Повествовательные предложения

Повествовательное предложение в косвенной речи обычно преобразуется в придаточное предложение, введенное союзом that. При необходимости происходит изменение формы глагола в придаточном предложении, замена наречий места и времени, а также личных, притяжательных и указательных местоимений (в зависимости от изменения лица, от которого ведется повествование):

My assistant said, “I reserved a room at the hotel yesterday.” – Мой помощник сказал: «Я забронировал номер в отеле вчера».

→ My assistant said that he had reserved a room at the hotel the day before. – Мой помощник сказал, что он забронировал номер в отеле вчера.

She said, “I will let you know as soon as I receive the results.” – Она сказала: «Я сообщу тебе, как только получу результаты».

→ She said that she would let me know as soon as she received the results. – Она сказала, что сообщит мне, как только получит результаты.

Вопросительные предложения

Вопросительные предложения, передаваемые в косвенной речи, называются косвенными вопросами. В отличие от вопроса в прямой речи, порядок слов в косвенном вопросе такой же, как в обычном повествовательном предложении (подлежащее стоит перед сказуемым):

She asked me, “Where are you going?” (прямой вопрос)

→ She asked me where I was going. (косвенный вопрос)

Общий вопрос в косвенной речи вводится союзами if или whether:

He asked, “Do you speak English?” – Он спросил: «Вы говорите по-английски?»

→ He asked me if I spoke English. – Он спросил, говорю ли я по-английски.

He enquired, “Did you hear the news?” – Он поинтересовался: «Вы слышали новости?»

→ He enquired whether we had heard the news. – Он поинтересовался, слышали ли мы новости.

Специальный вопрос вводится тем же вопросительным словом, что и соответствующий вопрос в прямой речи:

He asked, “What is she going to do?” – Он спросил: «Что она собирается делать?»

→ He asked what she was going to do. – Он спросил, что она собирается делать.

“Why are you so late?” she asked me. – Она спросила меня: «Почему вы так опоздали?»

→ She asked me why I was so late. – Она спросила меня, почему я так опоздал.

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. We notified the bank that we (changed / had changed) our legal address.

2. The interviewer asked me if I (was / am) good at meeting deadlines.

3. Mr. Tigerman advised me (to talk / that he will talk) to the CEO in person.

4. Could you tell me where their head office (is / was) situated?

5. The employees complained that the contractor (doesn’t pay / didn’t pay) them any benefits.

6. Did Mrs. Shalley say why (had she called / she had called)?

7. I cannot believe it! Milla has just asked me how (to / could she)send an e-mail!

8. The Prime Minister said that the level of unemployment gradually (is falling / was falling) those days.

9. My chief asked me (not to put / didn’t put) any calls through to his office.

10. The current law states that an employee (has / had) the right to appeal against dismissal.

11. He wonders what (he should do / should he do) to set the situation right.

12. I knew from the beginning that our plan (won’t work / wouldn’t work).

13. Brenda’s informed me that she (will be stepping / would step) down in the wake of the scandal.

14. We found out that the new worker (was promoted / had been promoted) over the heads of several of his seniors.

15. My superior told me that I (can / could)take a day off, but later he changed his mind for some reason.

16. The Marketing Director inquired when the launch campaign of the new product (is going / was going) to take place.

17. A consumer research study found that price (was / is) the most important consideration when buying a cell phone.

18. The Chief Executive announced that the company (was taking / took) a new direction.

19. The personnel officer informed the staffers that they (will be given / would be given) a few days off.

20. The secretary asked her boss what time (would he leave / he was leaving) for the airport.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The employees argued that the reduction in wages … unlawful.

