Письменный перевод с русского языка
Лексическая тема: CONFLICTS
1. Translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabulary list.
1. Iran Warms To US Talks Offer.Tehran is ready to exchange messages with the United States through their respective interest sections, the foreign minister said yesterday, after Iran's supreme leader, A. A. K., ruled out any talks last week. "No message from the Americans will remain without a reply", A. A. V. said. The US assistant secretary of state, R. P., said before President C.'s re-election that Washington was interested in opening a dialogue with Iran. Ties between the two states were severed in 1980.
2. Taiwan Talks.Taiwan and South Africa launched talks yesterday on their relations now that Pretoria has cut formal ties with Taipei in favour of China. Taiwan's foreign minister, J. C, said after meeting the South African foreign minister, A. N., that the foundations had been laid for future talks.
3. Qatar and Bahrain:Bahrain and Qatar on Sunday agreed to open embassies for the first time in an apparent attempt to improve strained relations between the two Gulf Arab states feuding over Gulf islands controlled by Bahrain since the 1930s but also claimed by Qatar. The new agreement came during a meeting in Manama between Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh X. and his Qatari counterpart, Sheikh Y.
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4. North Korea Treaty.Moscow (АР) — Russia will nego
tiate a new treaty with North Korea that will try to normalize
and improve relations between the two nations, a top Russian
official said Monday.
Deputy Foreign Minister G. K. said both sides had submitted drafts of a proposed treaty, and talks on their respective positions would begin shortly, according to the Interfax news agency.
A 1961 treaty of friendship and mutual assistance between the two nations expires Tuesday.
Moscow's relations with communist North Korea have cooled since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet Union had been a major backer of North Korea.
5. Jakarta Shows Interest in Lisbon's Timor Offer.Bang
kok — Foreign Minister A. A. of Indonesia gave a guarded wel
come Friday to Portugal's proposals for ending a diplomatic
standoff over East Timor.
Prime Minister A. G. of Portugal created a minor sensation at the inaugural Asia-Europe summit meeting here by walking up to President S. of Indonesia on Thursday and offering to restore partial diplomatic relations.
In exchange, Mr. G. proposed, Indonesia^ should free the jailed East Timorese resistance leader J. X. G. and "guarantee human rights" in the former Portuguese colony that Indonesia annexed after invading in 1975.
Mr. A., who has had fruitless talks for years with the Portuguese through the UN secretary-general's office, said Indonesia would look at the proposals and "see in what context they were made and not brush it off the table".
Portugal's offer to open "interests sections" in friendly embassies in the two countries was a change of heart, Mr. A. said. In the past, Lisbon had "totally rejected" the idea.
6. Argentinian Army Chief Visits Britain.The com
mander-in-chief of the Argentine army begins a three-day offi-
§ 3. Conflicts
cial visit to Britain today, marking the latest stage of rapprochement in Anglo-Argentine relations since the 1982 war.
It will be Gen M. B.'s first contact with British troops since they took him prisoner when his artillery unit was captured near Port Stanley in June 1982. He will meet his opposite number in the Army, Gen Sir С G., Chief of the General Staff, and meet M. P., the Defence Secretary.
Gen B. will be shown exercises involving British troops during a tour of the Tidworth garrison before presenting a paper on the Argentine army's role in peace-keeping to the Royal United Services Institute in London.
Argentine government sources heralded the trip as a step towards improved relations, which they are keen to see return to normal.
7. President B. Y. approvedin principle Monday an accord
on union with Belarus that opponents say would be a drag on
Russia's economy and further sour Moscow's relations with
other former Soviet republics.
Presidential adviser D. R. said Y. had given the nod to a draft treaty setting out the terms of the union, Itar-Tass reported. Y. and President A. L. of Belarus are scheduled to sign the pact Wednesday in Moscow.
8. Menem to Visit Britain.Britain has invited President С
M. to pay the first visit of London by an Argentine head of state
since the 1982 Falklands war. The invitation was given during a
meeting in London yesterday between the Foreign Secretary, R.
C, and the Argentine foreign minister, G. T.
A Foreign Office spokesman said Mr. M.'s visit next year would focus on relations between the two countries, which began to thaw under the M. government.
Despite the warming relations, Argentina still claims sovereignty over the South Atlantic islands it knows as Las Malvinas. The Foreign Office spokesman did not say whether the question
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of sovereignty was raised in the meeting between Mr. C. and Mr. G. T.
9. Japan Ends Embargo.Tokyo (WP)— The Japanese
government has lifted its embargo on food aid to North Korea,
another step toward thawing relations with the Stalinist re
But Tuesday's action does not mean Japan will start sending food to the famine-stricken nation, only that the way is now cleared to begin formal talks with North Korea.
