Упр. 296. Переведите предложения в косвенную речь, употребляя нужный глагол для введения косвенной речи

1. “Listen carefully,” he said to us. 2. “Don’t wait for me if I am late,” Ann said. 3. “Read the instruction before you switch on the machine,” he said to me. 4. “Shut the door but don’t lock it,” she said to us. 5. “Can you speak more slowly? I can’t understand,” he said to me. 6. “Can you open the door for me, Tom?” Ann asked. 7. “Please don’t tell anyone what happened,” Peter said to me. 8. “Stay in bed for a few days,” the doctor said to me. 9.I asked, “How long will it take you to get there?” 10. He said, “They were here yesterday.” 11. Tom asked, “What time do the banks close?” 12. She asked, “How long have you been working in your present job?” 13. Jack said, “I am going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.” 14. “Please sit down and make yourselves at home,” our hostess said. 15. “You really must take the matter up with your solicitor. It could be very serious,” my brother said. 16. “No one is to use a dictionary during the test,” the teacher said. 17. “Please don’t forget to let me know when you have arrived safely,” my aunt said. “I will be worried to death unless you do.” 18. They told me, “You might catch the 6 o’clock train, if you hurry.” 19. “You should ask for a pay rise. You have brought the company a lot of business,” he told me. 20. “I couldn’t find my door key. That’s why I broke the window,” he told the policeman. 21. She said, “I may be able to give you a lift but I won’t know until the morning.” 22. She said, “You should pay a visit to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. They will be able to tell you what your rights are.”

Упр. 297. Перепишите данный диалог в косвенной речи.

Inspector Wiles investigates

- “It’s all lies,” Boyle cried.

- “You think so?” Inspector Wiley asked mildly.

- “Think so? I know it,” Boyle answered sharply.

- “And no doubt,” the inspector continued, “you can prove it. Where were you on Saturday night, the night of the robbery?”

- “I was at the Roxy with my girlfriend,” Boyle replied. “We saw Gone with the Wind. The film lasted four hours.”

- “But the Roxy was closed all last weekend,” cried the inspector.