a. was c. is

b. will be d. was being

2. Katherine’s told me that at the moment she … for a better job.

a. was looking c. looked

b. looks d. is looking

3. The interviewer wanted to know how old … .

a. was I c. I am

b. I was d. am I

4. The correspondent asked the Returning Officer … on the election results.

a. to comment c. to not comment

b. don’t comment d. to commented

5. Mr Rayner had nothing to say except that he … guilty of the charges.

a. is not c. has not been

b. was not d. did not be

6. The Executive Director convinced the Board that the new project … a success.

a. will be c. would be

b. is going to be d. was

7. I suppose you already … the news about our merger with Atlantic Co.

a. heard c. have heard

b. hear d. had heard

8. The suppliers asked us not to worry as the duplicate invoice … by 4 o’clock.

a. would have been sent c. will be sent

b. was being sent d. will have been sent

9. Could you tell me what time … as a rule?

a. do the committee meetings finish c. the committee meetings finished

b. would the committee meetings finish d. the committee meetings finish

10. At the meeting the shareholders asked how the company … in the previous year.

a. did c. was doing

b. had been doing d. would do

11. I’d like to know … additional staff to develop a new sales campaign.

a. would they be employing c. will they be employing

b. if they would be employing d. if they will be employing

12. My financial adviser warned me … my shares yet.

a. do not sell c. to not sell

b. did not sell d. not to sell

13. The purchasing director wanted to know how much … .

a. the new equipment cost c. the new equipment costs

b. did the new equipment cost d. does the new equipment cost

14. An interviewer may ask you what … .

a. are your salary requirements c. your salary requirements are

b. were your salary requirements d. your salary requirements were

15. The manager threatened … the clerk if he didn’t change his attitude to work.

a. that he will dismiss c. to dismiss

b. dismissing d. that he dismissed

16. Last year’s financial statement indicates that it … a very profitable year for the enterprise.

a. is c. has been

b. was d. had been

17. The bank ordered the company … its activity until a thorough inspection … .

a. suspend; is completed c. suspending; completes

b. to suspend; was completed d. not to suspend; completed

18. It was announced that Google … online mapping company Waze Ltd. for an estimated $1 billion.

a. has bought c. had bought

b. bought d. will buy

19. My personal assistant informed me that Ms Sullivan … while I … out.

a. had phoned; was c. was phoning; had been

b. phoned; had been d. phoned; was

20. The Managing Director said at the meeting that he … a joint venture … the best way to break into the foreign market.

a. thinks; was c. thought; is

b. thinks; is d. thought; was

III. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. Sheila phoned me and said, “I’ll probably arrivelate due to heavy traffic.”

2. The manager asked, “Has the date for the next meeting been fixed yet?”

3. “Could I have the bill, please?” I asked the waiter.

4. The chairman said, “Your issue is outside the scope of the meeting.”

5. “What time have you arranged to see the clients?” he’s asked her.

6. “I’m taking my qualifying exam next week,” my fellow worker said.

7. The suppliers threatened us, “We’ll sue you if you cancel the agreement.”

8. “Were there any phone calls for me yesterday?” asked Mr. McNamara.

9. Miranda complained, “I have to work ten hours a day without overtime pay.”

10. “You’ve made a lot of progress since you started working here,” Mike’s superior admitted.

11. The customs officer asked Mr. Sullivan, “Do you have anything to declare?”

12. One clever person said, “Customers are always right even if they are wrong.”

13. We asked the corporate management, “When are you planning to set up a subsidiary?”

14. The secretary said, “I reserved the room at the hotel for tomorrow.”

15. The Vice President announced, “We’re not going to compromise with our rivals.”

16. I told him in confidence, “The company management decided not to promote you yet.”

17. The director asked the personnel officer, “Could you tell Miss Benson that she has been made redundant?”

18. They cautioned me, “Don’t make a statement before you’ve consulted the lawyer.”

19. The chief accountant promised the employees, “You’ll be given a 10% salary increase next month.”

20. My teacher once recommended me, “Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the ordinary people.”

IV. Прочитайте статью. Найдите и исправьте в ней 10 ошибок:

Fancy Toys, the toy manufacturer, has warned that they would have to make over 50 employees redundant over the next month. The Chief Executive, Mark Horton, explained to employees that the world economic recession is to blame. He confessed to the workers that management has been surprised by the downturn, but he denied that the governing body had been incompetent. When asked whether would the staff receive redundancy payment, Mr. Horton replied that an announcement will be made within a few days, but reassured the employees that they got financial compensation. He went on to complain that the government help for the company was insufficient and demanded the ministers to provided more support. He asked the staff would continue working as normal until details about the redundancy will be given. He reassured the workers that the company will not close completely.

V. Представьте, что агент по подбору управленческого персонала пригласил вас на ужин вчера вечером. Сейчас ваш коллега спрашивает вас, о чем вы беседовали. Ответьте на его вопросы, употребляя косвенную речь.

