A Brief History of Cambridge

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1

Задание № 1. Прочтитетекстиписьменно переведитенарусскийязык:


1. Cambridge is one of the best-known towns in the world, and can be found on most tourists’ lists of places to visit. The principal reason for its fame is its University, which started during the 13th century and grew steadily, until today there are more than twenty colleges.

2. Most of them allow visitors to enter the grounds and courtyards. The most popular place from which to view them is from the backs, where the college grounds go down to the River Cam.

3. The oldest college is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1248, and the most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. The most famous is probably King’s, because of it magnificent chapel. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is also very well known.

4. The University was exclusively for men until 1871 when the first women’s college was opened. Another was opened two years later and a third in 1954. In the 1970s, most colleges opened their doors to both men and women. Almost all the colleges are now mixed, but it will be many years before there are equal numbers of both sexes.Every year, thousands of students come to Cambridge from overseas to study English.

Cambridge Science Park

5. To the North of this ancient city is the modern face of the University - the Cambridge Science Park, which has developed in response to the need for universities to increase their contact with high technology industry. It was established in 1970 by Trinity College, which has a long scientific tradition going back to Sir Isaac Newton. It is now home to more than sixty companies and research institutes.

6. The ideas of “science” and “parks” may not seem to go together naturally, but the whole area is in fact very attractively designed, with a lot of space between each building. The planners thought that it was important for people to have a pleasant, park-like environment in which to work.

Задание № 2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is the oldest college in Cambridge? When was it founded?

2. What college is probably the most famous?

3. Why do thousands of students come to Cambridge every year?

4. When was the first women’s college opened?

5. What is the purpose of a science park?

6. What are the advantages to the University and to the industry?

Задание № 3. Прочтите, перепишите текст, раскройтескобки, употребиввыделенныеглаголывнужнойвидовременнойформе (PresentSimple, PastSimple, FutureSimple):

Dear Robin,

I (1) (be)sorry for not having written for so long, but I have been busy with exams. They (be) over now, and I (2) (can) relax for a while and write letters to all my friends. You (3) (must) remember how difficult exams can be.

Yesterday we (4) (be give)a test to do. It (5)(be)quite difficult. Then we (6) (have) an interview with a teacher when our spoken English (7) (be check). We (be) getting the results next week so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I have done all my best to improve my English and I (8) (like)my progress. Now I am listening to a famous British song and I (9) (understand)every word!A newspaper (10) (not seem) a puzzle to me.

I had better finish now as it’s very late. Writebacksoon.

Задание № 4. Заполнитепропускивпредложенияхпредлогамиместа, времениидвижения:

1. I get up … seven o’clock or … a quarter past seven.

2. It is very late. Go … bed at once.

3. Put the book … the bag.

4. I like to sit … the sofa … my room.

5. There is no tea … my cup.

6. There is a monument … Pushkin in Arts Square.

7. … Sundays I usually get up … nine o’clock.

8. My birthday is … the ninth of July.

9. Put the plates … the table.

10. … summer my mother does not go … work.

Задание № 5. Впредложенияхвставьтеправильныепредлогипослеглаголовиприлагательных. Внекоторыхслучаяхпредлогнетребуется:

1. We tried to speak … him, but he did not want to listen … us. He did not even look … us and did not answer … our question.

2. Your brother complains … you. He says you always laugh … him, never speak … him and never answer … his questions.

3. When I entered … the room, everybody looked … me with surprise: they had not expected … me.

4. At the end … the street she turned … the corner, walked … the bus stop and began waiting … the bus.

5. My mother is afraid … rats.

6. “What do you complain … ?” asked the doctor.

7. Yesterday the teacher spoke … us about the architecture … St.Petersburg.

8. We eat soup … a spoon.

9. If you have finished, please turn the light …….. .

10. They had been looking …. a house for over a week before they found one.

Задание № 6.Напишитенижеприведенныепредложенияввопросительнойиотрицательнойформе:

1. He enjoys sitting at lectures.

2. My brother goes to nursery school.

3. Most children start primary school at the age of seven.

4. Mathematics is my favorite subject.

5. Pupils have five lessons every day.

6. There are three terms in a school year.

7. Some students of our group get a grant.

8. Most university courses last five years.

9. My friend is a postgraduate student.

10. The students must take notes during the lecture.

Задание № 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив прилагательные в скобках в необходимой степени сравнения:

1. RomeisoldbutAthensis … (OLD).

2. Isit … (CHEAP)togobycarorbytrain?

3. Helenwants a … (BIG) car.

4. You must be … (CAREFUL).

5. The weather wasn’t very good yesterday but it is … (GOOD) today.

6. Don’t take the bus. It is … (EASY)to take a taxi.

7. It is … (BAD) mistake he has ever made.

8. This man is … (TALL) than that one.

9. The Arctic Ocean is … (COLD) than the Indian Ocean.

10. She is not as … (BUSY)as I am.

Задание № 8. Выберитеизданныхглаголов (а-d) тот, которыйбольшевсегоподходиткданномупредложению:

1.What … we see on this map?

a) Canb) must c) may d) want

2. I … from Mexico.

a) Come b) comesc) isd) are

3. The sun … in the east.

a) Risingb) risesc) is rised) rise

4. People in France …. French.

a) Are speakingb) did speakc) speakd) speaks

5. When … you get up yesterday?

a) Dob) arec) didd) have

6. He never … TV in the morning.

а) Watching b) watch c) watches d) watched

7. I … forget to post the letter my mother gave me.

a) Shouldn’tb) mustn’t c) don’t have tod) cannot

8. If you want to be fit, you … eat so many sweets.

a) Don’t have tob) shouldn’tc) mustn’td) cannot

9. Where do you live? – I … in Paris.

a) Livesb) livingc) am lived) live

10. …. I come in?

a) Mayb) canc) cannotd) must

Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Наш институт готовит специалистов для различных отраслей промышленности.