Japan officially froze its food aid to North Korea after Pyongyang test-fired a rocket over Japanese soil in August 1998,
10. China, Russia Seek Ties, Not an Alliance.The presidents of China and Russia said Monday they want a "strategic partnership" of closer economic and political ties but will not revive their formal alliance of the 1950s. J. Z. and B. Y., meeting in an amiable atmosphere for their third summit in 20 months, settled a decades-old border dispute and supervised the signing of agreements of trade and the protection of rare Man-churian tigers. They rejected suggestions that Beijing and Moscow are banding together to offset growing U.S. global influence and appeared intent on reassuring other countries such as Japan. "I think the bilateral relationship is a strategic partnership of equality and mutual respect. We will not form an alliance, and this kind of long-term relationship is not directed against another country", J. said.
11. Recognition Postponed.Vilnius, Lithuania (AP) — The Lithuanian parliament Thursday postponed— but did not reject— a resolution recognizing the independence of Russia's secessionist republic of Chechnya, Itar-Tass reported.
No country has yet recognized Chechnya, which declared independence in 1991 and considers itself a state. Moscow insists it remains a republic of Russia.
§ 3. Conflicts
Before parliamentary elections last summer, conservatives called on the Baltic nation— a former Soviet republic that gained independence after the empire collapsed in 1991 — to recognize the Chechen secession.
Active Vocabulary
1. to sever ties
порвать отношения
2. to cut formal ties
прервать официальные отношения
3. to improve strained relations улучшить напряженные |
to open an embassy
отношения открыть посольство
4. to normalize relations to expire to cool
нормализовать отношения истекать (о сроке) охладеть
5. standoff противостояние, конфликт
to restore diplomatic relations восстановить дипломатиче
ские отношения
fruitless talks безрезультатные переговоры
6. rapprochement in relations сближение
opposite number = counterpart
peace-keeping миротворческая
7. to approve an accord on sth одобрить договор о ч.-л.
to sour relations ухудшить отношения
8. to thaw теплеть (об отношениях)
и. a thaw in relations оттепель в отношениях
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снять эмбарго ввести эмбарго союз быть союзником, вступать в союз с к.-л. признать независимость отделение отделиться |
9. to lift an embargo ant. to impose an embargo
10.alliance v. to ally with smb
1 l.to recognize the independence n. recognition secession to secede syn. to break away
2. Find the English for the following word combinations
used in the articles of this section (the number of the arti
cle is given in brackets):
исключать возможность проведения переговоров (1), начать переговоры (2), заложить основу для ч.-л. (2), враждовать из-за территории (3), заявлять претензии на (3), лицо, занимающее такой же пост (3), заместитель министра (4), представить проект договора (4), распад Советского Союза (4), вторгаться (5), взять в плен (6), участвовать в ч.-л. (6), излагать условия договора (7), планироваться, намечаться (7), представитель МИД Великобритании (8), поднимать вопрос о ч.-л. (8), заморозить продовольственную помощь (9), охваченная голодом страна (9), стремиться, добиваться (10), дружеская атмосфера (10), решить спор (10), двусторонние отношения (10), получить независимость (11), призвать к.-л. сделать ч.-л. (11).
3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the under
lined words.
1. The two leaders have held several meeting recently to try to end the deadlock over the region that poisoned their relations since the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
§ 3. Conflicts
2. His trip had been scheduled for January, but was moved forward after President N. M. announced Wednesday that South Africa would sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan by the end of next year in favour of full diplomatic relations with Beijing.
3. Indonesia and Australia are taking steps to ease bilateral tensions, a move that should help reduce chances of a serious armed conflict in East Timor and hasten the entry of United Nations peacekeepers. UN and Australian officials said Wednesday.
4. America is opposing plans by the European Union to grant diplomatic recognition to Serbia because it says that the Belgrade regime has not yet done enough to merit such treatment.
5. The Macedonian government has not yet received the restoration of diplomatic relations it expected, but instead an "outline agreement" which is being seen in Skopje, the Macedonian capital, as a delaying tactic.
6. The fact remains that lifting what remains of the embargo, allowing the Argentine navy in particular to re-establish traditional pre-war links with its British counterpart is the next major Argentinean objective.
7. Mrs. A.'s intervention at Rambouillet will be seen as lending US weight to so far fruitless mediation by European ministers.
8. A deadline set by the big-powers Contact Group for Yugoslavia to make progress toward a settlement with the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo or face sanctions expires two days later.
9. The French Prime Minister, L. J., and President A. B. of Algeria said relations, strained by Algeria's civil war, were mending.
10. In another sign of a step-by-step thaw in US-Iranian relations, Secretary of State M. A. has softened the US warning against Americans traveling to the Islamic republic, a senior. American official said.
11. Dozens of African mercenaries hired by Papua New Guinea to put down an island rebellion headed home Friday,
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leaving behind them a nation in turmoil and a stand-off between the army and the government.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in the necessary
form from the list given below.
To invade, a joint statement, ambassadors, violence, to restore full diplomatic relations, to be scheduled, to vote for independence, to break ties, rule, to withdraw, a break.