1. Why was he headhunting you?

2. What questions did he ask you?

3. What personal details did you give him about yourself?

4. What did you tell him about the company?

5. What did you say your responsibilities were?

6. What did you tell him about the salary you would need?

7. What did he tell you about the new company?

8. What did he tell you about the new job?

9. How much did he promise to pay you?

10. So in the end what did you say to him?

11. When did he ask you to give him the final answer?

12. What do you think you are going to tell him?

Типы условных предложений

Тип Значение Придаточное предложение Главное предложение
Реальное условие и следствие в настоящем Present Simple Present Simple, повелительное наклонение
- If you order in bulk, you usually get a discount. – Если вы заказываете товары оптом, вы обычно получаете скидку. - If you changeyour mind, letme know. – Если передумаешь, дай мне знать. - If Bill phones, don’t tell him that I am here. – Если Билл позвонит, не говори ему, что я здесь.
I Реальное условие и следствие в будущем Present Simple Future Simple
- If we don’t hurry, we will miss the deadline. – Если мы не поторопимся, мы не уложимся в срок. - Unless you work more efficiently, you will be fired. – Если вы не будете работать более эффективно, вас уволят.
II Нереальное действие, относящееся к настоящему или к будущему Past Simple Future-in-the-Past (would + V)
- If I were you, I would not trust him. – Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы ему не доверял. - If he liked his job, he would not look for another one. – Если бы ему нравилась его работа, он не искал бы другую.
III Нереальное действие, относящееся к прошлому Past Perfect Future-Perfect- in-the-Past (would + have + V3)
- If the price had beenlower, I would have boughtsome stocks. – Если бы цена была ниже, я купил бы несколько акций. - The presentation would have beenbetter if she had felt more confident then. – Презентация была бы лучше, если бы тогда она чувствовала себя более уверенно.
  Смешанный тип Past Perfect Future-in- the-Past
Past Simple Future-Perfect- in-the-Past
- If you had prepared everything beforehand, we wouldn’t waitfor you now. – Если бы вы подготовили все заранее, мы бы не ждали вас сейчас. - If John weremore competent, he would have beenpromoted long ago. – Если бы Джон был более компетентным, его бы уже давно повысили.

Обратите внимание!

Для обозначения маловероятных или нереальных желаний, а также для выражения сожаления о выполненном действии используется вводная конструкция I wish, которая переводится на русский язык словами «мне бы хотелось», «как жаль, что не». В придаточном предложении после I wish употребляется:

− Past Simple, если речь идето невозможности выполнить действие в настоящем:

I wish I knew where he is. – Мне бы хотелось знать, где он сейчас. = Жаль, что я не знаю, где он сейчас.

I wish I were you. – Мне бы хотелось быть на вашем месте. = Жаль, что я не на вашем месте. (Глагол to be имеет форму were для всех лиц.)

− Past Perfectдля сожаления о прошлом действии:

I wish you had paid your bills on time. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы оплатили счета вовремя. = Жаль, что вы не оплатили счета вовремя.

I wish I had not phoned him yesterday. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы я не звонил ему вчера. = Жаль, что я позвонил ему вчера.

− Would с инфинитивомдля обозначения будущего действия:

I wish they would come tomorrow. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы они приехали завтра. = Жаль, что они не приедут завтра.

Кроме того, сочетание I wish … would …используется для выражения недовольства по поводу существующего положения дел:

I wish you would not interrupt me. – Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы меня не перебивали.

Выразить сожаление о том, что некоторое действие, скорее всего, не сможет осуществиться в будущем, можно употребив в придаточном предложении глагол could:

I wish we could meet more often. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мы могли встречаться чаще. = Жаль, что мы не можем встречаться чаще.

Однако нельзя употреблять wouldпосле wish, если подлежащие главного и придаточного предложений совпадают. В этом случае можно использовать could с инфинитивом или глагол в форме Past Simple:

I wish I could do (= I did)it myself.– Мне бы хотелось сделать это самому.