2. У меня 5 экзаменов в этом семестре.

3. Я окончу институт через 5 лет и буду работать инженером.

4. У нас есть все возможности проводить научно-исследовательскую работу.

5. Занятия в институте заканчиваются в 3 часа дня.

6. Сколько длиться каждое занятие?

7. Мой друг живет в общежитии.

8. Экзамены проводятся в этой аудитории по вторникам.

9. Это последний семестр учебного года.

10. Я занимаюсь английским регулярно.

Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

1. TomHanksisavery … actor. (FAME)

2. Heisa … personwholikesbeingaroundpeople. (CHARM)

3. Heenjoysdoingmany … things. (INTEREST)

4. Matthew has … reading without his glasses. (DIFFICULT)

5. Sharon showed her … by moving into her own flat. (INDEPENDENT)

6. All toys should be checked for … (SAFE).

7. The weather is hot and … (SUN).

8. There is a restaurant on the campsite which serves very … food(TASTE).

9. Are you an … person? (ADVENTURE)

10. We offer you an opportunity to see animals in their … habitat in the heart of Africa (NATURE).

Контрольнаяработа № 1

Вариант 2

Задание № 1.Прочтитетексти письменно переведитенарусскийязык:

Education in Scotland

Юдлшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшш81.In Scotland, education is supervised by the Scottish Education Department and administered by the education committees of the regional authorities. Unlike the English system, independent “public school” plays only a minor role in Scottish education. The number of state nursery schools, though increasing, remains insufficient; private schools and play groups help to fill the gap. School is compulsory to age 16. Teachers receive their professional training in colleges of education.

2. Since 1960 the number of universities has increased from four to eight. Of the original four, St. Andrews, the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and the Heriot-Walt University in Edinburgh, formerly technological colleges, were upgraded to universities, retaining their scientific and technological emphasis.

3. The University of Dundee was separated from the University of St. Andrews, which had some departments in Dundee. The University of Stirling, the only completely new institution, was opened in 1967. The new universities do not teach law and divinity but place most emphasis on science and technology and have close links with science-based industries in their neighborhoods.

Задание № 2.Ответьтенавопросы:

1. What authorities is the education in Scotland supervised by?

2. What role do the independent public schools play in Scotland?

3. What are the four original Universities?

4. What is a completely new institution, opened in 1967?

Задание № 3.Прочтитетекст, раскройтескобки, употребиввыделенныеглаголывнужнойвидовременнойформе (PresentSimple, PastSimple, FutureSimple):

Dear Andrew,

How (be) you? The reason why I (be) writing (be) to tell you some great news.

Remember when you (be) here last year and we (go) to that theatre where I … (run) into Sally, an old school friend of mine? Well, guess what? We (get) married last month! We (be) in Paris where we (get)married and that’s why we (not invite) anyone. We have decided to live in the town where we both (grow)up and we are looking forward to the day when we (can) buy our own house. Anyway we (hope) you can come and visit us when you (have) time.

Write back soon and tell me your news.

Love, Peter.

Задание № 4.Заполнитепропускивпредложенияхпредлогамиместа, времениидвижения:

1. The school year begins … the first … September.

2. … the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.

3. … Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework.

4. I saw many people … the platform waiting for the train.

5. She went … the room and sat down … the sofa.

6. There are many people … the park today.

7. There is a girl standing … the bridge.

8. Our lessons are usually over … twenty minutes to two.

9. He bought a book … English poems and gave it … his sister.

10. Would you like to try a piece … lemon pie?

Задание № 5.Впредложенияхвставьтеправильныепредлогипослеглаголовиприлагательных. Внекоторыхслучаяхпредлогнетребуется:

1. He’s really looking forward ….. the party.

2. What are you laughing … ?

3. They did not want to listen … me.

4. Wait … me. I’ll be back … a few minutes.

5. My grandmother often complains … headache.

6. I am sorry, I cannot speak … you now, the professor is waiting … me. I must go … the institute and explain … him some details … our work.