Таблица неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II
be/bJ / - быть beat /bJt/ - бить become /bI'kAm/- становиться begin /bI'gIn/ - начинать bind /baInd/ - привязывать bite/baIt/ - кусать blow /blqV/ - дуть break /breIk/ - ломать bring/brIN/ - приносить build/bIld/ - строить burn /bE:n/ - гореть buy /baI/- покупать catch /kxC/ - ловить choose/CHz/ - выбирать come /kAm/ - приходить cost /kPst/- стоить cut/kAt/ - резать deal /dJl/ - иметь дело do/dH/- делать draw /drL/ - рисовать drink /drink/ - пить drive /draIv/ - вести eat/Jt/ - есть, кушать fall /fLl/ - падать feed/fJd/ - кормить feel /fJl/ - чувствовать fight /faIt/ - сражаться find /faInd/ - находить fly/flaI/ - летать forbid/fq'bId/ - запрещать forget /fq'get/ - забывать forgive/fq'gIv/ - прощать get /get/ - получать give /gIv/ - давать go /gqV/ - ходить grow/grqV/ - расти have /hxv/ - иметь hang /hxN/ - вешать hear /hIq/ - слышать hide /haId/ - прятать hit /hIt/ - ударять hold /hqVld/ - держать hurt /hE:t/ - ушибать keep /kJp/ - хранить know/nqV/ - знать lay /leI/ - класть, положить lead/lJd/ - вести learn /lE:n/ – учиться leave /lJv/ - оставлять lie /laI/ - лежать lose/lHz/ - терять make /meIk/ - делать mean /mJn/ - значить meet /mJt/ - встречать pay /peI/- платить put /pVt/- класть read /rJd/ - читать ride /raid/ - ездить ring /rIN/ - звенеть rise /raIz/ - подниматься run/rAn/ - бегать say /seI/ - сказать see /sJ/ - видеть sell /sel/- продавать send /send/ - посылать set /set/ - ставить, класть shake /SeIk/ - трясти shine /SaIn/ - светить shoot /SHt/ - стрелять show /SqV/ - показывать shut /SAt/ - закрывать sing /sIN/ - петь sit/sIt/ - сидеть sleep /slJp/ - спать smell /smel/ - нюхать speak/spJk/ - говорить spend /spend/ - тратить stand /stxnd/ - стоять steal /stJl/- красть swear /sweq/ - клясться swim /swim/ - плавать take /teIk/ - брать teach /tJC/ - обучать tear /teq/ - рвать tell /tel/ - рассказывать think /TINk/ - думать throw /TrqV/ - бросать understand /"Andq'stxnd/ - понимать wake /weIk/ - просыпаться wear /weq/ - носить win/wIn/ - выигрывать write /raIt/ - писать was, were /wPz, wE:/ beat/bJt/ became/bI'keIm/ began /bI'gxn/ bound /baVnd/ bit /bIt/ blew /blH/ broke /brqVk/ brought /brLt/ built/bIlt/ burnt /bE:nt/ bought/bLt/ caught /kLt/ chose /CqVz/ came /keIm/ cost /kPst/ cut /kAt/ dealt /delt/ did /dId/ drew /drH/ drank /drxNk/ drove /drqVv/ ate /et/ fell /fel/ fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fLt/ found /faVnd/ flew /flH/ forbade /fq'beId/ forgot /fq'gPt/ forgave /fq'geIv/ got /gPt/ gave /geIv/ went /went/ grew /grH/ had /hxd/ hung/hanged /hAN / heard /hE:d/ hid /hId/ hit /hIt/ held /held/ hurt /hE:t/ kept /kept/ knew /njH/ laid /leId/ led /led/ learned/learnt /lE:nt/ left /left/ lay /leI/ lost /lPst/ made /meId/ meant /ment/ met /met/ paid /peId/ put /pVt/ read /red/ rode /rqVd/ rang /rxN/ rose /rqVz/ ran /rxn/ said /sed/ saw /sL/ sold /sqVld/ sent /sent/ set /set/ shook /SVk/ shone /SPn/ shot /SPt/ showed /SqVd/ shut /SAt/ sang /sxN/ sat /sxt/ slept /slept/ smelt /smelt/ spoke /spqVk/ spent /spent/ stood /stHd/ stole /stqVl/ swore /swL/ swam /swxm/ took /tVk/ taught /tLt/ tore /tL/ told /tqVld/ thought /TLt/ threw /TrH/ understood /"Andq'stHd/ woke /wqVk/ wore /wL/ won /wAn/ wrote /rqVt/ been/bJn/ beaten /bJtn/ become / bI'kAm/ begun /bI'gAn/ bound / baVnd/ bitten / bItn/ blown /blqVn/ broken //brqVkn/ brought / brLt/ built / bIlt/ burnt /bE:nt/ bought/bLt/ caught / kLt/ chosen / CqVzn/ come / kAm/ cost / kPst/ cut /kAt/ dealt /delt/ done /dAn/ drawn /drLn/ drunk /drANk/ driven /drIvn/ eaten /Jtn/ fallen /fLln/ fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fLt/ found /faVnd/ flown /flqVn/ forbidden /fq'bIdn/ forgotten /fq'gPtn/ forgiven /fq'gIvn/ got / gPt/ given /gIvn/ gone /gPn/ grown /grqVn/ had / hxd/ hung/hanged /hAN / heard /hE:d/ hidden /hIdn/ hit /hIt/ held /held/ hurt /hE:t/ kept /kept/ known /nqVn/ laid /leId/ led /led/ learned/learnt /lE:nt/ left /left/ lain /leIn/ lost /lPst/ made /meId/ meant /ment/ met /met/ paid /peId/ put /pVt/ read /red/ ridden /rIdn/ rung /rAN/ risen /rIzn/ run/rAn/ said /sed/ seen /sJn/ sold /sqVld/ sent /sent/ set /set/ shaken /SeIkn/ shone /SPn/ shot /SPt/ shown /SqVn/ shut /SAt/ sung /sAN/ sat /sxt/ slept /slept/ smelt, smelled /smelt/ spoken /spqVkn/ spent /spent/ stood /stHd/ stolen /stqVln/ sworn /swLn/ swum /swam/ taken /teIkn/ taught /tLt/ torn /tLn/ told /tqVld/ thought /TLt/ thrown /TrqVn/ understood /"Andq'stHd/ woken /wqVkn/ worn /wLn/ won /wAn/ written /rItn/


1. Beaumont D., Granger C. English Grammar. New Edition. – Oxford: Heinemann Publishers Ltd, 1992.

2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.

  1. Moor P., Cunningham S. Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. – England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.
  2. Moor P., Cunningham S. Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Workbook. – England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.
  3. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  4. Murphy R. Grammar in Use. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  5. Round-up Grammar Practice 4. – England: Pearson Education Limited, 2000.
  6. Soars John & Liz. Headway. Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. – England: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  7. Голицынский, Н.А. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – 4-е изд. [Текст] / Н.А. Голицынский. – СПб.: КАРО, 2004. – 544 с.



Множественное число......................................

Притяжательный падеж...................................


Личные, притяжательные, указательные........

Неопределенные местоимения.........................

Местоимения-прилагательные much,

many, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few..........................



Основные формы глагола................................

Глагол to be......................................................

There (be)...........................................................

Present Continuous............................................

Времена группы Simple...................................

Present Simple...................................................

Past Simple........................................................

Future Simple....................................................

Be going to.........................................................

Past Continuous................................................

Времена группы Perfect...................................

Present Perfect...................................................

Past Perfect........................................................

Future Perfect....................................................

Страдательный залог.......................................

Модальные глаголы.........................................


Complex Object……………………………

Complex Subject…………………………...


Герундий, отглагольное существительное......

Сложное предложение.....................................

Условные предложения…………………..

Согласование времен……………………..

Таблица неправильных глаголов………...

Библиография ……………………………….

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