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите тип каждого из них:

1. Report the police if you witness a crime in progress.

2. If I had more practice, I would speak English much better.

3. It would have been unwise if we had declined their offer.

4. You’ll succeed if you get some professional advice.

5. If Mr. Brown had learned the truth, he would have been very angry.

6. We would stay in a more expensive hotel if we had enough money.

7. If you throw something away, you will definitely need it the next day.

8. If he had got higher education, he would have a highly-paid job now.

9. If John had picked me up this morning, I would have got to work earlier.

10. If you don’t tell me why you did it, I will have to fire you.

11. If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?

12. My father would be the president of the company now if he had got promotion.

13. Those candidates would have been hired, if they had had relevant working experience.

14. If any further information is needed, please let me know.

15. If Brian were more sensible, he would have put on a suit to the interview.

16. If everyone spoke the same language, life would be different.

17. If a task looks easy, it is difficult. If it looks difficult, it is impossible.

18. We would have postponed the meeting if you had told me about your busy schedule.

19. If Bill had not found that job advert a few weeks ago, he would not work in the City now.

20. Nothing like this would have happened if someone in authority had taken the matter seriously.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Where would you like to work if you (had / have) the chance to choose?

2. If I (was / were) you, I would never trust my first impression!

3. If you (do / will do) that again, I will have to call the police!

4. How (will / would) things change if there wereno civil servants?

5. If they (had contacted / contacted) us earlier, we could have set up a meeting.

6. If you (were / are) interested in my proposal, email me at [email protected].

7. If a company doesn’t advertise, it (would lose / loses) its market share.

8. If we hired a factoring agency, we (would recover / will recover) our debts more quickly.

9. I hope that if I (do / will do) my best, they will give me a permanent contract after a few months.

10. If I were on the Board of this company, I (will argue / would argue) against the merger.

11. If you (granted / would grant) us a 15% trade discount, we’d make firm orders in advance for one year.

12. If you’ve lost your plastic card, you (can reapply / could reapply) to the bank for a new one.

13. If we (anticipated / had anticipated) the financial collapse, we wouldn’t have lost so much money.

14. Unless you (don’t send / send) us all the documents, we won’t be able to deliver you the merchandise.

15. We (would accepted / would have accepted) their terms of the agreement if they had prolonged the warranty period.

16. Human rights (will be / would be) fully realised, if all human beings had secure access to the objects of these rights.

17. If you (would have been / had been) in his situation, what would you (do / have done)?

18. She (wouldn’t have missed / wouldn’t miss) the deadline if she (hadn’t been / weren’t) so disorganised.

19. If he (took / has taken) his job more seriously, he (would be promoted / would have been promoted) long ago.

20. If the Democrats (won / had won) the election of 1860, we still (would have / would have had) slavery in North America.

III. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I wish you (would receive / will receive) the position you’ve applied for.

2. I wished we (booked / had booked) our tickets in advance.

3. I wish you (stopped / would stop) contradicting me!

4. I wish I (were / would be) a senior staff member so that I can use the car park.

5. I wish you (attended / had attended) the meeting yesterday.

6. The staffers wish you (was / would be) less bossy and wouldn’t order them about.

7. Val thinks that everyone likes her. I wish she (had known / knew) what people say behind her back!

8. Mr. Monrow wishes his secretary (would cease / had stopped) coming late.

9. Nick hates commuting every day. He wishes his workplace (would be / were) a bit closer to his house.

10. I wish I (had passed / passed) my qualifying test. But unfortunately I failed.

11. You are always changing your mind. I wish you (would be / are) more decisive.

12. The President wishes the proportion of women in the public sector (would grow / will grow).

13. They wish they (hadn’t given / didn’t give) the job to an external candidate. Now they regret about it.

14. I wish I (could see / would see) the results of the marketing research before my boss does.

15. I wish the company’s objectives (would be reviewed / should be reviewed) in terms of new management approaches.

16. Peter wished it (were / had been) the weekend already. He was so tired working overtime the whole week.

17. My boss keeps giving me extra work. I wish he (would employ / had employed) a personal assistant.

18. Mary wishes she (would become / had become) a lawyer. She is in business now but she doesn't like her job at all.

19. I wish our partners (wouldn’t infringe / hadn’t infringed)terms and conditions of contracts from now on.

20. Tony wished he (studied / had studied) harder at college and (got / had got) some qualifications.

IV. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. What … if you lost your job?