7. We were prevented ….. going sailing by the stormy weather.

8. The teacher was pleased … our work.

9. We were provided …. pencils and paper to write the exam.

10. My mother has been married …. my father for nearly 20 years.

Задание № 6.Напишитенижеприведенныепредложенияввопросительнойиотрицательнойформе:

1. Some students get a grant to study at university.

2. My sister enjoys sitting in lectures.

3. Most students go to university at the age of 18 or 19.

4. History is my favorite subject.

5. Students have five lectures every day.

6. There are 2 terms at University.

7. Most university courses last three years.

8. My friend is a postgraduate student.

9. The students must take notes during the lecture.

10. My cousin read some book on management.

Задание № 7.Заполнитепропускивпредложениях, употребивприлагательныевскобкахвнеобходимойстепенисравнения:

1. The Alps are … (HIGH)than the Urals.

2. He was … (FAT) man in the village.

3. Today the weather is … (COLD)than it was yesterday.

4. Asia is … (LARGE) than Australia.

5. This garden is … (BEAUTIFUL) in our town.

6. Is the word “NEWSPAPER” … (LONG) than the word “BOOK”?

7. Chinese is … (DIFFICULT)than English.

8. The Volga is … (SHORT) than Mississippi.

9. Is it … (CHEAP) to go by car or by train?

10. Mary is … (GOOD)student than Lucy.

Задание № 8.Выберитеизданныхглаголов (а-d) тот, которыйбольшевсегоподходиткданномупредложению:

1. You … not smoke here.

a) Mustb) mustn’t c) cannotd)need not

2. They … to the party last night.

a) have goneb) had gone c) wentd)will go

3. The Hermitage … a priceless collection of pictures.

a) containsb) containingc) is containingd) is contained

4.It was a very difficult text. I …look up a lot of words in the dictionary.

a) mustb) had toc) have tod) must to

5. English …… all over the world.

a) is spoken b)is speakingc) speaksd) speak

6.Where ... you yesterday?

a) have you beenb) wasc) were d) did you be

7. Newspapers ... every morning.

a) bringb) is broughtc) are broughtd) brought

8. I couldn't wait for you any longer. I … and so I went.

a) must gob) must have gonec) had to god) cannot go

9.Paper …………… from wood.

a) is made b) makesc) are made d) has made

10. Breakfast ………. in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 9.30 am.

a) is served b) served c) are served d) have served

Задание № 9.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Мы регулярно посещаем эти лекции.

2. Ей зададут еще несколько вопросов.

3. Его доклад был прослушан вчера с большим интересом.

4. Сколько времени он тратит на английский каждый день?

5. Вы должны отвечать на письма вовремя.

6. Учебный год длится с 1-го сентября по 30-е июля.

7. Я должен сдать свой курсовой проект в субботу.

8. В прошлом месяце мы провели первый научный эксперимент.

9. Я надеюсь успешно сдать экзамены.

10. Это самый длинный и самый интересный текст в учебнике.

Задание № 10.Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

1. JuliaRobertsisa … actress. (FAME)

2. Shehasstarredinmany … films. (SUCCESS)

3. Manypeoplelookforwardtotheir … afteryearsof working hard. (RETIRE)

4. Emily has a very good … so she’s good at writing stories. (IMAGINE)

5. John has a … for sweet foods, but he doesn’t eat them too often. (PREFER)

6. Tania has an amazing … of stamps from all over the world. (COLLECT)

7. The … of his article in the newspaper made Peter feel very proud. (INCLUDE)

8. A special … by a famous actor will be made at the club tonight. (APPEAR)

9. The doctor gave me a … for some tablets. (PRESCRIBE)

10. Ilovemyjobeventhoughitis … .(DANGER)

Контрольнаяработа № 1

Вариант 3

Задание № 1.Прочтитетекстипереведитенарусскийязык:

Контрольнаяработа № 1

Вариант 4

Задание № 1.Прочтитетекстипереведитенарусскийязык:

English around the world

English (be) the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you (to meet) speakers of English from around the world, you immediately notice that they (do not) all speak in the same way. There (be)also some differences in the words they (to use), including the names of commonobjects that (be) part of everyone’s daily life. But although pronunciation and vocabulary (be not) the same everywhere, it (be) interesting that English speakers fromopposite sides of the world can (to understand)each other quite easily. It (do not) seem to matter where they learnt the language. And of course this (be) one reason why speakers of other languages (be) keen on learning English too. If you (to know) English, you (be) more likely to be able to study or work in all sorts of exiting places, such as the United States or Australia.

Задание № 4.Заполнитепропускивпредложенияхпредлогамиместа, времениидвижения:

1. There was a list of names but my name wasn’t … the list.

2. ….. the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.

3. Joe works …. the furniture department of a large store.

4. We stayed ….. a very nice hotel when we were …… Amsterdam.

5. Shall we travel …. your car or mine?

6. What are you doing …. home? I expected you to be ….. work.

7. Wetravelledovernight …. Parisandarrived …. 5 o’clock …. the morning.

8. Thetelephoneandthedoorbellrang …. thesametime.

9. I like that picture hanging … the wall …. the kitchen.

10. I love to look up …. the stars ….. the sky …. night.

Задание № 5.Впредложенияхвставьтеправильныепредлогипослеглаголовиприлагательных. Внекоторыхслучаяхпредлогнетребуется:

1. Kevin complained to the manager because he wasn’t satisfied …. his pay rise.

2. I took the wrong suitcase from the airport …. mistake.

3. I’ve been suffering …. toothache for days.

4. Denise was determined to carry ….. the task she’d been given, no matter how long it took.

5. We congratulated Shirley …. the success of her first book.

6. I looked …. the picture for a while, trying to understand it.

7. After the operation David had to give …. smoking.

8. Our teacher insists …. everyone doing their compositions on time.

9. He’s good …. speaking English.

10. Sarah was grateful ….. her friend ….. babysitting.

Задание № 6.Напишитенижеприведенныепредложенияввопросительнойиотрицательнойформе:

