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St. Petersburg

1. St. Petersburg is one of the largest industrial and cultural centres in our country. Its population is over six million people. The city is situated on the banks of the Neva River and its numerous islands. St. Petersburg plays an important part in the development of our economy. Industry, science and art. It is inseparable from the history of Russia. St. Petersburg is considered to be one of the most beautiful and best planned cities in the world.

2. The city was founded in 1703 by Peter thee First May 16, the day of its foundation, is known to be St. Petersburg's birthday. Peter the Great founded the city in the Neva delta as a gateway to Europe and the sea. The Peter and Paul Fortress, the first building erected here, was to protect the city from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

3. St. Petersburg of today is one of greatest industrial cities of Russia. Its leading industries are power machinery construction, instrument making, radio electronics, shipbuilding, etc.

4. St. Petersburg is one of the chief Russian scientific centres. There are more than 50 universities and institutes, over 300 research centres in it. St. Petersburg State University is one of the oldest in our country. St. Petersburg is also the city of theatres and museums. The treasures of Hermitage, the largest museum in Russia, are famous throughout the world. Its collections comprise over 2,500,000 exhibits. The Russian Museum contains one of the largest and richest collections of Russian national painting and sculpture. All in all there are about 50 museums in St. Petersburg.

5. The National Library of Russia plays an important part in the cultural life of the city. It takes one of the leading places in the world for its book fund. Within the walls of the Library you will find practically all Russian and foreign publications.

6. St. Petersburg is the city of parks and gardens, innumerable bridges and canals, monuments and harmonious architectural ensembles. Its avenues, streets, squares, palaces, buildings were created by best architects of the world. The city leaves an unforgettable impression on everybody who visits it.

6. Ответьте на вопросы:

а) What is the population of St. Petersburg?

б) When was St. Petersburg founded?

в) Whom was it founded by?

Составьте два общих вопроса по тексту.

Составьте два специальных вопроса по тексту.

9. Образуйте три формы от следующих глаголов: to find, to found, to protect, to leave.

10. Образуйте три степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных: large, famous, good, important.


1. Выберите правильный вариант(задание выполняется по образцу, приведенному в варианте 1).

А. Highly 1. высокий
  2. высота
  3. высоко
Б. Kingdom 1. король
  2. королева
  3. королевство
В. Government 1. правительство
  2. правитель
  3. управлять
Г. Обычно 1.usual
  2. usually
  3. unusual
Д. Более крупный (больший) 1.large
  2. larger
  3. largest
Е. Независимый 1. independent
  2. dependent
  3. independence
Ж. Отделять 1. separate
  2. separated
  3. separation
З. Самый важный 1. less important
  2. more important
  3. most important

2. Определите функции – (е)s (образец выполнения см. вариант 1).

а) British Parliament consists of two chambers.

б) The Queen's popularity among the people is great.

в) The national flag of Great Britain consists of three crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick.

г) The Prime Minister's official residence is Downing Street, 10.

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Переведите текст на русский язык.

Great Britain

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands lying to the north-west off Europe and called the British Isles. The larger island, consisting of England, Scotland and Wales, is Great Britain and smaller one is Ireland. Southern Ireland or the Irish Republic is independent of the U.K. the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The North Sea and the English Channel separate Great Britain from the European Continent.

2. The population of the U.K. is over 57 million people. Over 80 per cent of the population is urban while rural population amounts only to some 20 per cent.

3. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of the stats is the king or the queen. British Parliament consists of two Chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party which has the majority in the House of Commons. This party is called the Government while the party (or parties) in the minority is called the Opposition.

4. Britain is a country of great industrial cities. Besides London, with its 7 million inhabitants, there are such industrial cities as Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle and Liverpool, the population of which reaches over the million mark. The most important branches of industry are textile, coal-mining, metallurgy and ship-building. Britain is also famous for her steel manufacture, tool industry, heavy and light engineering. The country exports her finished products to many parts of the world.

5. Great Britain is one of the highly developed industrial countries.

7. Ответьте на вопросы.

а) Where is Great Britain situated?

б) What is the capital of Great Britain?

в) Is Great Britain a federal republic?

г) How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

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