a. will you do c. did you do

b. had you done d. would you do

2. If you … to work in an advertising agency, you need to be very creative.

a. want c. will want

b. wanted d. would want

3. We have a suggestion to make. How would you feel if we … you the position of assistant manager?

a. offer c. offered

b. will offer d. would offer

4. I sometimes wonder what I’d do if I … a mobile phone.

a. don’t have c. won’t have

b. didn’t have d. wouldn’t have

5. If the quality of the product hadn’t been so bad, we … .

a. hadn’t complained c. wouldn’t have complained

b. wouldn’t complain d. didn’t complain

6. We’ll have to send them a reminder unless they … the invoice in due time.

a. pay c. won’t pay

b. will pay d. don’t pay

7. If he … in time, he would have taken all necessary measures.

a. were warned c. was warned

b. had warned d. had been warned

8. We exchange goods only if you … a receipt.

a. will produce c. produce

b. produced d. would produce

9. If he … so willing and energetic, he would never have got the position of the Managing Director.

a. weren’t c. isn’t

b. hadn’t been d. wasn’t

10. If you … goods on the Internet, they always … you an email confirmation.

a. order; will send c. had ordered; would have sent

b. order; send d. ordered; would send

11. If you … all pros and cons, the answer … a definite no.

a. had weighed; had been c. had weighed; will be

b. weighed; would be d. weighed; would have been

12. The bank … you money to set up a company unless you … some kind of business plan.

a. wouldn’t have lent; had c. won’t lend; have

b. wouldn’t lend; didn’t have d. will lend; don’t have

13. Why didn’t you phone? If I … you were coming, I … you at the airport.

a. knew; would meet c. knew; would have met

b. had known; would meet d. had known; would have met

14. Suppose you … a crime being committed, what … ?

a. saw; would you do c. ü had seen; will you do

b. had seen; would you do d. saw; did you do

15. If … in cash, … the price by 10%?

a. I paid; will you reduce c. I paid; would you reduce ü

b. did I pay; you would reduce d. I pay; you will reduce

16. If you … effectively in the interview, you probably … the job.

a. will communicate; get c. communicate; will get

b. will communicate; will get d. communicate; get

17. If … about their financial problems, I … business with them.

a. I’d known; wouldn’t have done c. I knew; wouldn’t have done

b. I’d know; didn’t do d. I’d have known; hadn’t done

18. If you … sales by over 15%, the company … you a performance bonus.

a. increase; will paid c. would increase; paid

b. increased; would pay d. had increased; will pay

19. If Mason … so short-sighted, he … the change in the figures at once.

a. wasn’t; would notice c. hadn’t been; would notice

b. hadn’t been; will have noticed d. weren’t; would have noticed

20. The meeting … called off if John … at the last moment.

a. would be; didn’t arrive c. were; wouldn’t arrive

b. would have been; hadn’t arrived d. had been; wouldn’t have arrived

V. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в требующейся форме:

1. What laws you (changewould change) if you (bewere) the Prime Minister?

2. Sometimes if you (taketake) a chance, it (paypays) off.

3. If our side (be) better prepared, we (succeed) in yesterday’s talks.

4. We (stop) the meeting now if there (be) nothing else to discuss.

5. They (survive) that awful recession if they (invest) in new technology.

6. Just imagine what chaos there (be) if we (live) in a society without laws!

7. If he (tell) me about his resignation earlier, I (hire) someone else for his position.

8. If the election campaign (not be) a success, he (not be) in power now.

9. Will you inform them that if they (not settle) their account, we (have) to take them to court?

10. As a rule we (not employ) people unless they (be) experienced and eager to work hard.

11. If I (be) you, I (not waste) time. I would learn foreign languages. It’s very important for getting a good job.

12. If you (look) carefully at your copy of the contract, you (see) that this clause applies to you.

13. If the complaints of the customer who came yesterday (be) well-grounded, his losses (compensate).

14. If they (promote) the brand better, they (gain) their share of market. But unfortunately, they can’t.

15. Unless we (meet) the debts by the end of December, we (force) to declare ourselves bankrupt.

16. If I (be) in your position, I (insist) on having more staff in the finance and accounts department.

17. Don’t you think if I (obtain) a Master of Business Administration degree, I (improve) my job prospects?

18. I have no idea what the other party is going to propose in the negotiations. ~ Neither do I. If I (know), I (tell) you.