1. She usually goes to work by car.

2. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

3. Kate phoned me last night.

4. Bees make honey.

5. Three foreign languages are taught at this college.

6. The university has modern teaching equipment.

7. Pupils are allowed to go to school alone.

8. The dictation was handed in to the teacher.

9. They will manage to solve the most difficult problems.

10. He will be able to come at 7.

Задание № 7.Заполнитепропускивпредложениях, употребивприлагательныевскобкахвнеобходимойстепенисравнения:

1. What is (popular)sport in your country?

2. He is one of (rich) man in Britain.

3. I need the information quickly, so let me know as (fast) as possible.

4. As the conversation went on, Paul became (talkative).

5. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet).

6. Is the word “unit” (short) than the word “chapter”?

7. Nick worked (hard)and (hard) as the end of the term came nearer.

8. Tony has a (good)handwriting than you. And of course Jane has the (good) handwriting of all.

9. It’s (bad) mistake you have ever made.

10. This story is (interesting) of all I have read this year.

Задание № 8.Выберитеизданныхглаголов (а-d) тот, которыйбольшевсегоподходиткданномупредложению:

1.Two hundred people ….. by the company.

a) Employed b) are employed c) is employedd) employ

2. I …….. the job, but Irefused it.

a) am offered b) was offered c) was offer d) offered

3. You ….. plenty of time to decide.

a) shall be given b) will be given c) be given d) gives

4. We ……. up by a loud noise during the night.

a) was woken up b) wakes up c) will wake up d) were woken up

5. The Acropolis ….. by the ancient Greeks.

a) was build b) was built c) build d) will built.

6. The journey ….. awful because the train was so crowded with passengers.

a) be b) was c) were d) are

7. The window ……. with a hammer.

a) was broken b) was break c) were broken d) broke

8) The exhibition ….. by the mayor.

a) will open b) will be c) open d) will be opened

9. I …. people shouting at me.

a) will b) don’t like c) be liked d) am liked

10. She …. by an international company.

a) employs b) be employed c) is employ d) was employed

Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1.Эксперимент завершат к концу этой недели.

2. Молодых рабочих обучают использовать это оборудование.

3. Академический год делится на два семестра.

4. В университете студентов обучают многим разным предметам.

5. Чем быстрее они завершат строительство завода, тем лучше.

6. Если вы будете слушать учителя более внимательно, вы поймете новый материал лучше.

7. Мне придется прийти в Институт завтра в восемь утра.

8. Домашняя работа должна быть выполнена к 5 часам.

9.Моя сестра может хорошо говорить по-английски, и сейчас ей нравится демонстрировать свои способности.

10.Я знаю, что его статьи всегда публикуются в этом журнале.

Задание № 10.Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

1. Thereissomuchnoiseand ….. intownsandcities(pollute).

2. Tomhasanamazing …. tomakepeoplelaugh(able).

3. Deep – seadiving requires a lot of expensive ….. (equip).

4. I think shopping is boring, but that’s just my ….. opinion (person).

5. Tom is an interior designer and finds his work quite ….. (stress).

6. She is ….. than anyone else in the office (well-qualified).

7. The film lasted ….. than three hours and, believe me, it was ….. three hours of my life (long) (boring).

8. The toothache is getting ……. (painful).

9. I’d like to have a ….. car. The one I’ve got keeps breaking down (reliable).

10. Petrol is twice as ….. as it was a few years ago (expensive).

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 5

Задание № 1.Прочтитетекстипереведитенарусскийязык:


The Open University (1) ........ in 1968 to give people who (2) …… afford to attend regular courses of study, the opportunity of studying and obtaining a university diploma or degree. They study at home and their academic performance (3) …….. by means of written examinations or project work. Most Open University students (4) …….. in study while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life. They (5) ………… in order to update their job skills or personal satisfaction.

At the heart of most courses is a set of specially written and professionally printed textbooks and workbooks which students (6) ……… by post. On many of the courses, students (7) ……….. to watch television programmes on the BBC network, which (8) ........... in the early hours of the morning. The aim of these programmes (9) is ………. and broaden the study experience, so that students (10) ……….. only on the printed materials they are sent.

1. a) is created b) creates c) was created d) is to create

2. a) cannot b) might c) must d) were to

3. a)is assessing b) assessed c) assesses d) is assessed

4.a) are fitted b)fit c) cannot fit d) were fitting

5. a) studying b) study c) were studying d) shall study

6. a) may receive b) were receiving c) have received d) receive

7. a) are expecting b) expect c) might expect d) are expected

8.a) broadcast b) must broadcast c) are broadcast d) have broadcast

9.a) may develop b) develop c) to develop d) have to develop

10.a) are to rely b) are relied c) are relying d) do not have to rely

Задание № 9.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Стихотворение было выучено наизусть.

2. В будущем году построят много новых школ.

3. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

4. Не могли бы Вы повторить свой вопрос еще раз?

