Упр. 22. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо

1. What do you do after ... breakfast? — After ... breakfast I go to ... school. 2. My granny likes • to read ... book after ... lunch. 3. ... people usually have ... breakfast in ... morning. They have) ... dinner in... afternoon. In ... evening ... people have ... supper. 4. There is a proverb: "After ... dinner sleep awhile, after ... supper walk ... mile. 5. Who cooks ... dinner in your family? 6. Yesterday la­ther told us ... very interesting story at ... break­fast. 7. What did you have for ... lunch at... school on ... Wednesday? — We had ... salad and ... tea. 8. My mother never has ... supper with ... family because she does not like to eat in ... evening. 9. When do you clean your teeth in ... morning: before ... breakfast or after ... breakfast?

Упр. 23. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,

  1. For ... breakfast I have ... coffee with ... milk and ... sugar. I have ... jam, too. There are ... different things on ... dinner-table. There is ... bread, ... butter and ... ham. There are ... cups and ... glasses there. There is ... jug on ... table. ... milk in ... jug is hot. There is ... tea-pot on ... table. There is ... tea in ... tea-pot. ... tea is hot, too. There are ... plates, ... forks and ... knives on ... table. 2. ... lamp is on ... table. 3. There is ... lamp on ... table. 4. Is there ... lamp on ... table? 5. Is ... lamp on ... table? 6. Is there ... clock on ... wall? 7. There are two ... shelves on ... wall. 8. Where are ... shelves? — ... shelves are on ... wall. 9. They have ... large flat. There are ... four rooms in ... flat. 10. Is ... newspaper on ... table? 11. Is there ... newspaper on ... table? 12. There is ... butter on ... plate. 13. Where is ... butter?

Butter is on ... little plate. 14. There is ... white and ... brown bread on ... table.

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание

To watch S_ TV

Упр. 24. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My ... aunt and my ... uncle are ... doctors. They work at ... hospital. They get up at seven o'clock in ... morning. They go to ... bed at eleven o'clock. 2. I work in ... morning and in ... after­noon. I don't work in ... evening. I sleep at ... night. 3. When do you leave ... home for ... school? - I leave ... home at ... quarter past eight in ... morning. 4. What does your mother do after ... breakfast? — She goes to ... work. 5. Is there ... sofa in your ... living-room? — Yes, there is ... cosy little ... sofa in ... living-room. — Where is ... sofa? — It is in ... corner of ... room to ... left of ... door. I like to sit on this ... sofa in ... front of ... TV-set in ... evening. 6. There is ... nice coffee-table near ... window. There are ... newspapers on ... coffee-table. 7. There is ... tea in ... glass. 8. When do you watch ... TV? — I watch TV in ... evening. We have ... large colour TV-set in our ... room. There is ... beautiful vase on ... TV-set. There are ... flowers in ... vase. 9. I have ... large writ­ing-desk in ... study. There is ... paper on ... writ­ing-desk. My ... books and ... exercise-books are on ... writing-desk, too.

Упр. 25. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Pete has ... small family. He has ... father and ... mother. He has no ... brother, but he has ... sister. His sister is ... pupil. She is ... good girl. She has ... many Russian books, but she has no ... English books. 2. There is ... writing-desk in ... room. ... writing-desk is good. There is ... lamp on ... writing desk. 3. My uncle has ... large family. They are six in ... family. 4. My father is ... engi­neer. He works at ... big factory. 5. We have ... good library. Our books are in ... big bookcase. 6. Is your sister ... married? 7. What do you do after ... breakfast? — I go to ... school. 8. When do you come ... home? — I come ... home at ... half past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in ... evening?

Если перед существительным стоит вопроси­тельное или относительное местоимение, ар­тикль опускается

E.g. What S_ colour is your cat?

I want to know what S_ book you are reading.

Упр. 26. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. What ... colour is your new ... hat? — It's ... red. 2. Is there ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? 3. Where is ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? —• It is in ... corner of ... kitchen. 4. There are ... flowers in our ... living-room. ... flowers are in ... beautiful vase. 5. I have ... tea in my ... cup. 6. He has no ... coffee in his ... cup. 7. What ... book did you take from ... library on ... Tuesday? 8. I have ... books, ... exercise-books and ... pens in my ...

Bag. 9. I am ... engineer. I work at ... office. I go to ... office in ... morning. As ... office is far from ... house I live in, I take ... bus to get there. 10. What ... bus do you take to get to ... work? 11. Whose ... pen is this?

Упр. 27. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

My friend's ... flat is very comfortable. There are ... three rooms in ... flat: ,.. living-room, ... study and ... bedroom. ... living-room is not very large. ... walls in ... living-room are blue. There are ... pictures on ... walls. There is ... table in ... middle of ... room with some chairs around it. To ... left of ... door there is ... sofa. Near ... sofa there are ... two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is ... piano in my friend's liv-irg-room. ... piano is to ... right of ... door. ... bedroom and ... study are small. ... furniture in ... flat is brown.

Упр. 28. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Here is ... large window. Through ... window we can see ... room. Opposite ... window there is ... door. On ... door there is ... curtain. In ... corner of ... room there is ... round table. On it we can see ... books and ... telephone. There is ... bookshelf over ... table. On ... bookshelf we can see ... newspapers and ... book by ... Jack London. There are ... two ... pictures in ... room. One ... picture is small, ... oilier picture is very large. There are ... two book­cases in ... room. ... bookcases are full of ... books. There is ... large sofa in ... room. On ... sofa we can see ... bag. Whose ... bag is that? There is no ... bed in ... room. On ... small table near ... window there are ... flowers and ... glass of ... water. In ... front of ,.. window we can see ... armchair.

Перед названиями наук, учебных предметов и языков артикль не употребляется.

E.g. He studies S_ chemistry. I speak S_ English.

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