19. If we (break) into the Western market, our turnover (increase) substantially. So we should do our best to implement this plan.

20. If we (pay) more attention to the company’s problems last month, we (not be) in such a situation now.

VI. Закончите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений и употребление глагольных форм для выражения нереальных действий после I wish:

1. If I inherited 10 million dollars …

2. If you have dreams …

3. I wish I could …

4. If I were the CEO of the company I work for …

5. If my company’s competitors offered me a good job …

6. If I were more industrious …

7. If I had more time time …

8. I wish my superior …

9. If I could have changed one thing in my life …

10. If I had started learning English earlier in my life …

11. We’ll probably make a loss this year …

12. If I governed my country …

13. I wish the world …

14. If I could buy myself a skill …

15. If I were given $10000 to save, spend or invest in just one day …

Неличные формы глагола

Неличные формы глагола, к которым относятся инфинитив, причастие и герундий не имеют грамматических признаков лица, числа и наклонения. Они лишь указывают на соотнесенность во времени, то есть является ли выраженное ими действие одновременным с действием сказуемого или предшествует ему. Подобно личным формам глагола, неличные формы могут употребляться в действительном и страдательном залоге. Например:

It is wonderful to love and to be loved. – Прекрасно любить и быть любимым. (инфинитивы)

The man living upstairs got his carsmashed up in an accident. – Мужчина, живущий на верхнем этаже, разбил свою машину в аварии. (причастия)

The file has finished downloading. – Файл закончил загрузку. (герундий)

Инфинитив, причастие и герундий образуются от глагола и имеют одинаковое с ним лексическое значение. Каждая неличная форма, помимо свойств глагола, обладает свойствами какой-либо другой части речи. Например, инфинитив и герундий обладают некоторыми свойствами имени существительного, а причастия I и II – некоторыми свойствами прилагательного.

Не изменяясь по лицам и числам, инфинитив, причастие и герундий не могут согласовываться с подлежащим и, следовательно, никогда не употребляются в предложении в функции простого глагольного сказуемого. При этом глаголы в неличной форме могут выполнять функции других членов предложения: подлежащего, части составного сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства или определения.


Инфинитив – это неличная форма глагола, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа, ни реального времени его осуществления. Английский инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме глагола, которая отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать?: to read – читать, прочитать, to hear – слышать, услышать и т. п. Отличительным признаком инфинитива является частица to.

Употребление инфинитива

1) Инфинитив употребляется после определенных глаголов:

to afford – позволить себе to agree – соглашаться to aim – стремиться to appear – казаться to ask – просить to choose – выбирать to claim – заявлять to decide – решать to demand – требовать to expect – ожидать to fail – терпеть неудачу to guarantee – гарантировать to hope – надеяться to intend – намереваться to manage – удаваться to offer – предлагать to plan – планировать to prepare – подготавливать to promise – обещать to refuse – отказывать to seem – казаться to tend – иметь тенденцию to threaten – угрожать to wait – ждать to want – хотеть to wish – желать


We cannot afford to buy a new car. – Мы не можем позволить себе купить новую машину.

2) Инфинитив употребляется после многих прилагательных, выражающих чувства, отношение к действию, качество и т.п.:

able – способный afraid – боящийся anxious – сильно желающий careful – внимательный dangerous – опасный difficult – трудный disappointed – огорченный easy – нетрудный glad – радостный happy – счастливый hard – трудный important – важный (im)possible – (не)возможный lucky – удачливый necessary – необходимый nice – хороший pleased – довольный proud – гордый ready – готовый safe – безопасный sorry – сожалеющий surprised – удивленный willing – охотно делающий wrong – неправильный


It’s important to make a good impression on the clients. – Важно произвести хорошее впечатление на клиентов.

3) Инфинитив употребляется после многих существительных:

ability – способность agreement – соглашение attempt – попытка chance – шанс decision – решение idea – идея intention – намерение need – необходимость offer – предложение opportunity – возможность order – приказ permission – разрешение place – место plan – план pleasure – удовольствие promise – обещание proposal – предложение reason – причина refusal – отказ right – право tendency – тенденция time – время, пора way – способ wish – желание


I did not have an opportunity to talk to him. – У меня не было возможности поговорить с ним.