5. Завтра мы пишем тест по английскому языку, поэтому я должен к нему готовится сегодня.

6. Каждый день студенты посещают 3 лекции, которые начинаются в 8 утра и заканчиваются в 2 дня.

7. Мне пришлось прочесть много книг, когда я готовилась к докладу.

8. Я не могу смотреть телевизор с тобой, потому что я не сделал домашнюю работу.

9. Он может знать ответ на этот вопрос, но я не уверенна.

10. Вам следует работать усерднее, тогда вам удастся сдать экзамен хорошо.

Задание № 10.Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

Ialwayswantedtobeagreat (1) (science)Ihadthesedreamsofdiscoveringa (2) (revolution)newdrugthatwouldsavethelives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was never very good at (3) (chemist) at school and I kept producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me.

After a while, I decided I would become an (4) (invent) and design an amazing new (5) (produce) which would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging, but told me to be a little more (6) (real) and not quite so (7) (ambition). A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for a pen that, at least (8) (theory), would write upside down. To my (9) (disappoint) a friend of mine pointed out that it was not a new (10) (discover).

Контрольная № 4

Вариант № 1.

Задание № 1. Прочтитетекстиписьменно переведитенарусскийязык:


1. Increasingly over the last fewyears, we have become familiar with the range of small electronic gadgets thatcome under the heading 'smart'accessories. Joggers, for example, runwith heart-rate monitors, and shopassistants carry pocket-sized computersbut these are just the first examples of awhole range of new products thatpromises to change our lives in all sortsof surprising ways.

2. As a scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, Rosalind Picard tries out all kinds ofsmart accessories before they go on the market. One of these was the so-called “frown headband”. It came as a shock to Rosalind to realize just how often she frowned. Stuck in a traffic jam recently,waiting for the cars to move forward, Rosalind kept hearing the sounds of the tiny sensor inside the band worn around her forehead - each time she frowned in frustration, the sensor gave out a signal.

3. Headlands that check facial expressions are just one of the things she and her colleagues have designed. Their aim is to make ready-to-wear items that both look good and give thewearer useful feedback. Body sensors, like those in Rosalind's headband, can detect physical changes that the wearer might not otherwise be aware of. Hidden inside watches, rings or shoes,these sensors can check for signs of stress, give information and offer advice.

4. Another computer scientist, Steven Feiner, is working on a pair of glassesthat will do more than help you to see. Imagine you want to try a restaurant in a foreign city but you're not familiar with the dishes on the menu. If you are wearing a pair of Steven's glasses, allyou have to do is glance above the restaurant's doorway and your glasses will immediately become windows to the Internet, offering you full details of the meals served inside. Are you one of those people who lack confidence when giving a talk to an audience?Look to the right and the glasses will flash your notes in front of your eyes. They could alsoprove useful for cooks who want to check a recipe without leaving sticky fingermarks all over their cookery books.

5. At the moment, Steven's invention looks more like a pair of ski goggles than a pair of glasses. It's a headset connected to a hand-held computer and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, which tracks the wearer's position. Students who don’t mindbeing stared at have tried out the Star Trek-like device on campus. But Steven says that these head-worn displays will eventually get smaller, lighter and smarter as technology improves. As they will be relatively cheap, he foresees them replacing the notebooks and manuals that workers have to carry. He predicts that they will be useful to surgeons, giving them instant access toa patient's medical notes while carrying out operations.

6. And, of course, this new technology has a fashionable as well as a useful application. A chemical engineer namedRobert Langer has invented a new microchip that, if put inside a ring, can give off different scents according to a person's mood. That, of course, may or may not appeal to you. And, in the end,it is shoppers, not scientists, who will determine which of. These smart accessories will succeed as fashionable items and which are destined to join history's long list of crazy inventions.Steven Feiner, concerned that vanity may prevent some people from wearing his glasses, is already working on the idea of contact lenses with the same features.

7. It is clear, however, that as small computer displays get brighter and cheaper, they will pop up in all sorts of easily-wearable accessories, even in the buttons on your coat. What's more, this is something that's going to happen a lot sooner than we all expect.

Задание № 2. Ответьтеписьменно навопросы:

1. What is the writer’s view of Robert Langer’s invention?

2. What does the writer think about “smart” accessories?

3. What is the current problem with Steven’s glasses?

4. Whose idea for a smart device seems to be the best?

5. What devices mentioned in the text could improve your life?

Задание № 3. Прочтитеи переведите текст на русский язык, раскройтескобки, употребиввыделенныеглаголывнужнойвидовременнойформе:

The way it was

Today the police (be) able to make use of all kinds of scientific and technological aids in their fight against crime.This (be) not always the case, however. In the early days of the British police force, during the nineteenth century, the police officer’s whistle (be) his main way of calling for help if he (get)into difficulty. Gradually, in the twentieth century, things (begin) to improve. Those police officers lucky enough to be given a patrol car rather than a bicycle (can) also take advantage of radio communications.

In 1903, a new system for identifying people by their fingerprints (bediscover). Although it soon (prove) to be one of the most significant developments in crime investigation, a search of the national fingerprint collection (can) take days, if not weeks, until computers(be introduce) in the 1970s.

