. Which of you can run ............... (well)?

8. The doctor told her to eat ............... (little) sweet and chocolate.

9. Which of you can cycle ............... (well)?

10. Yesterday she danced ............... (bad) than usually. She had a terrible backache.

11. I hope they’ll come ............... (early) tomorrow morning than today.

12. He works ............... (hard) at English than his friend.

13. He swims ............... (fast) than the American sportsman.

14. You should play ............... (carefully) than yesterday.

15. Steve and Sam did ............... (badly) in the last game.

Exercise 30:Make up Complex Subject sentences:

1. To be delivered, on Saturday, the letter, is expected.

2. Was found, behaviour, Nora’s to be suspicions, son.

3. Company, to be pleasant, was considered, Constance.

4. Today, to be announced, the news is expected.

5. Your team, to win, the game, was expected.

6. To have mode, our head engineer, an important discovery, was known.

7. This, of, to, unlikely, is great, be, importance, fact.

8. Have, to, said, to, are, come, to conference, the delegates.

9. Writing, be, is, a new, to, likely, book, he.

10. To, the question, able, be, at, thought, are, to, they, once, solve.

11. Life, Earth, thought, is, to, from, to, have, been, brought, space.

12. Peter, said, a student, talented, is, to, be.

13. He, about, know, little, seems, to, it.

14. They, expected, arrive, tomorrow, are, to.

15. Не, be, is, good, doctor, said, to, a.

Exercise 31:Complete the questions with the necessary pronoun:

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru During the lesson you have learnt much information about different dosage forms of medicines, about the stages of their production, about prescriptions and medicines annotations. Your task is to represent a new medicine to your groupmates. You are to think of a name to your new medicine, describe each stage of the manufacturing process and write the annotation to it.

You may do it as a “PowerPoint Presentation”, assay, short report, etc.

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

  A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru
A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru

A) Which of the words given below may be the names of the parts of an annotation? - student2.ru 1.Use the Gerund, the To-infinitive or the Bare Infinitive:

1. Let’s ............... (meet) there at six o’clock.

2. I thought of ............... (leave) before the party.

3. I’m hungry. I feel like ............... (have) dinner.

4. She invited them ............... (sit down) at the table.

5. I saw the lorry ............... (crash) into a lamp post.

6. They are unable ............... (agree).

7. It was so funny that I couldn’t help ............... (laugh).

8. The driver made us ............... (push) the car.

9. Take this opportunity of ............... (say) what you really think.

10. She’s good at ............... (make) speeches.

11. Some Portuguese rivers are said ............... (be) polluted.

12. I’m used to ............... (hear) of his extravagant attitudes.

13. I can’t help ............... (feel) that there is something very wrong somewhere.

14. It’s hard ............... (decide) which film is the best.

15. We are still waiting for them ............... (reply).

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive:

1. It’s a big chemical plant. 500 people ............... (employ) there.

2. D.I. Mendeleyev ............... (devote) all his life to the development of chemistry.

3. Most of the Earth’s surface ............... (cover) by water.

4. The company is not independent. It ............... (own) by a much larger company.

5. The letter ............... (post) a week ago and it ............... (arrive) only yesterday.

6. Water can ............... (separate) from the dissolved substances by distillation.

7. Everybody ............... (know) the Periodic law.

8. While I was on holiday, my camera ............... (steal) from my hotel room.

9. While I was on holiday, may camera ............... (disappear) from my hotel room.

10. Chemistry’s origin ............... (go back) to ancient times.

11. The first instrument for measuring temperatures ............... (invent) by Celsius.

12. Water ............... (boil) at the temperature of 100°C.

13. My friend ............... (admit) to the University last year.

14. The exact amount of water in the human body ............... (depend) on a person’s аge, sex and build.

15. My friend often ............... (receive) letters from his grandparents.













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