4) Инфинитив употребляется после наречий too (слишком) и enough(достаточно). Например:

She is too young to vote in the election. – Она слишком молода, чтобы голосовать на выборах.

We did not have enough time to prepare for the exam. – У нас было недостаточно времени, чтобы подготовиться к экзамену.

He is experienced enough to be a chairman. – Он достаточно опытный,ю чтобы быть председателем.

5) Инфинитив употребляется после относительных местоимений who, what, which, where, when, how. Например:

I don’t know what to do and whom to address. – Я не знаю, что делать и к кому обратиться.

6) Инфинитив употребляется после местоимений somebody, anyone, nothing, a lot и т.п. Например:

I have something to tell you. – Мне нужно кое-что сказать вам.

There was no one to turn to. – Не к кому было обратиться.

7) Инфинитив употребляется после порядковых числительных (the first – первый,the second – второй и др.), после прилагательных в превосходной степени(the best – самый лучший и др.), а также после слов next (следующий),last (последний), only(единственный). Например:

He is always the firstto come and the lastto leave. ­– Он всегда приходит первым и уходит последним.

I was the only one to notice it. – Я был единственным, кто это заметил.

8) Инфинитив употребляется в некоторых устойчивых выражениях:

to be honest – честно говоря

to begin with – для начала

to cut a long story short – короче говоря

to get to the point – переходить к сути дела

to put it another way – другими словами

to tell (you) the truth – по правде сказать

Употребление инфинитива без частицы to

1) Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется после модальных глаголов can / could (мочь), may / might (разрешать), must (должен), should (следует), за исключением модальных глаголов have to (должен), be to (должен) и ought to (следует). Например:

He can speak several languages. – Он умеет говорить на нескольких языках.

We must congratulate them. – Мы должны их поздравить.

She will have totellme the truth. – Ей придется сказать мне правду.

2) Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется после глаголов to let (позволять) и to make (заставлять), например:

Let me use your phone. – Разреши мне воспользоваться твоим телефоном.

The boss madehim stay overtime. – Босс заставил его остаться сверхурочно.

Однако если глагол to make употребляется в форме страдательного залога, его сопровождает инфинитив с частицейto, например:

He was made to stay overtime. – Его заставили остаться сверхурочно.

3) Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется после глаголов, выражающих восприятие посредством органов чувств:

to feel – чувствовать to hear – слышать to notice – замечать to observe – следить to see – видеть to watch – наблюдать


Everyone saw him leave his office at 6. – Все видели, как он вышел из офиса в 6 часов.

Однако если глаголы чувственного восприятия употреблены в форме страдательного залога, за ними следует инфинитив с частицей to. Например:

He was seen to leave his office at 6. – Видели, как он вышел из офиса в 6.

4) После выражений had better, would rather(лучше бы) частица to перед инфинитивом не употребляется. Например:

You had better notrun the risk. – Ты бы лучшене рисковал.

I would rathergo home. – Я бы лучше пошел домой.

5) Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется после вопросительных слов Why(зачем, с какой стати) или Why not(почему бы не). Например:

Why get upset about little things? – Зачем расстраиваться по пустякам?

Why not take a few days off? – Почему бы не взять несколько выходных?

Формы инфинитива

Форма Действительный залог Страдательный залог
Simple to write to be written
Continuous to be writing
Perfect to have written to have been written
Perfect Continuous to have been writing

Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится перед инфинитивом (перед частицей to): She asked me not to lock the door. – Она попросила меня не запирать дверь.

Инфинитив в форме Simple обозначает действие, которое происходит одновременно с действием глагола-сказуемого, либо относится к будущему: I managed to settle the account in time. – Я смог оплатить счет вовремя. I don’t like to be asked questions. – Я не люблю, когда мне задают вопросы. I hope to return your hospitalitysoon. – Я надеюсь, что скоро отвечу на ваше гостеприимство.

Инфинитив в форме Continuous обозначает длительное действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого: He must be drawing up the annual report now. – Он, должно быть, сейчас готовит годовой отчет.

Инфинитив в форме Perfect обозначает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого: I am glad to have helped you. – Я рад, что помог вам.

Инфинитив в форме Perfect Continuous обозначает длительное действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого: He is known to have been working on this problem for many years. – Известно, что он работает над этой проблемой много лет.

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