Задание № 4. Заполнитепропускивпредложенияхпредлогамиместа, времениидвижения:

1. …… weekends, weoftengoforlongwalks …. the country.

2. I’vebeeninvited …. awedding …. 14 February.

3. My car is being repaired … the garage. It will be ready …. two hours.

4. Ittookmealongtimetofindajob. …. theendIgotajob …. ahotel.

5. I wasn’t sure whether I had come …. the right office. There was no name … the door.

6. My brother lives … a small village …. the south-west of England.

7. Myofficeis …. thetopfloor. It’s …. the left as you come out of the lift.

8. Iwasn’t …. whenyouphoned. I was … my sister’s house.

9. Mytrainarrives … 11.30. Can you meet me … the station.

10. Haveyoueverbeen … China?

Задание № 5. Впредложенияхвставьтеправильныепредлогипослеглаголовиприлагательных. Внекоторыхслучаяхпредлогнетребуется:

1. Why are you always so rude …your parents? Can’t you be nice … them?

2. I’ve been trying to learn English, but I’m not very satisfied …. my progress.

3. Helen works hard and she’s extremely good … her job.

4. I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh … me.

5. Whydidn’tyouanswer ….my letter?

6. I explained … everybody the reasons for my decisions.

7. I saw Sue as I was cycling along the road. I shouted … her, but she didn’t hear me.

8. Don’t listen …. what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking ….. .

9. I couldn’t find the street I was looking …, so I stopped someone to ask … directions.

10. I don’t want to discuss … what happened last night. Let’s forget it.

Задание № 6. Напишитенижеприведенныепредложенияввопросительнойиотрицательнойформе:

1. My friend locked himself out of his house yesterday.

2. My sister wears such strange fashions that everyone stares at her when she walks down the street.

3. We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London.

4. Your friend has won some money.

5. We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car instead.

6. We managed to find the restaurant you recommended.

7. He has to get up at four.

8. The bus was late again.

9. There’s a lift in the building.

10. You missed a great party last night.

Задание № 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребляя составные предлоги и составные союзы в скобках,и переведите предложения на русский язык:

(although, in spite of, as long as, because, because of, instead of, thanks to, due to, according to).

1. The work is going on ….. theschedule.

2. ….. the establishment of new bus routes the passenger service in the city was improved.

3. Who can repair the car … him?

4. ….. computers we can process information millions times quicker.

5. ….. it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

6. I went home ….. I was feeling unwell.

7. She only accepted the job … the salary, which was very high.

8. I managed to get to sleep …. there was a lot of noise.

9. ….. having very little money, they are happy.

10. I don’t mind if you come home late …. you come in quietly.

Задание № 8. Выберитеизданныхглаголов (а-d) тот, которыйбольшевсегоподходиткданномупредложению:

1. They would be offended if I ….. to the party.

a) Would go b) go c) will go d) didn’t go

2. If you took more exercise, you …… better.

a) Would feel b) feel c) will feel d) felt

3) What …. you do if you won a lot of money.

a) do b) did c) would d) are

4) If you … hard at your English you will pass your exam well.

a) works b) work c) will work d) worked

5) If I were you I ……. .

a) Agree b) don’t agree c) wouldn’t agree d) will agree

6) If we ….. new methods, we would have saved a lot of time.

a) Had used b) uses c) doesn’t use d) had been used

7) If you help me, I …. the engine in an hour.

a) Repair b) repaired c) will repair d) don’t repair

8) If I ….. you, I’d see a doctor.

a) Am b) are c) will be d) were

9) If you park here, you …. be find.

a) Are b) will c) was d) don’t

Задание № 9.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Главный недостаток нового дизайна – его высокая, стоимость.

2. Его изобретение было признано во многих странах.

3. Если вы пойдете быстрее вы доберетесь туда через два часа.

4. Одним из главных достоинств этого самолета является его очень высокая скорость.

5. Я считал, что эта была хорошая идея, но он не согласился.

6. Если ты увидишь его сегодня вечером, скажи ему, что я хочу с ним поговорить.

7. Если ты мне одолжишь свою машину, я приеду на работу вовремя.

8. Если бы он пришел вчера, я бы попросила его помочь нам.

9. Что бы вы сделали завтра, если бы были свободны?

10. Если ты будешь шуметь, ты разбудишь ребенка.

Задание № 10.Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:


‘Science 2014’ is the name given to an(IMAGINE)development which aims to make(SCIENCE)and technological developments exciting, even to people who thought they were (INTEREST)in the subject. As well as its main permanent(EXHIBIT), there is also a changing (SELECT)of educational programmes, such as sessions for schools and colleges, and adult (TRAIN) courses. Everyone can share the (EXCITE)of experiment and discovery. Even (EXPERIENCE) visitors can carry out simple experiments with the help of (SPECIAL), who are always available to give them all the (PRACTICE) advice and guidance they need. What’s more, the friendly staff are keen to provide a welcoming atmosphere.

Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант № 2

Задание № 1. Прочтитетекстиписьменно переведитенарусскийязык:

The coiled serpent

1. Bad weather often disrupts our well-ordered plans, but occasionally it can become so extreme and violent that it threatens our homes, possessions and even our lives. That is why scientists are always studying threatening weather conditions in the hope of finding better ways to predict more accurately where and when they might occur, so that timely warnings can be given and appropriate action taken to avoid damage and loss of life.

