Практическая работа № 1

Studying at a polytechnical college.

1. Read the dialogue:

Ashton: Where do you study?

Barry: I study at a polytechnical college. I’m the third-year student.

A: Whom does the college train?

B: It trains specialists for the automobile industry.

A: Why did you decide to become a technician?

B: I enjoy working with machines. I enjoy learning about a car. I understand every part of it.

A: What can you tell me about the car?

B: Well, the car of today must be rapid in acceleration; it must have dependable clutch, brakes, and steering system, silent gearbox, be stable on the road and have pleasant appearance.

A: Do you enjoy the course?

B: Yes, very much. I have learned a lot of things. For example, I know that the production of the car comprises five phases.

A: What are they?

B: They are designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production.

A:And why are laboratory and road tests needed?

B: The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date de­mands.

A: And what are these demands?

B:They are high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and so on.

A:I think you will become an expert in automobile engineering.

B:I'll try. The practice at a service station will help me to become a good specialist.

2.Find the words and word combinations in the dialogue:

Учусь в колледже, техник, люблю работать с машинами, современный автомобиль, надежные тормоза, плавное сцепление, приятный внешний вид, массовое производство автомобилей, стендовые испытания, отвечать современным требованиям, долгий срок службы, легкость техобслуживания, надежность, быстро разгоняться (при­ёмистость), подвергаться жестким дорожным испытаниям.

Make questions to the sentences.

  Simple Active Continuous Active Perfect Active
Present Wh+do (does) + S + V Wh+am/is/are+ S + Ving Wh+have/has + S + V3
Past Wh+did + S + V Wh+was/were + S +Ving Wh+had + S + V3
Future Wh+will + S + V Wh+will + S + be + Ving Wh+will + S + have + V3
  Simple Passive Continuous Passive Perfect Passive
Present Wh+ am/is/are + S + V3 Wh+am/is/are+ S +being+ V3 Wh+have/has + S + been +V3
Past Wh+ was/were + S + V3 Wh+was/were + S + being+ V3 Wh+had + S + been +V3
Future Wh+will + S + be+V3   Wh+will + S + have been + V3

1. I’ll become a technician in automobile industry. What_________________________?

2. I study at the college. Where_________________________?

3. The car of today must have dependable clutch, brakes, and steering system, silent gearbox and so on. What qualities__________________________ ____?

4. I enjoy working with machines. What______________________________?

5. The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date demands. Why_________________________?

Translate sentences and learn them by heart.

1.Я учусь на автомобильном факультете. Я студент второго курса.

2. Я стану техником.

3. Я люблю работать с машинами. Мне нравится изучать машины.

4. Современный автомобиль должен быть приёмистым, иметь плавное сцепление, надежные тормозную и рулевую системы, бесшумную коробку передач, быть устойчивым на дороге и иметь приятный внешний вид.

5. Я многое узнал об автомобиле. Например, производство автомобиля включает в себя проектирование, разработку технологии, стендовые испытания, дорожные испытания и массовое производство.

6. Автомобиль должен иметь высокую эффективность, долгий срок службы, технику безопасность в вождении и простоту техобслуживания.

7. Практика на предприятии поможет мне стать хорошим специалистом.


Практическая работа № 2.

The assembly car production.

1. Read and learn new words:

assembling – сборка drive shaft – приводной вал car assembly plant – автосборочный завод bodyshop – кузовной цех roller - роликовый конвейер attach - прикреплять forklift truck - вилочный автопогрузчик conveyor belt - транспортерная лента trim line – линия отделки салона hose – патрубок, труба to pass a test – пройти тест

2. Read and translate the text. Make a title to each paragraph:

1. First, the parts are delivered by truck or rail to the delivery area of the car assembly plant. From here, some parts are taken to the body shop, and other parts are transported to the chassis line. The parts are carried around the plant by forklift trucks or conveyor belts. In the body shop, the panels are welded to the frame to form the body of the car. This is done by more than 400 robots.A title _________

2. Then the body is taken to the paint shop. Here it is cleaned and painted by robots. Special clothing is worn by the robots to protect the paint. After this, the body is checked by human workers to look for faults.

A title _________

3. Next, the painted body moves along a conveyor belt to the trim line and many parts are added to it. For example, the instrument panel, the air conditioning system, the heating system and the electrical wiring are all installed here. The windscreen is inserted by robots using laser guides.

A title _________

4. Meanwhile, in the chassis line, components are added to the chassis. First, the chassis is turned upside down, to make the work easier. Then the fuel system, the transmission, the suspension (подвеска), the exhaust system, the axles and the drive shaft are all installed. Next the chassis is turned over (right side up). The engine is lowered into the chassis and connected to it.A title _________

5. Now the chassis and the body move simultaneously to the final assembly line. Here the body is attached to the chassis, and all the final parts are added. The tyres and the radiator are added here. The hoses are connected, and the radiator and air conditioner are filled with fluid. The car's central computer is also installed here.

6. Lastly, the finished car and all electrical systems are tested. The car is filled with fuel and the engine is started for the first time. The car is put on special rollers to test the engine and the wheels. If it passes the test, the car is finally driven out of the assembly plant.A title _________

3. Match the assembly actions with their purposes:

Action 1 workers weld thin metal sheets to a frame 2 they turn the chassis upside down 3 the robots wear special clothes 4 they turn the chassis rightside up 5 workers put the finished car on rollers 6 workers check the car body by hand Purpose of action a) to check the movement of the wheels b) to make the car body c) to inspect it for faults in the paint d) to protect the wet paint from dust e) to install the fuel system easily f) to lower the engine into it  


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