2. One of the worst weather hazards faced by people in tropical areas is the storm known as a hurricane or cyclone. This is a rotating storm about 800 kilometers across. Around one hundred of these storms form across the world’s ocean each year, causing an enormous amount of damage when they hit land. They are so frequent in the Atlantic that each one is given the name of a person, starting with the letter A at the beginning of the year and then working through the alphabet.

3. The process by which an ordinary rainstorm changes into a hurricane involves so many unknown factors that meteorologists can only identify what they think happens. In the Atlantic, the starting point for many such storms is a calm area known as the Doldrums. The calm is, however, deceptive because from time to time the stillness of the Doldrums is broken by violent thunderstorms. most of these storms travel thousands of miles westwards and just die out, but occasionally, for reasons that are unclear, one will develop into an extremely dangerous cyclone.

4. The movement and characteristics of these tropical hurricanes are closely monitored by satellites and radar as well as by aircraft, whose pilots fly bravely into the turbulent clouds of the hurricane to record wind speeds and air pressure. However, even with such detailed information, predicting the course of a hurricane remains extremely difficult.

5. It is nonetheless for forecasts to be accurate, because the question of when and how to best prepare for a hurricane is a tricky one. If the alarm is raised, whole communities may be forces to abandon their homes. If there are too many false alarms, people may decide not to bother leaving next time, with disastrous consequences. Obviously a short-term warning of, say, twelve hours is more likely to be accurate, but the time needed for evacuation is often considerably longer than that.

6. The treat to island and coastal communities from tropical cyclones comes from a combination of enormous wind speed, high seas and heavy rainfall. A measure of the potential violence of a hurricane is the air pressure in the centre of the storm. The lower the pressure, the stronger the wind speeds, the higher the seas, and the heavier the rainfall. In affected areas, low-lying coastal communities with high population densities are always working to be prepared for the worst.

7. Once they reach land, hurricanes begin to die, cut off from their source of energy, but they can give rise to tornadoes. These are black, twisting clouds that suddenly appear from nowhere, travel at terrifying speed, move in unpredictable ways and cause catastrophic damage in seconds. Their small size and brief duration makes forecasting when and where they are likely to strike extremely difficult.

Задание № 2. Ответьтеписьменно навопросы:

1. What kind of weather conditions are especially threatening?

2. How and why do they happen?

3. How do scientists predict these conditions?

4. Why is it difficult to make accurate predictions?

5. What should people do to prevent damage and loss of life?

Задание № 3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык, раскройте скобки, употребив выделенные глаголы в нужной видовременной форме:

Global warming

The Earth’s climate (be) a very complicated system. What’s more, it is now widely recognized that human activity (be have) an effect on it. The pollution which results from the use of oil and coal in industry, as well as the increased use of private cars, (be cause) significant changes in temperature in many parts of the world. These changes often (have) a knock – on effect on other aspects of the climate, leading to things like extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels. Studying the changes which (be take)place and predicting those that are likely to happen in the future (be) now a major area of scientific research. The information which the scientists provide is very useful in helping governments to (predict) the effects of climate change and so be better prepared to cope with them.

A much more serious problem, however, is how to (prevent) the situation from (get)worse. This (depend) on how quickly, and to what extent, the amount of pollution in the atmosphere increases. Although many countries have now (agree) to try and limit the pollution they create, much more needs to be (do). If no further action (be take), then temperatures are set to rise by about 0.2% per decade during the 21st century. Such a rate of warming is greater than anything that (haveoccur) over the last ten thousand years.

Задание № 4. Заполнитепропускивпредложенияхпредлогамиместа, времениидвижения:

1. It’ difficulttolistenifeveryoneisspeaking …. thesametime.

2. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you … a moment.

3. Are you going away ….the beginning of August or … the end?

4. Therewasalongqueueofpeople …. thebusstop.

5. Do you know that man standing ….the door?

6. Isyoursister ….thisphotograph? I don’t recognize her.

7. We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way … the airport.

8. Wehadlunch …. theairportwhile we were waiting for our plane.

9. Julia’s grandmother died recently …. the age 79.

10. I’mtired. AssoonasIget …. home, I’m going ….. bed.

Задание № 5. Впредложенияхвставьтеправильныепредлогипослеглаголовиприлагательных. Внекоторыхслучаяхпредлогнетребуется:

1. We waited ages …….. a taxi. We gave …..in the end and walked home.

2. The car broke …. and I had to phone for help.

3. A strange thing happened … me a few days ago.

4. Idon’tbelieve …. workingveryhard. It’snotworthit.

5. My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it …. What I did before.

6. Doyouspendmuchmoney …..clothes?

7. The country is divided …. six regions.

8. Somewordsaredifficulttotranslate ….. onelanguage …. another.

9. What happened ….the money I lent you? What did you spend it …. ?

10. I wanted to go out alone, but my friend insisted …. coming with me.

Задание № 6. Напишитенижеприведенныепредложенияввопросительнойиотрицательнойформе:

1. They live on a busy main road.

2. There used to be a church here.

3. She had a great holiday.

4. We’ve got a problem.

5. I gave him a key to our house.

6. The police want to interview two men about the robbery last week.

7. Life has changed a lot in the last thirty years.

8. He never gets up before 9 o’clock.

9. My brother has always been very healthy.

10. We missed our train because we were waiting on wrong platform.

Задание № 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях необходимыми местоимениями в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык:

(no, nothing, anybody, anything, something, somebody, any, nobody, some, ours, nothing,)

1. Idon’tremember…. abouttheaccident.

2. I shouted for help, but …. came.

3. Last night we went out with some friends of …..

4. Can I have ….milk in my coffee, please?

5. There’s ….. on at the cinema that I want to see, so there’s no point in going.

6. There’s …. at the door.

7. Ihaven’tgot …. money.

8. She didn’t tell …. about her plans.

9. We had to walk home because there were …. taxis.

10. I’mhungry. Iwant …. to eat.

Задание № 8. Выберитеизданныхглаголов (а-d) тот, которыйбольшевсегоподходиткданномупредложению:

1. If I won the lottery, I …. on an exotic holiday.

a) Will go b) would go c) went d) am

2. ….. we reached the station, the train had left.

a) By the time b) if c) whether d) as

3. We …. dinner when the phone rang.

a) Ate b) were eating c) has eaten d) was eaten

4. Jame’s car ….. last night.

a) Is stolen b) were stolen c) was stolen d) will be stolen

5. Colin …. his wallet stolen twice this year.

a) Will have had b) had had c) has had d) have had

6. Johnisveryhonest. Healways …. the truth.

a) Told b) say c) tells d) speak

7. He said he …… her the following day.

a) Calls b) had called c) would call d) will call

8. The police ……….. investigating the crime.

a) Is b) will c) are d) was

9. Simon said that he ….. a great time at the party.

a) Had had b) has had c) is having d) has

10. If I had locked up my bike, it …… have been stolen.

a) Would b) wouldn’t c) didn’t d) could

Задание № 9.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Они живут в Париже с 1970 года и считают, что это самый красивый город в Европе.

2. Я думаю, что она вернется к концу недели.

3. Мне бы хотелось поговорить с г. Смитом. Извините, он сейчас занят, его интервьюируют.

4. Сколько дней вы работаете над своим докладом?

5. Он сказал, что хочет поехать в Японию, так как никогда там не был.

6. Двадцать лет назад мало людей понимали, что компьютеры будут частью нашей жизни.

7. Ее советы всегда полезны. Они очень мне помогают.

8. Какая ужасная погода. Идет дождь и дует холодный ветер.

9. Нам сказали, что мы сегодня свободны.

10. Ты знаешь, когда была написана эта статья?

Задание № 10.Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

1. Scientists are preparing a report and will publish their (conclude) next month.

2. There are fewer (differ) than you may imagine between apes and humans.

3. The dictionary gives a complicated (define) of intelligence.

4. You can often predict the weather by observing the (behave) of animals.

5. Tornadoes can have (disaster) consequences.

6. Forecasters rarely predict the weather very (accurate).

7. The students listened to the counsellor in (silent).

8. When I was a child I wanted to be an (explore).

9. There is so much noise and(pollute)in towns and cities.

10. I found the lecture about the environment very (inform).

Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант № 3

Задание № 1. Прочтитетекстиписьменно переведитенарусскийязык:

The greatest of All Time

1. The sixteenth-century Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci must be one of the greatest men who has ever lived. He is best remembered as a painter and a sculptor, but the extent of his abilities in other areas of knowledge is still a source of astonishment to scholars today. A recently published book describes him as the world’s first real scientist and shows just how great his achievements really were.

2. Leonardo’s imagination was so vivid, his thirst for knowledge so powerful, that he dreamt up inventions that, at the time, seemed quite impossible. He produced drawings, plans and diagrams of pieces of equipment which have come into being only in the last hundred years or so. For example, he worked out the principles for a parachute, a diving suit, contact lenses and the camera, long before the world was ready for them.

3. What drove Leonardo was his desire for information. Rather than accept what people at the time could understand and explain, he looked for a new understanding of how nature worked, gained through observation and experiments. Leonardo’s ideas remained largely unpublished and unknown for years after his death, however. Meanwhile, other people, ignorant of his findings, struggled to make the discoveries described in his notebooks all over again. If his ideas had been common knowledge, western science might have progressed much faster. For example, he had sketched designs for a telescope one hundred years before Galileo came up with the same idea.

4. Although Leonardo was a very good painter, and was in great demand, he was more interested in his experiments. He wrote details of these in his notebook. By nature, Leonardo was a secretive man and always suspicious that others might steal his ideas. So from the beginning, his notebooks were written in various codes, including one known as mirror writing, where the words are written in such a way that they can only be read in a mirror. Although Leonardo’s discoveries destroyed many theories which existed at the time, unfortunately, few of them came to light during his lifetime.

5. And, what’s more, all was nearly lost when he died in 1519. He entrusted the job of sorting out his notes to a young man called Francesco Melzi. But the task was beyond his capabilities. Melzi’s son, who inherited them, was equally unable to cope and abandoned them in an attic cupboard. When the notebooks were eventually rediscovered, th

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